Public Domain
Bibliothèque de l'enseignement des beaux-artsL'Architecture GothiqueLa dnomination gothique, dsignant la priode architectonique qui stend du milieu du XII sicle la fin du XV, est purement conventionnelle. Cette expression ne peut sappliquer larchitecture des Goths ou des Visigoths, puisque ces peuples, vaincus par Clovis au VI sicle, ne laissrent...
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Narrative of an Expedition Through the Upper Mississippi to Itasca Lake, the Actual Source of This RiverNarrative of an Expedition Through the Upper Mississippi to Itasca Lake, the Actual Source of This River - Embracing an Exploratory Trip Through the St. Croix and Burntwood (or Broule) RiversIn prefixing your name to this volume, I am reminded that, while indulging the...
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Pennsylvania Dutch Guide-BookPennsylvania Dutch Guide-BookWe recognize that the Amish way of life is based on the literal application of the Word of the Bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ to their everyday life, with the result that many of their customs and beliefs have a...
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Carillon Park bookletsNewcom TavernCol. George Newcom still revealed the flinty quality that tamed the wilderness when he sat for this daguerreotype in 1852 at the age of 81. Dayton was already a bustling town, with a classic courthouse that ranked among the countrys finest structures. By...
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Lie on the BeamLie on the BeamSweeping from perihelion, the black destroyer curved toward the gibbous white ball of Venus, its jets stabbing mocking fingers at the majesty of the sun whose clutching gravity it had cheated. Within the heavily shielded control cabin, the hard skull-face of...
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La Princesse lointaine: Pièce en quatre actes, en versLa Princesse lointaine: Pièce en quatre actes, en versLe pont d'une nef qui parat avoir souffert une longue et terrible traverse. On voit qu'il y a eu tempte: voiles en loques, vergues brises, chevlement de cordages, mt rajust qui penche. On voit qu'il y...
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The Love of AzaleaThe Love of AzaleaIT was drowsy in the little mission church, and the gentle mellifluous voice of the young preacher increased rather than dispelled the sleepy peacefulness. The church, if such it could be styled, was well filled. The people of Sanyo knew it...
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The Fantasy Fan, Volume 2, Number 3, November 1934The Fantasy Fan, Volume 2, Number 3, November 1934Once upon a time, a year ago last summer, to be more specific, I had money to burn, but rather than burn it, I decided to launch an attack upon the fantasy-loving public in the form...
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Török népmesékTörök népmesékAkr az utczra szrt gyngyk, gymntok s egyb drgakvek, gy hevertek szanaszt a trk npkltszet kincsei is, anlkl hogy sszegyjtjk akadt volna, anlkl hogy az ket megillet figyelmet felbresztettk volna. Amaz lnk politikai s gazdasgi rintkezs alatt, mely kztnk s a hozznk oly...
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Toleration and other essaysToleration and other essaysIt seems useful, in presenting to English readers this selection of the works of Voltaire, to recall the position and personality of the writer and the circumstances in which the works were written. It is too lightly assumed, even by many...
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Carillon Park bookletsThe Old Mill and the Covered BridgeThe water wheel on the mill in Carillon Park is an example of the overshot type of wheel, in the operation of which the water comes down over the wheel from above. As the water strikes the paddles...
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Carillon Park bookletsThe Fireless LocomotiveMost things yield to progressand that, of course, is how museums are made. The Corliss engine now on display at Carillon Park labored mightily during the formative years of American industry, yet more economical electric power systems eventually sent that steam giant...
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Trevison koru-ompelijatarTrevison koru-ompelijatarSatoi jo kolmatta piv ja puutarhatiet ja metspolut maakartanon ymprill olivat muuttuneet puroiksi. Ensimisen ja toisena pivn oli siell oleva seura koettanut parhaansa mukaan yllpit hyv tuultaan, ja suuressa viisi-ikkunaisessa salissa, jonka edustalla oleanderit kukoistivat, kimpoili pilapuheita, kohisi naurua ja sateli sukkelia viittauksia...
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Little Dinners With the Sphinx, and Other Prose FanciesLittle Dinners With the Sphinx, and Other Prose FanciesTHE Sphinx and I had not met for quite a long time. We hadnt dined together forO I should thinkfour years; and it was strange to both of us to be sitting opposite to each other...
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Madame d'EponeMadame d'ÉponeEn descendant du train qui l'amenait de Paris, Mme d'pone fut reue par son gendre, sa fille et leur petite Sabine, manifestement heureux de la revoir. Il y eut entre les deux femmes une de ces treintes qui disent silencieusement la profondeur de...
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George HelmGeorge HelmA COMET so dim that it is almost invisible will cause agitated interest in the heavens where great fixed stars blaze nightly unnoticed. Harrison was a large Ohio river town, and in its firmament blazed many and considerable fixed starspresenting pretty nearly all...
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Decidedly OddDecidedly OddOne rainy morning in April, Luther Trant sat alone in his office. On his wrist as he bent closely over a heap of typewritten pages spread before him on his desk, a small instrument in continual motion ticked like a watch. It was...
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Les Colons du Rivage, ou Industrie et ProbitéLes Colons du Rivage, ou Industrie et Probité - Ouvrage destiné a servir de lecture courante dans les écoles primairesTROIS MOIS SOUS LA NEIGE, Journal d'un jeune habitant du Jura, ouvrage destin servir de livre de lecture courante dans les coles primaires; par Jacques...
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The dawn of astronomyThe dawn of astronomy - A study of the temple-worship and mythology of the ancient EgyptiansThe enormous advance which has been recently made in our astronomical knowledge, and in our power of investigating the various bodies which people space, is to a very great...
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Cosmic TragedyCosmic TragedyThe big man with the iron grey hair stared morosely out the quartz window and across the roofs of Greater New York. Far down the canyon streets a few motor cars still ran and over the swinging aerial bridges scattered pedestrians carefully wended...
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- €6,14 EUR
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