Public Domain
Lessons in Wireless TelegraphyLessons in Wireless TelegraphyIt is readily realizable that it is quite impossible to enter into all the engineering details in a book of this size, but at the same time it has been possible to present a very comprehensive treatise of the subject and...
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Paper Shell PecansPaper Shell PecansSIXTEEN big pecan nuts on a single small lower branch of one tree in our big, bearing orchard on our Calhoun County Orchard Plantation. This picture, in natural colors, from a photograph taken in late September, 1919, gives an idea of the...
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Die Mutter: Blätter aus dunklen TagenDie Mutter: Blätter aus dunklen TagenWie seltsam dies alles war am Tage, der dieser Nacht voraufging! Und wie es mir jetzt, da ich den verfallenden Stimmen nachlausche, als ein gleichgestimmter Klang erscheint! Gell, schneidend, aufrhrend! In blanker Frhe die Nachricht vom Ausbruch der Revolution....
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The White Czar: A Story of a Polar BearThe White Czar: A Story of a Polar BearThe land of the Eskimo is the most inhospitable desolate portion of Mother Earth, inhabited by man. Well has the Eskimo need of his cheerful watch word, or salutation, of Aksuse, which means be strong. The...
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Nouveaux Contes des CollinesNouveaux Contes des CollinesVoyez, vous avez proscrit l'Amour! Quels sont ces Dieux auxquels vous voulez que je plaise? Trois Dieux en Un, ou un Dieu en Trois? Ah! que non pas! Moi je retourne mes Dieux. Peut-tre me donneront-ils plus de bonheur que votre...
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The Great Diamond Syndicate Or, The Hardest Crew on RecordThe Great Diamond Syndicate; Or, The Hardest Crew on RecordNick Carter stands for an interesting detective story. The fact that the books in this line are so uniformly good is entirely due to the work of a specialist. The man who wrote these stories...
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Valperga Volume 3 (of 3)Valperga Volume 3 (of 3) - or, The life and adventures of Castruccio, prince of LuccaWhen Bindo had been released by the command of Castiglione from the hands of the Lucchese soldiers, he fled across the country; and, possessed with horror and despair at...
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Valperga Volume 2 (of 3)Valperga Volume 2 (of 3) - or, The life and adventures of Castruccio, prince of LuccaWhen Castruccio and Euthanasia arrived at Florence, they found the citizens celebrating a festival: the bells were ringing; the country people were flocking into the town; and the youths...
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Valperga Volume 1 (of 3)Valperga Volume 1 (of 3) - or, The life and adventures of Castruccio, prince of LuccaThe accounts of the Life of Castruccio known in England, are generally taken from Macchiavelli's romance concerning this chief. The reader may find a detail of his real adventures...
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The History of the Popes: From the Foundation of the See of Rome, to the Present Time, 3rd Ed. Vol. 1The History of the Popes: From the Foundation of the See of Rome, to the Present Time, 3rd Ed. Vol. 1The Work, which I now offer to the Public, I undertook some years since at Rome, and brought it down to the Pontificate of...
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The Armenian Crisis in TurkeyThe Armenian Crisis in Turkey - The Massacre of 1894, Its Antecedents and Significance, With a Consideration of Some of the Factors Which Enter Into the Solution of This Phase of the Eastern QuestionThe writer has, from his birth, been a student of the...
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Ireland in TravailIreland in TravailIn the wonderful August weather of 1920, my wife and I were in our London flat sighing for cooler places. The season had come to an end with less than its usual glory, and for days taxis and growlers, topheavy with luggage,...
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Haudattu temppeliHaudattu temppeliPuhun niille, jotka eivt usko ainoan, kaikkivaltiaan ja erehtymttmn Tuomarin olemassaoloon, Tuomarin, joka pivin ja in kallistaen korvansa meidn ajatuksillemme, tunteillemme ja toimillemme, yllpit oikeutta tss maailmassa ja tydent sit muualla. Jollei ole tuomaria, niin onko sitten olemassa muuta oikeutta kuin ihmisten stm...
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Boche and BolshevikBoche and Bolshevik - Experiences of an Englishman in the German Army and in Russian PrisonsThe present book reprints a series of articles which appeared in the China Illustrated Weekly from November, 1918, to February, 1919. This accounts for certain allusions, which I have...
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The Baptism of the Prince: A SermonThe Baptism of the Prince: A Sermon - Preached ... on Sunday morning, Jan. 23, 1842, in anticipation of the baptism of His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales.The Author of the following discourse hopes it will appear from the perusal of it, that...
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The Members of the Established Church VindicatedThe Members of the Established Church Vindicated - from certain charges, direct or implied, in a letter addressed to them by the Rev. John Alexander, on the subject of Infant EducationIn times and under circumstances of an ordinary character, the letter, to which the...
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L'oeuvre du chevalier Andrea de Nerciat (2/2)L'oeuvre du chevalier Andrea de Nerciat (2/2) - Félicia ou mes fredainesMon Introduction au premier tome de l'uvre du chevalier Andrea de Nerciat[1] contenait la premire biographie un peu tendue du charmant crivain dijonnais, en mme temps qu'une bibliographie raisonne de ses ouvrages. Depuis...
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Teatro selecto, tomo 4 de 4Teatro selecto, tomo 4 de 4(Lee.) Cumpliendo, seora, con la obligacion de lo que ofrec, que fu avisar de todo, hago saber vuestra merced que en[p. 30] casa de una dama de esta corte dej por muerto mi seor un caballero, de una herida,...
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ChattertonChattertonA Garret in Brooke Street, London. Casement at back C. opening on the street; door, L. 3. E.; rough bedstead R. of window; rude chairs and table, with candle, manuscripts, and writing materials on it, L. C.; old washstand, on which are a glass,...
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A Letter of affectionate remonstrance addressed to the members of the Established Church in Norwich and in Norfolk and occasioned by the proposed exclusive system of infant educationA Letter of affectionate remonstrance addressed to the members of the Established Church in Norwich and in Norfolk and occasioned by the proposed exclusive system of infant educationIt would have been most agreeable to the author of the following letter to have published it...
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