Old Is Gold
Le secrétaire intimeLe secrétaire intimeLe Secrtaire intime est une fantaisie sans rime ni raison qui m'est venue en 1833, aprs avoir relu les Contes fantastiques d'Hoffman. Cela manque d'ensemble et atteste une grande inexprience littraire. La fable est-elle amusante? L'imagination, dfaut de la vraisemblance, y trouve-t-elle...
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Petits Poèmes d'AutomnePetits Poèmes d'Automne Petits Pomes d'Automne Stuart Merrill PARIS LON VANIER, LIBRAIRE-DITEUR 19, QUAI SAINT-MICHEL, 19 1895 Tous droits rservs ADOLPHE RETT TABLE AMOUR D'AUTOMNE I.L'enchanteresse de Thul3 II.Des rossignols chantant des lys5 III.Mon front ple est sur tes genoux7 IV.Je crois, folle, que...
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Mémoires de Marmontel (Volume 1 of 3)Mémoires de Marmontel (Volume 1 of 3) - Mémoires d'un Père pour servir à l'Instruction de ses enfansLes Mmoires d'un Pre pour servir l'instruction de ses enfants ont t, comme le rappelle deux fois l'auteur, rdigs dans ce hameau d'Abloville, dpendant de Saint-Aubin-sur-Gaillon (Eure),...
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StingareeStingareeMiss Bouverie ceased on the high note, as abruptly as string that snaps beneath the bow, and revolved with the music-stool, to catch but her echoes in the empty room. None had entered behind her back; there was neither sound nor shadow in the...
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Lázaro: casi novelaLázaro: casi novelaA mediados del siglo pasado, en una plaza de Madrid, formando rinconada con un convento, claveteada la puerta, fornido el balconaje y severo el aspecto de la fachada, se alzaba una casa con honores de palacio, a cuyos umbrales dormitaban continuamente media...
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La terre promiseLa terre promiseSi un pareil titre n'et point paru trop ambitieux, ce livre se serait appel: le Droit de l'Enfant. Le problme particulier qui s'y trouve pos se rattache en effet cet autre plus gnral: Jusqu' quel point le fait d'avoir donn volontairement la...
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La pianta dei sospiriLa pianta dei sospiri - con alcuni cenni su la vita e su le opere dell'autore 1841 Voi m'invitaste a dettare alcuni Cenni intorno a Defendente Sacchi, ed io non ebbi a frapporre un solo istante per vedere, che a Voi, dolce e tenero...
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L'âne mortL'âne mortLa prsente histoire n'est pas crite par un de ces auteurs qui refusent la Critique le droit d'interroger un crivain sur son uvre, et de lui demander, avant que de lire son livre: quoi bon tel sujet? pourquoi ce hros? d'o vient-il? et...
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Villa Nova de GaiaVilla Nova de Gaia[III]No se pde conhecer a litteratura portugueza, ignorando o movimento das litteraturas da edade media da Europa; como a formaao das linguas, do direito, da religio e das instituies sociaes, nenhum facto faz sentir tanto como a litteratura a unidade da...
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An Arrow in a Sunbeam, and Other TalesAn Arrow in a Sunbeam, and Other Tales Like Job this good man could say, "The cause that I knew not, I sought out." He soon learned from the sexton her name and residence, and was surprised to find her in the very topmost...
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"No Clue!": A Mystery Story"No Clue!": A Mystery StoryCatherine Brace walked slowly from the mantel-piece to the open window and back again. Within the last hour she had done that many times, always to halt before the mantel and gaze at the oblong, grey envelope that leaned against...
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Anna Seward, and Classic LichfieldAnna Seward, and Classic LichfieldLiterature and music and science have been found this year amazingly prolific in centenary commemorations of their great exemplars, as a leading article in the Times, for April, 1909, has lately reminded us. Yet the death in 1809 of Anna...
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Nova Sapho: Tragedia ExtranhaNova Sapho: Tragedia ExtranhaO Bem e o Mal deram a figura que souum bronze de sentimento. Realizo o genio sensual da humanidade nevrosada e a vida suave de toda a Belleza humilde! Sou Shakspeare e Bandarra:tenho no peito o cachoar tragico da muita miseria...
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A Brother To Dragons and Other Old-time TalesA Brother To Dragons and Other Old-time Tales[1] In the year of grace, 1586, on the last day of the month of May, to all who may chance to read this narrative, these: I will first be at the pains of stating that had...
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I marginalenI marginalenDenna text anvnder utf-8 (unicode) som teckenkodning. Om apostrofer, citationstecken eller , , i denna text inte visas korrekt s kanske din weblsare inte r kompatibel eller saknar teckensnitt. Kontrollera frst att din weblsare har teckenupsttning eller teckenkodning (character set eller file encoding)...
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Maurine and Other PoemsMaurine and Other Poems I step across the mystic border-land, And look upon the wonder-world of Art. How beautiful, how beautiful its hills! And all its valleys, how surpassing fair! The winding paths that lead up to the heights Are polished by the footsteps...
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Viajes por EspañaViajes por Españai muy querido Mariano: Juntos hemos hecho, no slo algunos de los viajes que menciono en la presente obra, como el de Madrid Toledo y el de El Escorial vila, sino tambin el muy ms importante de la adolescencia hasta la vejez,...
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WaldenWaldenThe person or persons who have associated work with this document (the "Dedicator" or "Certifier") hereby either (a) certifies that, to the best of his knowledge, the work of authorship identified is in the public domain of the country from which the work is...
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Silas MarnerSilas MarnerThe person or persons who have associated work with this document (the "Dedicator" or "Certifier") hereby either (a) certifies that, to the best of his knowledge, the work of authorship identified is in the public domain of the country from which the work...
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Vixen, Volume IIIVixen, Volume III. After a long sleepless night of tossing to and fro, Vixen rose with the first stir of life in the old house, and made herself ready to face the bleak hard world. Her meditations of the night had brought no new...
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