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The Deserted VillageThe Deserted Village The Illustrations in this Volume are copied, with permission, from a series of Etchings published some years since by the "Etching Club." Only a few impressions of that work were printed, the copper-plates were destroyed, and the book, except in a...
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Mrs Albert Grundy—Observations in PhilistiaMrs Albert Grundy—Observations in Philistia I suppose about the name there is no doubt. For sixty years we have followed that gifted gadabout and gossip, Heine, and called it Philistia. And yet, when one thinks of it, there may have been a mistake after...
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Charles Baudelaire: A StudyCharles Baudelaire: A StudyWhen Baudelaire is great, when his genius is at its highest point of imaginative creation, of imaginative criticism, it is never when he works by implicationas the great men who are pure artists (for instance, Shakespeare) work by implication onlybut always...
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Hauska asunto: Huvinäytelmä yhdessä näytöksessäHauska asunto: Huvinäytelmä yhdessä näytöksessäROUVA PERONIUS, leski, 55 v. vanha. AILI, 20 v. vanha, | hnen tyttrin. AINO, 15 v. vanha, | ARVO KUNNAS, konttoristi, 25 v. vanha. HETA, palvelustytt, 25 v. vanha. MIKA KARPPANEN, kuleksiva kanteleensoittaja. 60 v. vanha. (Nyttm esitt pient salia,...
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Herman Melville, Mariner and MysticHerman Melville, Mariner and MysticTo Professor Carl Van Doren, to Miss Cora Paget, and to Mrs. Eleanor Melville Metcalf, I am, in the writing of this book, very especially indebted. By Professor Van Dorens enthusiasm and scholarship I was instigated to a study of...
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Die Innerste: ErzählungDie Innerste: Erzählung Diese Geschichte handelt von einem Bach und zwei Mhlen und ist wahr. Es hat sich alles so zugetragen, wie es erzhlt werden wird: wer da meint, da es anders htte zu Ende gehen knnen, der erzhle es anders. Es waren drei...
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Höxter und Corvey: ErzählungHöxter und Corvey: Erzählung Wir haben unsern Lesern immer gern die Tageszeit geboten, aber so schwer wie diesmal ist uns das noch nie gemacht worden. In der Stadt Hxter waren die Turmuhren smtlicher Kirchen in Unordnung. St. Peter und St. Kilian zeigten falsch, St....
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Naimiskauppa: Yksinäytöksinen huvinäytelmäNaimiskauppa: Yksinäytöksinen huvinäytelmäHuone Vasaran asunnossa. Vasemmalla (nyttmlt katsoen) kaksi ikkunaa, joiden vliss sohva ja sen edess pyt ja kaksi nojatuolia; seinll, ikkunoiden vliss, taulu ja ikkunoiden edess kukkakoreja. Perll ovi, joka viepi puodin kautta kadulle. Oikeanpuolisessa pernurkassa trymoopeili, jonka pytlaudalla seisoo kaksi lasista kukkavaasia....
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La jeune fille bien élevéeLa jeune fille bien élevéeQu'elle est amusante et jolie, la rue Saint-Maurice Chinon! Elle s'en va, de-ci, de-l, sans plus d'assurance que la trace argente d'un limaon dans une alle de potager; c'est comme un sentier mi-cte, qui sait parfaitement o il mne, mais...
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The Story of WellingtonThe Story of WellingtonI work as hard as I can in every way in order to succeed. Wellington. I march to-morrow to follow Marshal Soult, and to prevent his army from becoming the noyau of a civil war in France. Thus writes Wellington to...
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Oxford Poetry, 1921Oxford Poetry, 1921The Editors of this years Oxford Poetry, the work of undergraduates who have been in residence since the date of the last collection, have attempted to make the volume more representative of Poetry and less representative merely of Oxford than its predecessors....
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Jack Straw: A Farce in Three ActsJack Straw: A Farce in Three ActsThe Performing Rights of this play are fully protected, and permission to perform it, whether by Amateurs or Professionals, must be obtained in advance from the authors Sole Agent, R. Golding Bright, 20 Green Street, Leicester Square, London,...
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Oxford Poetry, 1919Oxford Poetry, 1919OXFORD POETRY, 1914 (Out of Print) OXFORD POETRY, 1915 OXFORD POETRY, 1916 OXFORD POETRY, 1917 OXFORD POETRY, 1918 The following authors wish to make acknowledgment for permission kindly given to reprint: Mr. E. Dickinson, to the editor of Coterie; Mr. P. H....
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Oxford Poetry, 1920Oxford Poetry, 1920The following authors wish to make acknowledgment to the editors of the publications mentioned for permission kindly given to reprint: Mr. E. Blunden, The Nation (Forefathers), Voices (Sheet Lightning); Miss V. M. Brittain, The Oxford Chronicle (Boars Hill, and The Lament of...
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Kurimus y.m. kertomuksia ja kuvauksiaKurimus y.m. kertomuksia ja kuvauksiaAnnasta alkoi rautatien matka jo tuntua tuskallisen pitklt. Noustuaan junaan Myllymen asemalta, oli hn edellisen pivn nhnyt Tampereen tehtaineen savuineen ja Hmeenlinnan vanhoine linnoineen jvn taaksensa, ja hiukan vsyneen alituisesta istumisesta oli hn iltasella saapunut Riihimelle, jossa hnen tuli olla...
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Los RarosLos Raros - Obras Completas Vol. VIFuera de las notas sobre Mauclair y Adam, todo lo contenido en este libro fu escrito hace doce aos, en Buenos Aires, cuando en Francia estaba el simbolismo en pleno desarrollo. Me toc dar a conocer en Amrica...
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Vijftien dagen te Londen, op het einde van 1815Vijftien dagen te Londen, op het einde van 1815.Quinze jours1 a Londres a la fin de 1815, verscheen, voor eenige weinige maanden, [II]te Parijs in het licht, en werd daar met graagte ontvangen. De vrolijke schrijftrant van den auteur en het, hier en daar...
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Matkustus Brasiliassa: Kuvaus luonnosta ja kansoista BrasiliastaMatkustus Brasiliassa: Kuvaus luonnosta ja kansoista Brasiliasta1. Pivkirja matkalta Atlantin merell. 2. Rio de Janeirossa. 3. Vanhimmat tiedot Rio de Janeirosta. 4. Matkustus Minas Geraes maakuntaan. 5. Matkustus Queluz'in kaupunkiin. 6. Matkustus Caracan vuoristoon. 7. Caracan luostarissa. 8. Vaelluksilla Caracan vuoristossa. 9. Paluumatka Rio...
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Chroniques de J. Froissart, tome 2/13Chroniques de J. Froissart, tome 2/13Note sur la transcription: Les erreurs clairement introduites par le typographe ont t corriges. L'orthographe d'origine a t conserve et n'a pas t harmonise. Les numros des pages blanches n'ont pas t repris. Aucun volume ne pourra paratre sous...
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Early History of Blackwood's Edinburgh MagazineEarly History of Blackwood's Edinburgh MagazinePeople love to be shocked! That explains the present circulation of Life. It explains, too, the clamor with which Edinburgh received the October number of Blackwoods Edinburgh Magazine in 1817. For the first time in periodical history, the reading...
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