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Historia de la decadencia de EspañaHistoria de la decadencia de EspañaNota del Transcriptor: Se ha respetado la ortografa y la acentuacin del original. Errores obvios de imprenta han sido corregidos. Pginas en blanco han sido eliminadas. La portada fue diseada por el transcriptor y se considera dominio pblico. Deseando...
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Zwei Jahre in New-YorkZwei Jahre in New-York - Schilderung einer Seereise von Havre nach New-York und Charakteristik des New-Yorker politischen und socialen LebensEs wird keiner Entschuldigung bedrfen, da der Verfasser der folgenden Bogen mit einer Charakteristik des New-Yorker politischen und socialen Lebens vor das Publikum tritt. In...
- €5,88 EUR
- €5,88 EUR
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Charles Baudelaire, His LifeCharles Baudelaire, His Life "Close to your hand lies a little volume, bound in some Nile-green skin that has been pounded with gilded nenuphars, and smoothed with hard ivory. It is the book that Gautier loved, it is Baudelaire's masterpiece." OSCAR WILDE ("Intentions"). The...
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Un bel sognoUn bel sognoIo lo so, voi non la direte mai questa parola, e forse perla prima inarcherete le ciglia affettando di credere al romanzoNon importa; per quanto facciate, la vostra coscienza non la penser cos; nelle recondite fibre del vostro cuore, ve ne saranno...
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Le notti degli emigrati a LondraLe notti degli emigrati a LondraNon il romanzo storico. Non la storiaromanzo. la fantasia che circola nella storia vera e ne fa un dramma. Tutto vive sotto questo nuovo soffio: fatti, paesaggi, uomini. Gli enti fantastici che si caccian dentro agli avvenimenti reali sono...
- €5,88 EUR
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Brothers: The True History of a Fight Against OddsBrothers: The True History of a Fight Against OddsFIRST EDITION . . May 1904 Reprinted . . June 1904 Reprinted . . August 1904 Reprinted . . November 1904 Reprinted . . December 1904 Reprinted . . The same month Reprinted . . January...
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Le petit vieux des BatignollesLe petit vieux des BatignollesLa colle des affiches ntait pas sche encore, que M. J.-B.-Casimir Godeuil accourait, et que le Petit Journal traitait avec lui pour la publication du drame intitul le Petit Vieux des Batignolles qui commenait la srie de ses mmoires[A]. [A]...
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Trionfi di donna (novelle)Trionfi di donna (novelle) NB. Il primo titolo di questo libro era Trionfi di Eva, null'altro intendendo l'Autore per questo nome se non indicare con voce generica la Donna: ma considerando che talora il nome di Eva, e specialmente in certa letteratura da trivio,...
- €5,88 EUR
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Baudelaire: His Prose and PoetryBaudelaire: His Prose and Poetry CONTENTS AVE ATQUE VALE. A Poem by A. C. Swinburne 1 PREFACE 9 CHARLES BAUDELAIRE. A study by F. P. Sturm 11 POEMS IN PROSE. Translated by Arthur Symons The Favours of the Moon 39 Which is True? 40...
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Ainslee's magazine, Volume 16, No. 3, October, 1905Ainslee's magazine, Volume 16, No. 3, October, 1905THE studio in Numero rue Boissonade had on its holiday togs: model stand covered with rugs, tea table much in evidence, framed picture on the easel, and lilacs enough in the great brass bowl in the corner...
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Ainslee's magazine, Volume 16, No. 2, September, 1905Ainslee's magazine, Volume 16, No. 2, September, 1905THE total, began Jacob Willoughby, adjusting his pince-nez and regarding with near-sighted attention the scrap of paper he had selected from a little white heap on the table in front of himthe total is just four thousand...
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SyvyydestäSyvyydestäHe olivat kumpikin jo aivan harmaita nuo vanhukset, jotka laahustavin askelin kulkivat tomuista maantiet kaupunkia kohden. Puoliksi sulkeutunein silmin he tuijottivat tylssti eteens, ja niin tavaton voimattomuus ja nntymys kuvastui heidn liikkeistn, kuin he olisivat olleet maahan vaipumaisillaan. He muistuttivat lhinn vanhaa, loppuunajettua hevosparia....
- €5,88 EUR
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Dimbie and I—and AmeliaDimbie and I—and Amelia The chestnut in the frog-pond field at the bottom of the garden is holding forth eager arms, crowned with little sticky, swelling buds, to the white, warm light. The snowdrops and crocuses have raised their pretty faces for a caress,...
- €5,88 EUR
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La Puce de Mme DesrochesLa Puce de Mme DesrochesNote sur la transcription: Les erreurs clairement introduites par le typographe ont t corriges. L'orthographe d'origine a t conserve et n'a pas t harmonise. Les numros des pages blanches n'ont pas t repris. Le seizime sicle a t par excellence...
- €5,88 EUR
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Adam Hepburn's Vow: A Tale of Kirk and CovenantAdam Hepburn's Vow: A Tale of Kirk and CovenantTowards the close of a bleak grey February afternoon, in the year 1638, a small party of travellers might have been seen approaching Edinburgh by the high road from Glasgow. It consisted of a sturdy brown...
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Il libro di Don ChisciotteIl libro di Don Chisciotte Sar, giorno pi giorno meno, un anno, io ritornai a Roma dalla Calabria, ove avevo bevuto del buon vino di Sambiase e scritto alcuni miei pensieri intorno agli ultimi nefasti della novellistica italiana che a moltissima gente, anche non...
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Der Schwierige: Lustspiel in drei AktenDer Schwierige: Lustspiel in drei Akten Hans Karl Bhl Crescence, seine Schwester Stani, ihr Sohn Helene Altenwyl Altenwyl Antoinette Hechingen Hechingen Neuhoff Edine } Nanni } Antoinettes Freundinnen Huberta } Agathe, Kammerjungfer Neugebauer, Sekretr Lukas, erster Diener bei Hans Karl. Vinzenz, ein neuer Diener....
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Bouvard and Pécuchet: A Tragi-comic Novel of Bourgeois Life, part 2Bouvard and Pécuchet: A Tragi-comic Novel of Bourgeois Life, part 2 IT WOULD perhaps make criticism easier, if, before giving our opinion, we should make known our preferences. To omit this preliminary distinction is a great injustice, as every book contains a peculiarity pertaining...
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Le dernier des commis voyageursLe dernier des commis voyageurs. Par Louis Reybaud Il ne semble pas qu'il ait t publi, ce jour, sans aucun autre soutien, bien qu'il ait paru dans "Nouvelles de Louis Reybaud" (1852), avec trois autres nouvelles, et en 1856 avec une histoire courte "Les...
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Racconti e novelleRacconti e novelleDesidero che i miei contemporanei siano informati, come e qualmente abbia esistito a Milano un esercente di Caff-restaurant, il quale ad un giovane orribilmente compromesso nella opinione pubblica dalla sua duplice professione di giornalista e di poeta, per oltre un anno diede...
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