Explore a comprehensive selection of medical books, including medical medium books, dictionaries, and textbooks covering dermatology, human anatomy, physiology, surgery, and pediatrics.
Nobel Lectures in Physiology or Medicine (2016-2020)Physiology or medicine is the third prize category Alfred Nobel mentioned in his will. Nobel had an active interest in medical research. He came into contact with Swedish physiologist Jöns Johansson through Karolinska Institutet around 1890. Johansson worked for a brief period in Nobel's...
- €337,31 EUR
- €337,31 EUR
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The OTC HandbookAs patients and consumers, we often have OTC questions for our doctors and pharmacists. But what if there was a way to get answers from a pharmacist at your own convenience? Enter Aaron Hermann. As a retail pharmacist, Hermann has fielded countless queries from...
- €14,24 EUR
- €14,24 EUR
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The Dementia DoulaWendy Hall takes those aspiring to do and be more in the dementia space on a path of self-discovery and reflection. She challenges mindsets and encourages a different way of thinking for a better way forward. Through the creation of the Dementia Doula role,...
- €45,83 EUR
- €45,83 EUR
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Sacrificing America's Women: Defeating Breast Cancer the Lavender Way/ProcedureThe author asks if you know anyone or yourself who was diagnosed with breast cancer? If so, even if they made it the journey probably wasn't one they or you would want to repeat. What if it were possible to diagnose breast cancer at...
- €71,24 EUR
- €71,24 EUR
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Determined: How Burned Out Doctors Can Thrive in a Broken Medical SystemAmerica's broken medical system is breaking our doctors-even as they're lauded as heroes.Physician burnout annually costs the medical industry-run by insurance companies, administrators, and electronic record systems-$5 billion. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, 70% of physicians said they would not recommend a medical career...
- €26,74 EUR
- €26,74 EUR
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Selected Heritable Disorders of Connective Tissue and DisabilityHeritable disorders of connective tissue (HDCTs) are a diverse group of inherited genetic disorders and subtypes. Because connective tissue is found throughout the body, the impairments associated with HDCTs manifest in multiple body systems and may change or vary in severity throughout an affected...
- €70,24 EUR
- €70,24 EUR
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Update on Open Vascular Surgery, an Issue of Neurosurgery Clinics of North America: Volume 33-4In this issue of Neurosurgery Clinics, guest editor Dr. Michael T. Lawton brings his considerable expertise to the topic of Update on Open Vascular Surgery. The field of open vascular neurosurgery has undergone significant change as endovascular technologies have advanced and endovascular market share...
- €294,37 EUR
- €294,37 EUR
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Breastfeeding Handbook for Physicians, 3rd EdThe Breastfeeding Handbook for Physicians, 3rd Edition, is the definitive resource on breastfeeding initiation, maintenance, support, and advocacy. Jointly developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), this must-have handbook features the most important and...
- €142,02 EUR
- €142,02 EUR
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New Insights Into DNA Damage and RepairDNA damage refers to an abnormal chemical structure in DNA. It hinders the proper working of the replication mechanism and causes alterations in the structure of the genetic material. The group of processes through which the identification and correction of damage to the DNA...
- €260,62 EUR
- €260,62 EUR
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Advances in Neuroscience: Neural Developments in HumansThe scientific study of the nervous system is referred to as neuroscience. It is a multidisciplinary field that combines anatomy, physiology, developmental biology, molecular biology, cytology, mathematical modeling and computer science to understand the fundamentals of neurons and neural circuits. Neurons are the specialized...
- €263,74 EUR
- €263,74 EUR
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Calcium SignalingCalcium signaling is a step in signal transduction that makes use of calcium ions to communicate and drive intracellular processes. Calcium ions play an important role in cellular signaling because when they enter the cytosol of the cell, they exert allosteric effects on many...
- €252,81 EUR
- €252,81 EUR
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Biomechanical Evaluation of Movement in Sport and ExerciseBiomechanics refers to the examination of the structure, function and movement associated with mechanical aspects of the biological system. In order to study the human movement in sports and exercise, the laws and principles of mechanical physics as well as the elements of gait...
- €228,30 EUR
- €228,30 EUR
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Mental Health Practice: A Case-Based ApproachThe behavioral, cognitive and emotional well-being of a person falls under mental health. It has a wide range of impacts, affecting physical health, relationships and daily life. The mental health of a person can be negatively affected by conditions such as stress, depression and...
- €301,41 EUR
- €301,41 EUR
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Occupational Therapy: Advanced Concepts and TechniquesThe branch of health care which assists people who suffer from sensory, physical or cognitive issues is termed as occupational therapy. The challenges related to emotional and social needs are addressed within this field. People who suffer from sensory processing disorders, birth defects, autism,...
- €252,81 EUR
- €252,81 EUR
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Public Health: Ethics and Drug ResistanceThe decrease in the effectiveness of a drug, while treating a disease, is termed as drug resistance. The resistance to antibiotics is generally observed in cases where the medication focuses a specific bacteria molecule. The specificity of the drug can result in it becoming...
- €252,81 EUR
- €252,81 EUR
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Total Hip Replacement: Techniques and ComplicationsTotal hip replacement is a surgical procedure which is used to treat fracture, arthritis or other conditions which restrict the movement of the hip joint. The surgery involves removing and replacing the damaged cartilage and bone with prosthetic components. The hip joint implants are...
- €257,51 EUR
- €257,51 EUR
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T-Cell ImmunologyT cells are a type of white blood cells that play an important role in the adaptive immune response. T cell receptors are present on the surface of T cells which distinguish them from the other cells. The T cells are formed in the...
- €257,51 EUR
- €257,51 EUR
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Veterinary Infection: Causes, Diagnosis and ControlInfections majorly arise due to the invasion and proliferation of microorganisms, typically bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoans. Infections not only affect animal health but also transmit the causative agents to mankind. These infections arise majorly due to poor sanitation and invasion of infected animals...
- €243,45 EUR
- €243,45 EUR
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Advice From a Parkinson's Wife: 20 Lessons Learned the Hard Way LARGE PRINTLARGE PRINT EDITION More than ten million people worldwide live with Parkinson's disease, and their spouses are most likely to be their primary caregivers. The transition from spouse to caregiver is not an easy one, often causing frustration, resentment, sadness, fear, and concern about...
- €28,52 EUR
- €28,52 EUR
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When Winter Came: A Country Doctor's Journey to Fight the Flu Pandemic of 1918Maintain isolation - practice good hygiene - wear a mask - be kind. We all know these methods of fighting COVID-19, but this prescription comes from the 1918 experience of Dr. Pierre Sartor, who battled the worldwide influenza pandemic in his small town of...
- €33,61 EUR
- €33,61 EUR
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