Old Is Gold
A Modern Chronicle — Volume 05A Modern Chronicle — Volume 05The sphere we have left, which we know is sordid, sometimes shines in the retrospect. And there came a time, after the excitement of furnishing the new house was over, when our heroine, as it were, swung for a...
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A Modern Chronicle — Volume 04A Modern Chronicle — Volume 04In the religious cult of Gad and Meni, practised with such enthusiasm at Quicksands, the Saints' days were polo days, and the chief of all festivals the occasion of the match with the Banbury Hunt Club Quicksands's greatest rival....
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A Modern Chronicle — Volume 03A Modern Chronicle — Volume 03It was late November. And as Honora sat at the window of the drawing-room of the sleeping car, life seemed as fantastic and unreal as the moss-hung Southern forest into which she stared. She was happy, as a child...
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A Modern Chronicle — Volume 02A Modern Chronicle — Volume 02Lying back in the chair of the Pullman and gazing over the wide Hudson shining in the afternoon sun, Honora's imagination ran riot until the seeming possibilities of life became infinite. At every click of the rails she was...
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A Modern Chronicle — Volume 01A Modern Chronicle — Volume 01Honora Leffingwell is the original name of our heroine. She was born in the last quarter of the Nineteenth Century, at Nice, in France, and she spent the early years of her life in St. Louis, a somewhat conservative...
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Venetianische EpigrammeVenetianische EpigrammeSarkophagen und Urnen verzierte der Heide mit Leben. Faunen tanzen umher, mit der Bacchantinnen Chor Machen sie bunte Reihe; der ziegengefete Pausback Zwingt den heiseren Ton wild aus dem schmetternden Horn. Cymbeln, Trommeln erklingen; wir sehen und hren den Marmor. Flatternde Vgel! wie...
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Römische ElegienRömische Elegien Saget, Steine, mir an, o sprecht, ihr hohen Palste! Straen, redet ein Wort! Genius, regst du dich nicht? Ja, es ist alles beseelt in deinen heiligen Mauern, Ewige Roma; nur mir schweiget noch alles so still. O wer flstert mir zu, an...
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Les Précieuses ridiculesLes Précieuses ridicules[Spelling of the 1890 edition. Footnotes have been retained because they provide the meanings of old French words or expressions. Footnote are indicated by numbers in brackets, and are grouped at the end of the Etext. Text encoding is iso-8859-1.] Ce n'est...
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The Long VacationThe Long Vacation If a book by an author who must call herself a veteran should be taken up by readers of a younger generation, they are begged to consider the first few chapters as a sort of prologue, introduced for the sake of...
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NanaNanaA neuf heures, la salle du thtre des Varits tait encore vide. Quelques personnes, au balcon et l'orchestre, attendaient, perdues parmi les fauteuils de velours grenat, dans le petit jour du lustre demi-feux. Une ombre noyait la grande tache rouge du rideau; et pas...
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TalesTales Transcribed by Mark Sherwood, e-mail: mark.sherwood@btinternet.com TALES, by GEORGE CRABBE (1754-1832) {1} TALE I. THE DUMB ORATORS; OR THE BENEFIT OF SOCIETY. With fair round belly, with good capon lined, With eyes severe - Full of wise saws and modern instances. SHAKESPEARE, As...
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Miscellaneous PoemsMiscellaneous Poems Transcribed by Mark Sherwood, e-mail: mark.sherwood@btinternet.com MISCELLANEOUS POEMS Contents Sir Eustace Grey The Hall of Justice Woman The Birth of Flattery Reflections SIR EUSTACE GREY. Scene: - A MADHOUSE. Persons: - VISITOR, PHYSICIAN, AND PATIENT. Veris miscens falsa. SENECA. ------------------- VISITOR. Ill...
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The Double WidowingThe Double WidowingThis Etext is for private use only. No republication for profit in print or other media may be made without the express consent of the Copyright Holder. The Copyright Holder is especially concerned about performance rights in any media on stage, cinema,...
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Le Mariage forcéLe Mariage forcé[Spelling of the 1890 edition. Footnotes have been retained because they provide the meanings of old French words or expressions. Footnote are indicated by numbers in brackets, and are grouped at the end of the Etext. Text encoding is iso-8859-1.] Sganarelle. Molire....
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Birds and Poets : with Other PapersBirds and Poets : with Other Papers I have deliberated a long time about coupling some of my sketches of outdoor nature with a few chapters of a more purely literary character, and thus confiding to my reader what absorbs and delights me inside...
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Aladdin O'BrienAladdin O'Brien It was on the way home from Sunday-school that Aladdin had enticed Margaret to the forbidden river. She was not sure that he knew how to row, for he was prone to exaggerate his prowess at this and that, and she went...
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Le Lutrin, poème héroï-comiqueLe Lutrin, poème héroï-comiqueNicolas Boileau-Despraux (1636-1711), "Oeuvres Compltes de Boileau-Despraux, Nouvelle dition, Accompagne de notes pour l'intelligence du texte, et prcde d'une notice historique sur la vie et les crits de l'auteur, Avec gravures" Paris, B. Renault et Cie, Libraires-diteurs, 8, rue Larrey, 1858....
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Beechcroft at RockstoneBeechcroft at Rockstone A telegram! Make haste and open it, Jane; they always make me so nervous! I believe that is the reason Reginald always will telegraph when he is coming, said Miss Adeline Mohun, a very pretty, well preserved, though delicate-looking lady of...
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La Bête humaineLa Bête humaineEn entrant dans la chambre, Roubaud posa sur la table le pain d'une livre, le pt et la bouteille de vin blanc. Mais, le matin, avant de descendre son poste, la mre Victoire avait d couvrir le feu de son pole, d'un...
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He Knew He Was RightHe Knew He Was Right When Louis Trevelyan was twenty-four years old, he had all the world before him where to choose; and, among other things, he chose to go to the Mandarin Islands, and there fell in love with Emily Rowley, the daughter...
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