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Studies in Modern Music, Second SeriesStudies in Modern Music, Second Series - Frederick Chopin, Antonin Dvořák, Johannes Brahms Dr Parry'The Art of Music.' Sir George Grove'Dictionary of Music and Musicians,' particularly Mr Fuller-Maitland's article on Dvok. 'Life of Chopin,' by Liszt. 'Life and Letters of Chopin,' by Moritz Karasowski....
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Franz LisztFranz LisztThis book, projected in 1902, was at that time announced as a biography of Liszt. However, a few tentative attacks upon the vast amount of raw material soon convinced me that to write the ideal life of the Hungarian a man must be...
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Harpsichords and ClavichordsHarpsichords and ClavichordsThe harpsichord and the clavichord represent the two most important types of stringed keyboard instruments used from the 15th through the 18th centuries. By the 19th century, the piano had become the most important domestic keyboard instrument. In this booklet are described...
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Musiciens d'autrefoisMusiciens d'autrefoisLa musique commence seulement prendre dans lhistoire gnrale la place qui lui est due. Chose trange quon ait pu prtendre donner un aperu de lvolution de lesprit humain, en ngligeant une de ses plus profondes expressions. Mais ne savons-nous pas combien les autres...
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HandelHandelHERE in England we are supposed to know our Handel by heart, but it is doubtful whether we do. Who can say from memory the titles of even six of his thirty-nine operas, from whence may be culled many of his choicest flowers of...
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Nicolo Paganini: His Life and WorkNicolo Paganini: His Life and WorkThe author of this work did not live to see the final sheets in print. Although it has not received his revision, yet the book has had careful editing. Mr. Stratton did not undertake the Life of Paganini without...
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The Secrets of a SavoyardThe Secrets of a SavoyardLytton represents a distinct type on our musical comedy stage. No other artiste, I think, has quite that gift of wit which makes one not merely a happier, but a better, man for coming under its spell. Its touch is...
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Letters of Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy from Italy and SwitzerlandLetters of Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy from Italy and SwitzerlandLast year a paragraph was inserted in the newspapers, requesting any one who possessed letters from Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy to send them to Professor Droysen, or to myself, with the view of completing a selection from...
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Piano Playing, with Piano Questions AnsweredPiano Playing, with Piano Questions AnsweredThis little book purposes to present a general view of artistic piano-playing and to offer to young students the results of such observations as I have made in the years of my own studies, as well as of the...
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UnicornsUnicornsThe original punctuation and spelling were retained, with the exception of a few printer's mistakes. The text contains also inconsistently spelled words. The full list of both changes to the text and the inconsistencies in spelling can be found at the end of this...
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Life of BeethovenLife of Beethoven - Including his correspondence with his friends, numerous characteristic traits, and remarks on his musical worksDURING the painful illness of full four months which terminated in the death of Ludwig van Beethoven, he was one day conversing with Hofrath von Breuning...
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Religious Folk-Songs of the Southern NegroesReligious Folk-Songs of the Southern NegroesTo know the soul of a people and to find the source from which flows the expression of folk-thought is to comprehend in a large measure the capabilities of that people. To obtain the truest expression of the folk-mind...
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Arnoldiana, ou Sophie Arnould et ses contemporaines;Arnoldiana, ou Sophie Arnould et ses contemporaines; - recueil choisi d'Anecdotes piquantes, de Réparties et de bons Mots de Mlle Arnould précédé d'une notice sur sa vie précédé d'une Notice sur sa Vie et sur l'Académie impériale de Musique.Il en est des ana comme...
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Index to Kindergarten Songs Including Singing Games and Folk SongsIndex to Kindergarten Songs Including Singing Games and Folk SongsThis index, the plan of which is similar to that of the well known Granger index to recitations, was suggested by demands from St. Louis kindergartners for the location of songs for which they were...
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Great Opera StoriesGreat Opera Stories - Taken from Original Sources in Old GermanOnce upon a time, in a lonely glade between high mountains far, far above the World of Men, there stood a hut. It was a miserable, tumbledown, little hut, and the mosses of many...
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Martha or, The Fair at RichmondMartha; or, The Fair at RichmondEverything of value in the musical score has been retained in the present edition. All dull and uninteresting numbers and tedious unnecessary repetitions have been left out, while the valuable music of the opera has been retained and the...
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The Great Musicians: Rossini and His SchoolThe Great Musicians: Rossini and His School(1) To present in a connected and historical form a view of the contributions made to Philosophy by English thinkers, together with such biographical details as their life and times may render expedient. To each Philosopher will be...
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Aspects of Modern Opera: Estimates and InquiriesAspects of Modern Opera: Estimates and InquiriesSince that day when, a quarter of a century ago, Richard Wagner ceased to be a dynamic figure in the life of the world, the history of operatic art has been, save for a few conspicuous exceptions, a...
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The History of Mendelssohn's Oratorio 'Elijah'The History of Mendelssohn's Oratorio 'Elijah'It is fifty years since Mendelssohn's "Elijah" was first performed. The place was Birmingham: the date August 26, 1846. The Jubilee of this event provides a fitting opportunity for presenting a history of Mendelssohn's familiar oratorio. In compiling the...
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Lettres intimesLettres intimesIl y a, dans l'humanit, certains tres dous d'une sensibilit particulire, qui n'prouvent rien de la mme faon ni au mme degr que les autres, et pour qui l'exception devient la rgle. Chez eux, les particularits de nature expliquent celles de leur vie,...
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