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Les trois mousquetaires, Volume 2 (of 2)Les trois mousquetaires, Volume 2 (of 2)Lheure venue, on se rendit, avec les quatre laquais, derrire le Luxembourg, dans un enclos abandonn aux chvres. Athos donna une pice de monnaie au chevrier pour quil scartt. Les laquais furent chargs de faire sentinelle. 2 Mais...
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A ReapingA ReapingOF all subjects under or over the sun, there is none perhaps, even including bimetallism, or the lengthy description of golf-links which one has never seen, so utterly below possible zones of interest as that of health. Health, of course, matters quite enormously...
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The Westminster AliceThe Westminster AliceHave you ever seen an Ineptitude? asked the Cheshire Cat suddenly; the Cat was nothing if not abrupt. Not in real life, said Alice. Have you any about here?{4} A few, answered the Cat comprehensively. Over there, for instance, it added, contracting...
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The Long Ages Ago Series, volume 1Pic the Weapon-MakerIt has been the tendency of certain anthropologists, of most popular writers, and of most artists in Europe and America to represent the men of the Old Stone Age as scarcely raised above the level of the brutes. I have protested against...
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Lips Tullian und seine RaubgenossenLips Tullian und seine Raubgenossen - Eine romantische Schilderung der Thaten dieses furchtbaren Räuberhauptmanns und seiner Bande, welche im Anfange des 18. Jahrhunderts ganz Sachsen, Böhmen und Schlesien mit Furcht, Schrecken und Entsetzen erfüllteDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1854 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit...
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Haworth'sHaworth'sTwenty years ago! Yes, twenty years ago this very day, and there were men among them who remembered it. Only two, however, and these were old men whose day was passed and who would soon be compelled to give up work. Naturally upon this...
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The Great Invasion of 1813-14; or, After LeipzigThe Great Invasion of 1813-14; or, After Leipzig - Being a story of the entry of the allied forces into Alsace and Lorraine, and their march upon Paris after the Battle of Leipzig, called the Battle of the Kings and NationsIf you would like...
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When You Were a BoyWhen You Were a BoyFAT DAY was captain and pitcher. He was captain because, if he was not, he wouldnt play, and inasmuch as he owned the ball, this would have been disastrous; and he was pitcher because he was captain. In the North...
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The Bar-Twenty ThreeThe Bar-20 ThreeTranscriber's Notes: Blank pages have been eliminated. Variations in spelling and hyphenation have been left as in the original. A few typographical errors have been corrected. The cover page was created by the transcriber and can be considered public domain. Idaho Norton,...
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The Princess SophiaThe Princess SophiaTHE independent principality of Rhodop lies, as everyone knows, on the wooded coast-line of Albania. Its territory, no greater than the area of the English counties palatine, is triangular in shape, the base of the triangle (a line some twenty miles long...
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Zwei StädteZwei StädteDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1859/60 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Ungewhnliche, altertmliche und regional gefrbte Ausdrcke wurden nicht korrigiert; fremdsprachliche Zitate und Ausdrcke wurden unverndert bernommen, sofern die Verstndlichkeit dadurch nicht beeintrchtigt wird. Inkonsistente Schreibweisen (z.B. erwidern/erwiedern; fnfzig/funfzig;...
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Fabiola eli katakombien kirkkoFabiola eli katakombien kirkkoI. iti ja poika. II. Pakanallinen ylimys-asunto. III. Erilaisia vieraita. IV. Yllisin hetkin. V. Susi ja kettu. VI. Fabiola ja hnen orjansa. VII. Huvila ja sen asukkaat. VIII. Lankeemus. IX. Katakombit. X. Ers kokous keisarin palatsissa. XI. Suruhuoneesta huvilalle. XII. Edikti....
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Les trois pirates (1/2)Les trois pirates (1/2)En composant ce nouvel ouvrage, j'ai voulu mettre en prsence et en opposition trois hommes agissant avec la plus entire libert, sous l'influence de causes diverses, pour arriver au mme but ou plutt au mme crime. L'un de mes personnages est...
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Cardenio: Scènes de la Vie MexicaineCardenio: Scènes de la Vie MexicaineLe Texas, qui fait aujourd'hui partie de la Confdration des tats-Unis du Nord, auxquels il s'est librement donn aprs s'tre, en 1845, spar du Mexique, est encore, l'heure o nous crivons ces pages, une des contres les moins connues...
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The Adventures of an Ugly GirlThe Adventures of an Ugly GirlThey Act Like Magic on the Vital Organs, Regulating the Secretions, restoring long lost Complexion, bringing back the Keen Edge of Appetite, and arousing with the ROSEBUD OF HEALTH the whole physical energy of the human frame. These Facts...
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Home Life in Russia, Volumes 1 and 2Home Life in Russia, Volumes 1 and 2 - [Dead Souls]In laying before English readers a Work, of which the scene is exclusively laid in Russia, and which, it is confidently anticipated, will be recognised as furnishing a most interesting and graphic account of...
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Les chasseurs mexicains: Scènes de la vie mexicaineLes chasseurs mexicains: Scènes de la vie mexicaineDepuis la pseudo-dcouverte du Nouveau-Monde, par Christophe Colomb, deux pays de cet immense continent ont eu, au dtriment des autres, le privilge de concentrer sur eux seuls la curiosit des chercheurs d'aventures et la sympathie des penseurs....
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La madre naturaleza (2ª parte de Los pazos de Ulloa)La madre naturaleza (2ª parte de Los pazos de Ulloa)Las nubes, amontonadas y de un gris amoratado, como de tinta desleda, fueron juntndose, juntndose, sin duda cnclave, en las alturas del cielo, deliberando si se desharan no se desharan en chubasco. Resueltas finalmente lo...
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Murhattu urkkija: SalapoliisiromaaniMurhattu urkkija: SalapoliisiromaaniAsbjrn Krag ei saattanut muistaa, ett hnen luonaan koskaan oli kynyt asiakkaita, joista hn niin suuressa mrin, ja aivan silmnrpyksess, olisi saanut varman tunteen, ett oli huijarien kanssa tekemisiss kun herrojen Anders Andersonin ja John Inderdalen astuessa illalla tammikuun 24 pivn hnen...
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Rose and RoseRose and RoseFifty years ago, when I was a young medical student, I was in the habit of spending as many week-ends as possible at home with my father, to whose practice I was one day to succeed. On a certain Saturday the only...
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