Explore top psychology books, from social psychology and sports psychology to novels and beginner guides. Discover bestsellers and highly recommended reads in human psychology available online.
Dealing with a Narcissist: Understanding a Narcissist, Having excellent knowledge about Narcissists' Techniques, Avoiding a Narcissist, A RelatioEver had to deal with a narcissist?If you've had a personal experience, you'd have no doubt believing this?I have, and overcame folks that exhibited narcissistic attitude.You can too! Read more...⏬⏬⏬Some individuals, perhaps even you, are undergoing a sickening relationship where the other party demands...
- €23,47 EUR
- €23,47 EUR
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The Great WithinAuthor: D. Larson Christian D. Larson, Christian D LarsonPublisher: Book JunglePublished: 06/04/2007Pages: 104Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.43lbsSize: 9.25h x 7.50w x 0.22dISBN: 9781594627590This title is not returnable
- €30,33 EUR
- €30,33 EUR
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The Ecology of Human Development: Experiments by Nature and DesignHere is a book that challenges the very basis of the way psychologists have studied child development. According to Urie Bronfenbrenner, one of the world's foremost developmental psychologists, laboratory studies of the child's behavior sacrifice too much in order to gain experimental control and...
- €89,48 EUR
- €89,48 EUR
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Evidence-Based Psychotherapy with Adolescents: A Primer for New CliniciansMost courses in counseling, social work, therapy, and clinical psychology programs lump clinical work with "children and adolescents" together into a single unit while the social, emotional, physical, and neurobiological development of youth is often only a portion of a development course that covers...
- €123,25 EUR
- €123,25 EUR
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Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier-Reality IsGlobalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from...
- €51,02 EUR
- €51,02 EUR
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F*ck Toxic Spirituality: Avoiding Red Flags & Navigating the Spiritual Path with Integrity"F*ck Toxic Spirituality" - the ultimate guidebook for anyone who is looking for grounded, professional guidance in navigating their spiritual path.In this eye-opening exploration, Katie Turner. M.Sc, R. Psych, shares her clinical wisdom on the prevalent issues surrounding spiritual awakening and growth, offering practical...
- €24,16 EUR
- €24,16 EUR
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Fundamentals of Case Management Practice: Skills for the Human ServicesSummers' FUNDAMENTALS OF CASE MANAGEMENT PRACTICE: SKILLS FOR THE HUMAN SERVICES, 6e, is a step-by-step guide through the case management process, from intake and assessment to referrals and termination. This edition focuses on important considerations for students to document and pass along in each...
- €456,45 EUR
- €456,45 EUR
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How Isn't It Going?: Conversations After October 7From France's leading Jewish intellectual, an intimate yet universal meditation on October 7, its legacy, and the way forward Devastated by the massacre perpetrated by Hamas on October 7, 2023, Delphine Horvilleur sees her world shatter. As a rabbi dedicated to supporting and alleviating...
- €20,06 EUR
- €20,06 EUR
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Gaining a Leash on Life: Moving Beyond Surviving to Thriving with Lessons from BudGaining a Leash on Life: Moving Beyond Surviving to Thriving with Lessons from Bud encapsulates the profound lessons learned through observation and interaction with the author's canine companion, Bud. The book is meticulously organized into five thematic areas: awareness, acceptance, authenticity, celebration, and gratitude....
- €61,51 EUR
- €61,51 EUR
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Addicted to Grief: Life After Alexus DiedIn writing about grief, I hope my story can help parents and loved ones who are struggling with the death of a child. No matter the age, the death of a child seems unnatural. Untimely. It hurts, but you are not alone; the world...
- €38,74 EUR
- €38,74 EUR
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Cómo dejar de sobrepensar: El plan de 7 pasos para superar los pensamientos negativos y calmar la mente - deja de pensar demasiado en 5 minutosTe encuentras despierto por la noche porque no puedes dejar de preocuparte por lo que ha pasado durante el d?a? Cuestionas constantemente casi todas las decisiones que tomas? Tu trabajo, tus amistades o tu vida entera te parecen agobiantes?Al leer este libro, descubrir?s c?mo...
- €20,09 EUR
- €20,09 EUR
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Cosas Que Incomodan / Things That Make You UncomfortableDariel Ventura, actor y psic?logo, formula preguntas inc?modas para hacernos la vida un poco m?s f?cil Estamos todos malitos de la conducta? Qui?n est? diagnosticado del trastorno mental m?s de moda? Son las ciencias del comportamiento un nuevo hor?scopo donde t?rminos como narcisista, apego...
- €24,09 EUR
- €24,09 EUR
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Psychoanalysis: An Interdisciplinary RetrospectivePsychoanalysis: An Interdisciplinary Retrospective offers in-depth discussions of and conversations with six psychoanalytic writers: Christopher Bollas, Nancy Chodorow, Sander L. Gilman, Adam Phillips, and Allen and Joan Wheelis. All are genuinely interdisciplinary in their work, bridging multiple cultural and professional positions, but all are...
- €74,27 EUR
- €74,27 EUR
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Men With Adult ADHD: The Efficient Playbook to Break Free From Feelings of Failure, Improve Focus, Understand Executive Dysfunction, and MaYou've Probably Discovered That Tons Of Productivity Hacks, Habits, And Systems Have One Huge Flaw- They Don't Deal With The Real Challenges Of ADHD, And You Need Something That Does... As a man you're expected to succeed and work in a society that treats...
- €21,78 EUR
- €21,78 EUR
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The Science of AddictionThe opioid crisis brought increased attention to the issue of addiction, but the disorder has impacted many lives since long before the current addiction crisis. This volume examines addiction from a psychological, biochemical, and medical perspective to give readers a better understanding of how...
- €88,47 EUR
- €88,47 EUR
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Adhdoable: 50 Proven Strategies to Live Better with ADHDFeel more productive, less frustrated, and better equipped to thrive with ADHD. Dr. Perry Mandanis draws on decades of proven strategies to deliver game-changing techniques in this engaging and practical full-color card deck. Take charge and learn to manage your attention deficit hyperactivity disorder...
- €29,51 EUR
- €29,51 EUR
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The Serial Killer Next DoorTaking readers on a journey into the dark side of humanity, Emma Kenny explores the ingredient list of experiences that turns regular people into murderous monsters, with an in-depth analysis of the crimes that shook the world. From Ted Bundy to Joanna Dennehy, Richard...
- €37,59 EUR
- €37,59 EUR
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The Spider's Thread: Metaphor in Mind, Brain, and PoetryAn examination of metaphor in poetry as a microcosm of the human imagination--a way to understand the mechanisms of creativity. In The Spider's Thread, Keith Holyoak looks at metaphor as a microcosm of the creative imagination. Holyoak, a psychologist and poet, draws on the...
- €78,29 EUR
- €78,29 EUR
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Autism in Polyvagal Terms: New Possibilities and InterventionsBy presenting the autism diagnosis through the lens of a disordered nervous system--that is, by applying Polyvagal Theory--this book opens new avenues for intervention and treatment, while challenging age-old assumptions of what autism means and how it presents itself.Here, Sean Inderbitzen--a therapist as well...
- €48,64 EUR
- €48,64 EUR
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Psychoanalytic Politics, Second Edition, with a New Preface: Jacques Lacan and Freud's French RevolutionAn updated edition of the seminal book that explores why the interest in psychoanalysis in France exploded after 1968 and what it says about culture and therapy. Among Western countries, France may well be the one that resisted Freud the longest. But, in the...
- €63,91 EUR
- €63,91 EUR
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