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The Christian View of the Old TestamentThe Christian View of the Old Testament During the past half century the attitude of many men toward the Bible has undergone a decided change. The old confidence seems to be gone; a feeling of uncertainty and of unrest has taken its place. This...
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An Introduction to the Study of Comparative ReligionAn Introduction to the Study of Comparative Religion The Hartford-Lamson Lectures on "The Religions of the World" are delivered at Hartford Theological Seminary in connection with the Lamson Fund, which was established by a group of friends in honor of the late Charles M....
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The Christian Church in These Islands before the Coming of AugustineThe Christian Church in These Islands before the Coming of Augustine - Three Lectures Delivered at St. Paul's in January 1894Importance of the anniversaries connected with the years 1894-1897.Christianity in Kent immediately before Augustine.Dates of Bishop Luidhard and Queen Bertha.Romano-British Churches in Canterbury.Who were...
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A Proposal for the Better Supplying of Churches in Our Foreign Plantations, and for Converting the Savage Americans to Christianity, By a College to Be Erected in the Summer Islands, Otherwise Called the Isles of BermudaA Proposal for the Better Supplying of Churches in Our Foreign Plantations, and for Converting the Savage Americans to Christianity, By a College to Be Erected in the Summer Islands, Otherwise Called the Isles of Bermuda lthough there are several excellent persons of the...
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A Translation of the New Testament from the original GreekA Translation of the New Testament from the original Greek - Humbly Attempted with a View to Assist the Unlearned with Clearer and More Explicit Views of the Mind of the Spirit in the Scriptures of TruthAPPEARING before the Public as a translator of...
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Η Νέα Διαθήκη : κατά το Βατικανό ΧειρόγραφοΗ Νέα Διαθήκη : κατά το Βατικανό ΧειρόγραφοNote: The tonic system has been changed from polytonic to monotonic. A table with spelling and other mistakes has been incorporated in the text. The spelling of the book has not been changed otherwise. Brackets in the...
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Logic, Inductive and DeductiveLogic, Inductive and DeductiveThe question has sometimes been asked, Where should we begin in Logic? Particularly within the present century has this difficulty been felt, when the study of Logic has been revived and made intricate by the different purposes of its cultivators. Where...
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Naturalism and ReligionNaturalism and Religion It is a remarkable and in some respects a disquieting fact that whilst rival ecclesiastical parties are engaged in a furious and embittered debate as to the precise shade of religious instruction to be given in public elementary schools, the thinking...
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Training the TeacherTraining the TeacherTeacher-training Needed.No more serious problem faces the Sunday-school to-day than the question of securing more teachers and better teaching. We owe it to those who are called to teach the Word to see that means of thorough preparation be brought within their...
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From Bondage to Liberty in Religion: A Spiritual AutobiographyFrom Bondage to Liberty in Religion: A Spiritual Autobiography The substance of what is written in this book has been given on several occasions during the past five years in the form of sermons or lectures. On each occasion they met with such hearty...
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The Economic Functions of ViceThe Economic Functions of Vice FOR some inscrutable reason which she has as yet given no hint of revealing, Nature is wondrously wasteful in the matter of generation. She creates a thousand where she intends to make use of one. Imbued with the maternal...
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The Irish ecclesiastical record. Volume 1, IndexThe Irish ecclesiastical record. Volume 1, Index Achonry, See of, 209 Adjumenta Oratoris Sacri, etc. oper F.X. Schouppe, noticed, 503 Aireran, St., Prayer of, 63 Ambrose, St., Tomb of, 22 Ardagh, the See of, 13 Ancient Religious Foundations of, 127 Armagh, Richard Fitz-Ralph, Archbishop...
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Sound MindSound Mind - Or, Contributions to the natural history and physiology of the human intellectThe indulgence of the public has been already extended to several works which I have submitted to its decision on the subject of Insanity; and the same favourable interpretation is...
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O Oraculo do Passado, do presente e do Futuro (7/7)O Oraculo do Passado, do presente e do Futuro (7/7) - Parte Setima: O oraculo dos AstrosA astronomia na antiguidade. antiquissima esta sciencia e parece que aos pastores do Himalaya se devem as primeiras observaes astronomicas, unicamente fundadas nos movimentos apparentes dos corpos celestes,...
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O Oraculo do Passado, do presente e do Futuro (6/7)O Oraculo do Passado, do presente e do Futuro (6/7) - Parte Sexta: O oraculo da MagicaThom e Joanninha viviam quasi ss na sua pequena casinha, fra do bosque, to ss como nunca tinham vivido. O pai era couteiro e guarda-matas, e por isso,...
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O Oraculo do Passado, do presente e do Futuro (4/7)O Oraculo do Passado, do presente e do Futuro (4/7) - Parte Quarta: O oraculo das FloresEscolhem-se vinte flres diversas; com essas vinte flres podem entrar quarenta pessoas no mesmo jogo, devendo ser tantos cavalheiros como senhoras; mas se porm, o numero de pessoas...
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The Witches of New YorkThe Witches of New YorkWhat the Witches of New York City personally told me, Doesticks, you will find written in this volume, without the slightest exaggeration or perversion. I set out now with no intention of misrepresenting anything that came under my observation in...
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What Shall I Be? A Chat With Young PeopleWhat Shall I Be? A Chat With Young People If thou wilt be perfect go sell what thou hast and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in Heaven and come follow Me. BY THE REVEREND FRANCIS CASSILLY, S.J. "And every one...
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A Discourse for the Time, delivered January 4, 1852 in the First Congregational Unitarian ChurchA Discourse for the Time, delivered January 4, 1852 in the First Congregational Unitarian ChurchIn speaking from these words last Sunday morning, and in endeavoring to enforce the great truth which they express, I began with referring to certain facts which characterize that most...
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Kept for the Master's UseKept for the Master's UseIn appreciation of the deep and general sympathy flowing in to her relatives, they wish that its publication should not be withheld. Knowing her intense desire that Christ should be magnified, whether by her life or in her death, may...
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