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Illustrated Michelin Guides to the Battle-Fields (1914 1918)The Battle of Verdun (1914-1918)The Comit du Ravitaillement des Rfugies, whose headquarters are at the Collge, Rue St. Paul (see Guide, p.31 and 33), has installed a refectory and dormitory in the Collge. The Comit supplies tourists with the addresses of private persons who...
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The East India Vade-Mecum, Volume 1 (of 2)The East India Vade-Mecum, Volume 1 (of 2) - or, complete guide to gentlemen intended for the civil, military, or naval service of the East India Company.In the volumes now offered to the public, it has been my zealous endeavour to supply those minuti...
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The Fortunes of GarinThe Fortunes of GarinWithout blazed autumn sunshine, strong as summer sunshine in northern lands. Within the cathedral dusk ruled, rich and mysterious. The sanctuary light burned, a star. The candles were yet smoking, the incense yet clung, thick and pungent. Vanishing through the sacristy...
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Lucrezia Borgia: MurhenäytelmäLucrezia Borgia: MurhenäytelmäJoseph Lopold Sigisbert Hugo oli napoleonilainen upseeri. Hnen poikansa Victor Marie Hugo syntyi helmikuun 26 piv 1802 Besanonissa. Victor Hugon kehitys romantikkona alkoi jo varsin varhain. Jo lapsena hn vanhempainsa mukana oleskeli Italiassa ja Espanjassa, ja niden maiden luonto ja olot painoivat...
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The Story of Don John of AustriaThe Story of Don John of AustriaIn one of the addresses delivered at the time of Padre Coloma's admission to the Real Academia Espaola there is a reference to Jeromn, as this Story of Don John of Austria is called in Spanish, which says...
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Pygmies and Papuans: The Stone Age Today in Dutch New GuineaPygmies & Papuans: The Stone Age To-day in Dutch New GuineaThe wonderful fauna of New Guinea, especially the marvellous forms of Bird- and Insect-life to be found there, have long attracted the attention of naturalists in all parts of the world. The exploration of...
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From Farm Boy to SenatorFrom Farm Boy to Senator - Being the History of the Boyhood and Manhood of Daniel WebsterBut thirty years have elapsed since the death of Daniel Webster, and there is already danger that, so far as young people are concerned, he will become an...
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Occoneechee, the Maid of the Mystic LakeOcconeechee, the Maid of the Mystic LakeRealizing that the memory of a nation is best kept aglow by its songs and the writings of its poets, I have been inspired to write OCCONEECHEE, in order that the once powerful nation known as the Cherokee...
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A Manual of Historic OrnamentA Manual of Historic Ornament - Treating upon the evolution, tradition, and development of architecture and other applied arts. Prepared for the use of students and craftsmenTHIS manual has been prepared with the three-fold object of giving an elementary knowledge of Architecture and Historic...
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Star of IndiaStar of IndiaThe rustic portion of the congregation shouted the familiar hymn with laborious goodwill, overpowering the more cultivated voices that rose from the chancel and the front pewsalmost defeating the harsh notes wrung from the harmonium by the village schoolmistress, who also led...
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The History of the Indian Revolt and of the Expeditions to Persia, China and Japan, 1856-7-8The History of the Indian Revolt and of the Expeditions to Persia, China and Japan, 1856-7-8 Scarcely had England recovered from the excitement attendant on the war with Russia; scarcely had she counted the cost, provided for the expenditure, reprobated the blunderings, mourned over...
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Bell's English History Source BooksImperialism and Mr. Gladstone (1876-1887)This series of English History Source Books is intended for use with any ordinary textbook of English History. Experience has conclusively shown that such apparatus is a valuablenay, an indispensableadjunct to the history lesson. It is capable of two main...
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The Gentleman's Magazine, January 1731The Gentleman's Magazine, January 1731 - Or, Trader's Monthly IntelligencerMr. Oldcastle having begun his remarks on the conduct of the Kings of England, to shew how the spirit of Faction, and the spirit of Liberty had exerted themselves at different times and occasions, had...
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Life of Joseph Brant—Thayendanegea (Vol. II)Life of Joseph Brant—Thayendanegea (Vol. II) - Including the Border Wars of the American Revolution and Sketches of the Indian Campaigns of Generals Harmar, St. Clair, and Wayne; And Other Matters Connected with the Indian Relations of the United States and Great Britain, from...
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Some Irish YesterdaysSome Irish YesterdaysAn Outpost of Ireland Picnics Boon Companions The Biography of a Pump Hunting Mahatmas A Patrick's Day Hunt Alsatia "In Sickness and in Health" Horticultural Out of Hand A Record of Holiday Lost, Stolen, or Strayed Children of the Captivity Slipper's A...
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Kammweg-Führer von der Jeschkenkoppe bei Reichenberg bis zum Rosenberg bei TetschenKammweg-Führer von der Jeschkenkoppe bei Reichenberg bis zum Rosenberg bei Tetschen - mit Berücksichtigung der anschliessenden KammwegeMit Beschlu der nebenstehend verzeichneten Gebirgs- und Naturvereine in der Versammlung zu Warnsdorf am 13. Mrz 1904 wurde dem Gefertigten die Verfassung und Herausgabe eines kleinen Fhrers auf...
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Bell's English History Source BooksPeace and Reform (1815-1837)This series of English History Source Books is intended for use with any ordinary textbook of English History. Experience has conclusively shown that such apparatus is a valuablenay, an indispensableadjunct to the history lesson. It is capable of two main uses:...
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Lexique comparé de la langue de Molière et des écrivains du XVIIe siècleLexique comparé de la langue de Molière et des écrivains du XVIIe siècleVoici un livre sur la langue du plus admirable crivain qui jamais ait fait parler la raison et lesprit en franais. On vit chez lui, de niveau, le caractre de lhomme et...
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Samurai Trails: A Chronicle of Wanderings on the Japanese High RoadSamurai Trails: A Chronicle of Wanderings on the Japanese High RoadIt was spring and it was Spain. Sunset brought the white-haired custodian of the Court of the Lions to the balcony overhanging my fountain. His blue coat bespoke officialdom but his Andalusian lisp veiled...
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Reisen in den PhilippinenReisen in den PhilippinenDie Reise, von der die folgenden Bltter berichten, wurde in den Jahren 1859 und 1860 unternommen, durch unvorherzusehende Umstnde aber pltzlich abgebrochen, lange bevor die gesteckten Ziele erreicht waren. Der Wunsch, das Begonnene spter fortzusetzen, ging nicht in Erfllung, veranlasste aber...
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