Public Domain
A sentimental & practical guide to Amesbury and StonehengeA sentimental & practical guide to Amesbury and StonehengeIn compiling this little Guide Book, I have somewhat departed from the ordinary lines, but I venture to hope that the traveller to Amesbury and Stonehenge will not like it the worse on that account. I...
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What I Saw in Berlin and Other European Capitals During WartimeWhat I Saw in Berlin and Other European Capitals During WartimeSeveral chapters of this book are reprinted from the Evening News (London), to the Proprietors and Editor of which paper the author owes his grateful thanks for the permission to include them here. The...
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Les beaux voyagesEn AlsaceL'automne dernier un capitaine posait cette question cinquante conscrits: Qu'est-ce que l'Alsace? Trente-huit rpondirent peu prs convenablement. Douze, c'est--dire le quart, ignoraient de quoi il s'agissait. Peut-tre que cette ignorance est regrettable toutes sortes d'gards et mme un peu dshonorante. Puisse ce petit...
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Excursions in North WalesExcursions in North Wales - A Complete Guide to the Tourist Through That Romantic CountryThe ancient City of Chester is unquestionably the most attractive and convenient starting-place, from which should commence the journey of the tourist, who is desirous of exploring the beautiful and...
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Legends of SwitzerlandLegends of SwitzerlandAside from the picturesque, historical, and geological interest connected with a journey in Switzerland, that country also boasts of a rich fund of legends, delightfully characteristic of the people at whose firesides they have been told for centuries. The grand scenery, terrific...
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Told at twilight storiesThe Sins of Silvertip the FoxNever before, in the early, early spring, had there been so much excitement down at Doctor Muskrats Pond. Of course, springs the season for visitors. They were always on the lookout for old friends winging up from the south....
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Idylls of the Sea, and Other Marine SketchesIdylls of the Sea, and Other Marine SketchesMr. Bullens work in literature requires no introduction. If it ever did, it has received one so complete from Mr. Kipling, that not another word is needed. Mr. Kipling, in phrases as happy as they are generous,...
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Experimental Investigation of the Spirit ManifestationsExperimental Investigation of the Spirit Manifestations - Demonstrating the existence of spirits and their communion with mortals. Doctrine of the spirit world respecting heaven, hell, morality, and God. Also, the influence of Scripture on the morals of Christians.As introductory to this work, I shall...
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Planet of CreationPlanet of CreationTo these hardened spacemen, it was heaven. Bald rock sprouted grass, metal parts popped up as required, new men relieved the weary as soon as the need was merely thought of. Who could imagine there was a joker? In the control room...
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New Milford. A memorial discourse, delivered in the Congregational church, New Milford, Conn., Sunday, July 9, 1876New Milford. A memorial discourse, delivered in the Congregational church, New Milford, Conn., Sunday, July 9, 1876The history of any and every part of the earth is interesting; but our own Country and State, the town in which we reside, the Church to which...
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AtavismAtavismThe amphibious force moved in with big guns ready, with rockets and flame throwers and LCI's and LCT's and planes and thousands of combat-hardened men, expecting to shoot the works against the fog-shrouded little island that might have held the northern key to invasion....
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Crosby Lockwood & Son's Catalogue of Scientific, Technical and Industrial Books, January, 1901Crosby Lockwood & Son's Catalogue of Scientific, Technical and Industrial Books, January, 1901Comprising Tables, Formul, Rules, and Data: A Handy Book of Reference for Daily Use in Engineering Practice. By D. Kinnear Clark, M. Inst. C.E., Fourth Edition. Small 8vo, 700 pp., bound in...
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10 Days' Tour through the Isle of Anglesea, December, 1802Ten Days' Tour through the Isle of Anglesea, December, 1802The Rev. John Skinners Ten Days Tour Through Anglesey, which is given in the following pages, has been carefully transcribed from the manuscript in the British Museum, the punctuation, spelling, and use of capitals followed...
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Les cinquante et ung arretz d'amoursLes cinquante et ung arretz d'amoursPar devant le prevost de deuil se assist despyea ung procs entre une tresgracieuse dame et le procureur d'amours en cas d'excs d'une part/ & ung jeune amant escuyer deffendeur d'aultre part. et disoient lesditz demandeurs que ceste dame...
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The Strange VisitationThe Strange VisitationA WILD night, with a gale of wind, a wind that scratched and tore and howled at doors and windows like an angry cat spitting and splutteringits miauling voice now rising, now sinkingat one moment savage, at another querulous, but always incessant...
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Musiker-Biographien, 13. BandSchumannDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1891 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche und heute nicht mehr gebruchliche Schreibweisen sowie Schreibvarianten bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert, sofern der Sinn des Texts dadurch nicht beeintrchtigt wird. Die...
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Danforth Plays the Game: Stories for Boys Little and BigDanforth Plays the Game: Stories for Boys Little and BigWhat will happen to the pretty little boy and his nice clean trousers and his beautiful red jersey? continued another of the quartette, adopting the first speakers sing-song style. Oh, please, teacher, Id rather not...
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In the Christmas WoodsIn the Christmas Woods - Being the introductory essay of a series on observations of nature through the yearWe ought to observe that even the things that follow after the things which are produced according to nature contain something pleasing and attractive.... The ears...
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Saga of the oak, and other poemsSaga of the oak, and other poemsMatthias Denman, Robert Patterson and John Filson laid out the town of Losantiville, now the city of Cincinnati, in 1788. Filson, schoolmaster and surveyor, went out to explore the woods between the Miamis, but never returned. ......Buy Now...
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A Stolen Name Or, The Man Who Defied Nick CarterA Stolen Name; Or, The Man Who Defied Nick CarterNick Carter stands for an interesting detective story. The fact that the books in this line are so uniformly good is entirely due to the work of a specialist. The man who wrote these stories...
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