Public Domain
Flight From TimeFlight From TimeA long career of cutting corners had taught Malenson the importance of timing. Time, he had long ago concluded, was the fabric from which were cut the garments of poverty or greatness. And since Malenson had no love for the simple life,...
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Goma's FolliclesGoma's FolliclesThe Franklin was the newest and best ship of the Morgan Interstellar Transportation Corporation. It was plain from the Captain's pouter-pigeon stance that he too was aware of this fact. The only jarring note in Captain Webster's mind was the unscheduled stop at...
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"Praeterita": souvenirs de jeunesse"Præterita": souvenirs de jeunesseChapitre I. Les sources de la Wandel Chapitre II. Herne Hill.Les amandiers en fleur Chapitre III. Les rives de la Tay Chapitre IV. Sous de nouveaux matres Chapitre V. Le Parnasse et le Plynlimmon Chapitre VI. Schaffhouse et Milan Chapitre VII....
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The Outcasts of Solar IIIThe Outcasts of Solar IIIOf all Terra's bloodily brawling billions, only mighty scientist Jon Saxon sensed the Others. Even as he swung his fists and dodged the tearing dart guns, his skin crawled weirdly. Whowhowas so coldly watching this war-torn, hell-bent planet? "Quiet!" Jon...
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Maru: A Dream of the SeaMaru: A Dream of the SeaThe night was filled with vanilla and frangipanni odours and the endless sound of the rollers on the reef. Somewhere away back amidst the trees a woman was singing, the tide was out, and from the verandah of Lygons...
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Frontier Humor in Verse, Prose and PictureFrontier Humor in Verse, Prose and PictureNot only is truth stranger than fiction, but it is funnier also. Just as some men have no eye for colors, but are color blind; so some men have no eye for fun, but are fun blind. Happy...
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Oh Mesmerist From Mimas!Oh Mesmerist From Mimas!This gloriously gay smiley character; this astounding peace-pervading creature from Saturn's inner moon, was radiating like a space beacon in a meteor shower when it landed on Mars ... it was madness ... gargantuan madness. The sudden hush that fell wasn't...
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Machine of KlamugraMachine of KlamugraCaptain Barnaby and Lieutenant Teajun stood at the brink of that vast stone amphitheater, staring wonderingly down at half-an-acre of gadget. This glittering mass of million-year clockwork was the Machine ... and soon it was to judge them for their crime against...
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Régi és uj világ: ElbeszélésekRégi és uj világ: ElbeszélésekNottingham vrnak fels csarnokban, nyolc fklya kzepett, csndesen iddogltak a brk s kapitnyaik. Keveset szltak, srbben rtgettk kupikat s nha hosszasan elhallgattk, hogyan vihncolnak s vistoznak odalenn az udvarban, a vrba flrendelt lnyok s menyecskk, akiket mr ugyancsak szorongattak a...
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The Irish Guards in the Great War, Volume 1 (of 2). The First BattalionThe Irish Guards in the Great War, Volume 1 (of 2). The First BattalionThese volumes try to give soberly and with what truth is possible, the experiences of both battalions of the Irish Guards from 1914 to 1918. The point of view is the...
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Doomsday 257 A.G.!Doomsday 257 A.G.!Cadmus trembled now as he waited. He had been waiting too long. Sweat was heavy on his clean-muscled body. A bright eagerness blazed from his gray eyes. And beyond the small pressure dome of the combination lab and living quarters, the frigid...
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Rip Van WinkleRip Van Winkle[The following Tale was found among the papers of the late Diedrich Knickerbocker, an old gentleman of New York, who was very curious in the Dutch history of the province, and the manners of the descendants from its primitive settlers. His historical...
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Frank Merriwell's First Job Or, At the Foot of the LadderFrank Merriwell's First Job; Or, At the Foot of the LadderOh, jose your clawI mean close your jaw! panted Harry Rattleton, as he ducked and escaped a left-hand swing from Frank Merriwell, with whom he was boxing in the room of the latter at...
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LabyrinthLabyrinthIn the old story of the labyrinth at Crete, the Minotaur dwelling there devoured in his day innumerable youths and maidens. He was slain finally by the hero Theseus. The story goes that Theseus escaped both monster and death in the blind alleys of...
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The Ways of WarThe Ways of WarPerhaps the order of the chapters in the present book requires a word of explanation. They have a natural sequence as the confessions of an Irish man of letters as to why he felt called upon to offer up his life...
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Cargo to CallistoCargo to CallistoSarah emerged from the surface of the Great Canal as sleek and brown as a seal. Laughing and sputtering, she jerked her head once over each round shoulder, parting her soaked hair and revealing her face. Joe grunted as Sarah cold-bloodedly located...
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Let the Ants TryLet the Ants TryHe had left his wife behind in the city, and not even a trace of her body was ever found. The children, of course, weren't as lucky as that. Their summer camp was less than twenty miles away, and unfortunately in...
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Against the Stone BeastsAgainst the Stone BeastsThe sign repeated, Special Showing of Surrealist Paintings, and declined to offer further information. Andreson started to walk on, then hovered indecisively. Modern arts of all kinds were his province in preparation for a doctorate thesis. It wouldn't do to let...
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Sticks and Stones: A Study of American Architecture and CivilizationSticks and Stones: A Study of American Architecture and CivilizationThis is an attempt to evaluate architecture in America in terms of our civilization. I have not sought to criticize particular buildings or tendencies: I have tried, rather, by approaching our modern problems from their...
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Narratives of Colored AmericansNarratives of Colored AmericansLindley Murray, the Grammarian, and author of several excellent School and Reading books, in his last Will bequeathed certain funds to Trustees in America, his native country, for several benevolent objects, including the gratuitous distribution of "books calculated to promote piety...
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