Old Is Gold
The Age of TennysonThe Age of TennysonThe epoch of literature which opened about the year 1830 is perhaps best described, in the first place, by negatives. It is distinguished from the previous period, when the spirit which gave rise to the French Revolution was dominant, by the...
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Some Objections To SocialismSome Objections To Socialism - From "The Atheistic Platform", Twelve Lectures The great evils connected with and resulting from povertyevils which are so prominent and so terrible in old countries, and especially in populous citieshave, in our own land compelled the attention, and excited...
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Dorothy's Double. Volume 2 (of 3)Dorothy's Double. Volume 2 (of 3)'Thank you for coming,' Mr. Hawtrey said, as he shook hands with him; 'I think I am rather afraid of Levine by himself. Of course I know that he is the best adviser one can have in a business...
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The Eulogy of Richard JefferiesThe Eulogy of Richard JefferiesIn the body of this work I have sufficiently explained the reasons why I was entrusted with the task of writing this memoir of Richard Jefferies. I have only here to express my thanks, first to the publishers, who have...
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The Boy with WingsThe Boy with WingsAgainst the iron railings of the ground the border of chairs was thronged with spectators; women and girls in summery frocks, men in light overcoats with field-glasses slung by a strap about them. The movement of this crowd was that of...
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The International Monthly, Volume 4, No. 1, August, 1851The International Monthly, Volume 4, No. 1, August, 1851The conclusion of the Fourth Volume of a periodical may be accepted as a sign of its permanent establishment. The proprietors of the International Magazine have the satisfaction of believing that, while there has been a...
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Christian Sects in the 19th CenturyChristian Sects in the Nineteenth CenturyThe following letters grew out of a conversation between one of the editors of the Small Books, and a lady of his acquaintance; and as there are probably many who have felt the want of the information they contain,...
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Dorothy's Double. Volume 1 (of 3)Dorothy's Double. Volume 1 (of 3)A dark night on the banks of the Thames; the south-west wind, heavily charged with sleet, was blowing strongly, causing little waves to lap against the side of a punt moored by the bank. Its head-rope was tied round...
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L'hôtellerie sanglanteL'hôtellerie sanglanteLe voyageur qui, de nos jours, franchit d'un bond l'abme de cinq cents kilomtres ouvert entre Paris et Strasbourg, s'imaginera-t-il jamais qu'il y ait eu une poque o l'on dpensait la mme somme de tempsc'est--dire peu prs douze heures passer d'un dpartement dans...
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The Victorian Age: The Rede Lecture for 1922The Victorian Age: The Rede Lecture for 1922Each generation takes a special pleasure in removing the household gods of its parents from their pedestals, and consigning them to the cupboard. The prophet or pioneer, after being at first declared to be unintelligible or absurd,...
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Colors of Life: Poems and Songs and SonnetsColors of Life: Poems and Songs and SonnetsIt is impossible for me, feeling and watching the eternal tidal currents of liberty and individual life against tyranny and the type, which are clashing and rearing up their highest crimsoned waves at this hour, to publish...
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Notes on Old EdinburghNotes on Old EdinburghWas ever a more vivid picture of more revolting scenes offered to the readers eye than that which the following pages present? If any doubt creep into his mind as to the accuracy of its details, he has but to read...
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Oeuvres de P. Corneille, Tome 03Œuvres de P. Corneille, Tome 03Ce fut en quelque sorte M. de Chalon que le public est redevable du Cid, dit Beauchamps dans ses Recherches sur les thtres de France[1]. Voici comme le P. de Tournemine m'a cont la chose: M. de Chalon, secrtaire...
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Le transporté (2/4)Le transporté (2/4)Il y a aussi partout en ce monde des antipodes moraux; ceux qui marchent sur la neige ont des pieds correspondants aux leurs qui marchent sur le velours des herbes; les picuriens du palais de Sommerset ont sous leur table les esclaves...
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William Blake: A Critical EssayWilliam Blake: A Critical EssayThere are many reasons which should make me glad to inscribe your name upon the forefront of this book. To you, among other debts, I owe this onethat it is not even more inadequate to the matter undertaken; and to...
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The History of Don Quixote de la ManchaThe History of Don Quixote de la ManchaWhen we reflect upon the great celebrity of the "Life, Exploits, and Adventures of that ingenious Gentleman, Don Quixote de la Mancha," and how his name has become quite proverbial amongst us, it seems strange that so...
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The Story of Lewis CarrollThe Story of Lewis Carroll - Told for Young People by the Real Alice in WonderlandIt is not easy to make an effort and to remember all the little personalia of some one one has loved very much, and by whom one has been...
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The InconstantThe InconstantThis comedy, by a favourite writer, had a reception, on the first night of its appearance, far inferior to that of his other productions. It was, with difficulty, saved from condemnation; and the author, in his preface, has boldly charged some secret enemies...
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Beobachtungen über Oesterreichs Aufklärung und LitteraturBeobachtungen über Oesterreichs Aufklärung und LitteraturSchreibweise und Interpunktion des Originaltextes wurden bernommen; lediglich offensichtliche Druckfehler wurden korrigiert. nderungen sind im Text gekennzeichnet, der Originaltext erscheint beim berfahren mit der Maus. Eine Liste der vorgenommenen nderungen findet sich am Ende des Textes. In einem Staate,...
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