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Kirsti: SielunkuvausKirsti: SielunkuvausKirstill oli idistn kaksi eri kuvaa, toinen, joka vastasi nykyisyytt ja todellisuutta, ja toinen hmrmpi, joka lapsuuden aikaisimpiin aikoihin liittyi. Silt ajalta hnelle oli jnyt mieleen monta pient tapausta, joita myhemmin omituisella hellyydell muisteli, mutta tuskin uskoi tosiksi. Kerrankin is kotiin odottaessa oli...
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Őszi fény: Ujabb elbeszélésekŐszi fény: Ujabb elbeszélésekOtt vannak azok a lanks srengetegek, a melyekben mg a blny otthon van, ez a marhk se: az krk kztt a herczeg; msutt mind kipuszttottk mr egsz Eurpbl. Ezek most az orosz czr vadjai, s azokra csak a Romanowok s az...
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Kuloa ja kevättä: NovellejaKuloa ja kevättä: NovellejaJohan Magnus Hjelm, Rautlahden herra, selvitteli purjeveneens pohjalla toisiinsa tarttuneita ja sekaantuneita nuoria. Vene oli jo tynnetty teloiltaan ja keinuili kivien vliss pieness, kapeassa syvnteess, joka varta vasten oli kaivettu, sill ranta oli pitklt matalaa. Vasta niemen krjen kohdalla aukesi meri...
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Novelle NapolitaneNovelle Napolitane Queste novelle giovanili del Di Giacomo, scritte venticinque e pi anni fa, sono state finora pregiate da pochi perch note a pochi. Vero che, per compenso, il pregio in cui le hanno tenute quei pochi, cos alto da valere l'ammirazione dei molti....
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Megtörtént regék: BeszélyekMegtörtént regék: BeszélyekNhny nappal az eltt, hogy Nyry Pl borzasztan nagy elhatrozsval megrendt alattunk a fldet, egy unalmas rjban az orszggylsnek, a midn hrom-ngy hazabeszl sznok volt mg szlsra feljegyezve, a ki el nem ll, Nyry Pl is felkerekedett melllem a helyrl s azt...
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PatrinsPatrins - To Which Is Added an Inquirendo Into the Wit & Other Good Parts of His Late Majesty King Charles the SecondA patrin, according to Romano Lavo-Lil, is "a Gypsy trail: handfuls of leaves or grass cast by the Gypsies on the road,...
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A Minor Poet, and Other VerseA Minor Poet, and Other Verse Title: A Minor Poet, and Other Verse Author: Amy Levy Release Date: April 22, 2018 [EBook #57022] Language: English Credits: Produced by Chuck Greif, MWS and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net (This file was produced from...
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The Intimate Letters of Hester Piozzi and Penelope Pennington, 1788-1821The Intimate Letters of Hester Piozzi and Penelope Pennington, 1788-1821The letters included in this volume have been printed without alteration, except that some of Mrs. Piozzi's redundant initial capitals have been suppressed, and that her somewhat erratic punctuation has been, to a certain extent,...
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Papeis AvulsosPapeis AvulsosEste titulo de Papeis avulsos parece negar ao livro uma certa unidade; faz crer que o autor colligiu varios escriptos de ordem diversa para o fim de os no perder. A verdade essa, sem ser bem essa. Avulsos so elles, mas no vieram...
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Jack Chanty: A Story of AthabascaJack Chanty: A Story of Athabasca I. The Hair-cut II. The Company From "Outside" III. Talk by the Fire IV. The Conjuror V. Jack Hears About Himself VI. The Price of Sleep VII. An Emotional Crisis VIII. The Feminine Equation IX. Yellow Metal X....
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Pimeänpirtin hävitysPimeänpirtin hävitysMaantie, joka niill seuduin kulki, ei ollut mikn valtatie. Vhinen oli siin liike eik siit talvisin ajettu lumireke. Se oli rakennettu kyhin vuosina, jotta ihmiset saisivat leip. Se johti kirkolta sydnmaan kyliin. Mutta siit oli viel hyvn matkaa Kalle Aukustinpojan torpalle Pimenpirtin kankaalla....
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Sermons for the DaySermons for the DayWe live in very anxious times. Different phases of error are following each other with great rapidity, like waves before the gale on a stormy sea. A very short time ago we were deeply distressed by the sceptical tendencies of certain...
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Juha JoutsiaJuha JoutsiaKaiken viikkoa oli pidetty kiirett. Kokki, sotamiehen leski Emma Klinga, oli tuotu jo sunnuntaina, ja maanantaina hn oli isnnn, Kalle Kustaanpojan kanssa kynyt kaupungissa. Mahdottomat kuormat he sielt olivat tuoneet kotiin: kahvia, sokeria, vehnjauhoja, ryynej, vskynit, rusinoita ja kaikenlaisia ulkolaisia sokerileivoksia. Ja kuitenkin...
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Holden with the CordsHolden with the Cords In sending forth another book belonging to the class known as religious novels, the author is moved to say a word to the critics who received a former one with so pleasant a mixture of praise and deprecation. As one...
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Thoth: A RomanceThoth: A Romance Philetos lay dreamingdreaming that he was still hunting the lion. And it seemed to him that after slaying numbers of inferior animals, he lighted on one of an immense size, which, as soon as he came into view, fled to the...
- €5,93 EUR
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A London Plane-Tree, and Other VerseA London Plane-Tree, and Other Verse Title: A London Plane-Tree, and Other Verse Author: Amy Levy Release Date: April 13, 2018 [EBook #56974] Language: English Credits: Produced by Chuck Greif, MWS and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net (This file was produced from...
- €5,93 EUR
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Nincsen ördög A Magláy család A ki holta után áll boszutNincsen ördög; A Magláy család; A ki holta után áll boszutA nyolczvanas vekben a Szent-Gotthard vasutvonalon utaztam Prisnak. Az Olaszorszg fell jv utasok mr mind elfoglaltk a hlkocsiosztlyokat. Egy kis borraval seglyvel hozzjutottam egy flkuphoz, a hol jszakra (addig, a meddig) elhelyezkedhetm. Igaz, hogy...
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The Wheels of TimeThe Wheels of TimeStanding in the doorway the doctor could hear the agitated clang of the street-door bell, Stoddart crossing the hall; the opening and closing of the door, and Stoddart's subdued and sympathetic voice saying: "Step this way, please." A heavy, depressed foot...
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Poèmes et dessins de la fille née sans mère: 18 dessins, 51 poèmesPoèmes et dessins de la fille née sans mère: 18 dessins, 51 poèmes Merveilles naturelles plage de sable isole sous forme colossale pleine de calme utile. Ce soir la crainte salutaire dguise la vrit en croisant les jambes la queue. Ma maladie squelette de...
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