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The Curtiss Aviation BookThe Curtiss Aviation BookThe time has come when the world is going to need a new type of menalmost a new race. These are the Flying Men. The great dream of centuries has come true, and man now has the key to the sky....
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The Moon: A Popular TreatiseThe Moon: A Popular TreatiseONE serene evening, when the full moon, rising slowly above the tree tops, began to spread over the landscape that peculiar radiance which, by half revealing and half concealing, by softening all outlines, and by imparting a certain mystery to...
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Myths and Folk-lore of the Timiskaming Algonquin and Timagami OjibwaMyths and Folk-lore of the Timiskaming Algonquin and Timagami OjibwaA few fairly typical Algonquin myths relating the exploits of Wiskedjak were taken down in the summer of 1913 from Benjamin Mackenzie of the Timiskaming band. He had learned them when a young man from...
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The Deipnosophists or, Banquet of the Learned of Athenæus, Vol. 3 (of 3)The Deipnosophists; or, Banquet of the Learned of Athenæus, Vol. 3 (of 3)And it would be better for me also to hold my tongue, and not to add anything more to all that has been said already; but since you ask me very earnestly...
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Cholera and the Water Supply in the South Districts of London in 1854Cholera and the Water Supply in the South Districts of London in 18541In the summer of 1849, I published certain conclusions at which I have arrived with regard to Asiatic cholera, and the facts and reasonings which had led to them. The following is...
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Observations on AbortionObservations on Abortion - Containing an account of the manner in which it is accomplished, the causes which produced it, and the method of preventing or treating itBy abortion is generally understood the expulsion of the contents of the gravid uterus, at a period...
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OEuvres complètes de Gustave Flaubert, tome 7: Bouvard et PécuchetŒuvres complètes de Gustave Flaubert, tome 7: Bouvard et PécuchetGustave Flaubert naquit Rouen le 12 dcembre 1821. Sa mre tait fille dun mdecin de Pont-lEvque, M. Fleuriot. Elle appartenait une famille de basse Normandie, les Cambremer de Croix-Mare, et tait allie Thouret, de la...
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Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz, Mitteilungen Band X, Heft 1-3Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz, Mitteilungen Band X, Heft 1-3 - Monatsschrift für Heimatschutz und DenkmalpflegeInhalt: Der Rochlitzer Berg Der Einflu der Gesteinsindustrie auf das Naturleben des Rochlitzer Berges Die Vogelwelt unserer Obstalleen Das Tnnichttal im Tharandter Wald Gauernitz Frhlingsboten ber das Vorkommen der Biber in...
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With Sword and CrucifixWith Sword and Crucifix - Being an Account of the Strange Adventures of Count Louis Sancerre, Companion of Sieur LaSalle, on the Lower Mississippi, in the Year of Grace 1682The speaker, Louis de Sancerre, of Languedoc, descendant of a famous constable of France, leaned...
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Yellow ButterfliesYellow ButterfliesThroughout this story there are sentences and paragraphs quoted, taken bodily from a press account of the coming of the American Unknown Soldier. If other sentences or phrases occur for which proper credit has not been given, it is because the story-tellers mind...
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Aussenseiter der Gesellschaft. Die Verbrechen der Gegenwart. Band 8Ravachol und die Pariser Anarchisten Der ewige Zwiespalt, der offenkundige unlsbare Widerspruch, der die Theoretiker einer revolutionren politischen Richtung von Jenen trennt, die diese Richtung in die direkte, persnlich unerbittliche Aktion umsetzen, kam wohl selten mit solcher Vehemenz zum Ausdruck wie gerade in der...
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Illustrations of the Author of WaverleyIllustrations of the Author of Waverley - Being Notices and Anecdotes of Real Characters, Scenes, and Incidents Supposed to Be Described in His WorksThis Work first appeared in November, 1822. It was a juvenile production, and, of course, deformed with all the faults and...
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Briefe eines Malers an seine SchwesterBriefe eines Malers an seine SchwesterNun bin ich in der Heimath, vorgestern langte ich hier an. Es ist doch ein eignes Gefhl, wie ein Fremder, den Niemand kennt, den Keiner erwartet, fr den nicht eine Seele einen freundlichen Gru hat, in die Vaterstadt, in...
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The Boy and the BaronThe Boy and the BaronOne sunny forenoon in the month of May, something over six hundred years ago, some children were playing under the oak-trees that grew in little companies here and there in a pleasant meadow on a high plateau. This meadow was...
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Keleti életképekKeleti életképekA mohammedn zsirl eddigel kzz tett munkim sorrendjt tekintve, e lapoknak az Iszlm a 19-dik szzadban czim knyvem eltt nem pedig utnna kellett volna megjelenni. Rszben mr egy vtized eltt, rszben pedig mg Keleten val tartzkodsom alatt megirvk, ezen egyes letkpek egybegyjtse s...
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The omnipotent self, a study in self-deception and self-cureThe omnipotent self, a study in self-deception and self-cureNature has granted to all to be happy if we but knew how to use her gifts.Claudius. Many people, while not considering themselves as suffering from any nervous ailment, nor desiring the services of a physician,...
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Canada; its Defences, Condition, and ResourcesCanada; its Defences, Condition, and Resources - Being a third and concluding volume of "My Diary, North and South"I began to write this book by way of sequel to My Diary North and South, with the intention of describing Canada as I saw it...
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The River BossThe River BossObey orders if you break owners, is a good motto, but a really efficient river boss knows a better. It runs, Get the logs out. Get them out peaceably, if you can, but get them out. He needs no instructions from headquarters...
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The Ancient Volcanoes of Great Britain, Volume 2 (of 2)The Ancient Volcanoes of Great Britain, Volume 2 (of 2)D.C.L. Oxf., D. Sc. Camb., Dubl.; LL.D. St. And., Edinb. DIRECTOR-GENERAL OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND; CORRESPONDENT OF THE INSTITUTE OF FRANCE; OF THE ACADEMIES OF BERLIN, VIENNA, MUNICH, TURIN, BELGIUM,...
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The Ancient Volcanoes of Great Britain, Volume 1 (of 2)The Ancient Volcanoes of Great Britain, Volume 1 (of 2)In no department of science is the slow and chequered progress of investigation more conspicuous than in that branch of Geology which treats of volcanoes. Although from the earliest dawn of history, men had been...
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