Public Domain
Gibson: New Cartoons A book of Charles Dana Gibson's latest drawingsGibson: New Cartoons; A book of Charles Dana Gibson's latest drawingsHe: Its perfectly awful the way you continue to flirt with your old sweethearts. I dont believe you love me any more. And yet, before we were married, you told me I was a...
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The Huey Long Murder CaseThe Huey Long Murder CaseThe motives which prompt a killer to do away with a public figure are frequently anything but clear. On the other hand, the identity of such an assassin rarely is in doubt. The assassin himself sees to that, in obvious...
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Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, No. 743, March 23, 1878Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, No. 743, March 23, 1878Toby was a sheep of middling size, lightly built, finely limbed, as agile as a deer, with dark intelligent gazelle-like eyes, and a small pair of neatly curled horns, with the points...
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Törpék és óriásokTörpék és óriásokNem, nem volt valami nagyon okos teremts a szegny Mrs. Arnold, a Tavaszi verfny hres kicsi Vadvirg-ja, az a lny, a kinek a nevt adta, a kivel a dicssgt osztotta meg Algernon Arnold, a ma l kltk korontlan kirlya. Ha ez a...
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The Gun Alley Tragedy: Record of the Trial of Colin Campbell RossThe Gun Alley Tragedy: Record of the Trial of Colin Campbell RossNo trial in Australian history has created such a public sensation as did the trial in Melbourne of Colin Campbell Ross for the murder of the little girl, Alma Tirtschke, on the afternoon...
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Hidden Foes Or, A Fatal MiscalculationHidden Foes; Or, A Fatal MiscalculationNick Carter stands for an interesting detective story. The fact that the books in this line are so uniformly good is entirely due to the work of a specialist. The man who wrote these stories produced no other type...
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United States. Department of Agriculture. Farmers' bulletin no. 2265Pork Slaughtering, Cutting, Preserving, and Cooking on the FarmFor sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 By H. Russell Cross, Research Food Technologist,1 E. Curtis Green, Meat Marketing Specialist,2 William R. Jones, Extension Meat Specialist,3 Roger L. West,...
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Selected Essays of Plutarch, Vol. IISelected Essays of Plutarch, Vol. II.This volume covers about one-eighth part of the miscellaneous works of Plutarch known as the Moralia, much the same quantity as is contained in Professor Tuckers volume of this series which appeared in 1913. All the pieces now offered...
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NaiskohtaloitaNaiskohtaloitaPaul Heyse, saksalainen kirjailija syntyi 15 p. maaliskuuta v. 1830 Berliniss. Aluksi hn antautui klassillisen filologian ja sittemmin romanilaisten kielten ja kirjallisuuden tutkimiseen, mutta sen ohella hn julkaisi jo ensimiset kaunokirjallisetkin tuotteensa. Kaikkein ensiksi hn teki nimens tunnetuksi runopukuisilla teoksillaan, jotka ksittelivt enimmkseen italialaisia...
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A Treatise of Human NatureA Treatise of Human Nature - Being an Attempt to Introduce the Experimental Method Into Moral Subjects; and Dialogues Concerning Natural ReligionHumes doctrine of morals parallel to his doctrine of nature. 1. In his speculation on morals, no less than on knowledge, Hume follows...
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Treasury of American Indian TalesTreasury of American Indian TalesThis is a collection of American Indian tales for pre-teen boys and girls, a fact that does not obviate the possibility of their interest to parents and youth leaders, as well. All have been tested by the author-compiler with youngsters...
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Bernat Handicrafter, Book 161StolesSTITCH GAUGE: The term STITCH GAUGE is the most important part of all knitting directions, since the sizing of any knitted garment is planned on this gauge. You MUST work to the gauge which is given or your finished work will not be the...
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Idyllios á beira d'aguaIdyllios á beira d'agua - Romance originalSubi em julho deste anno montanha umbrosa do Bom Jesus do Monte e repousei o meu espirito, dumas fadigas em que andava trabalhado, sombra daquellas arvores seculares que ou no envelhecem nunca ou remoam cada noite para verdejar...
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How to Select CowsHow to Select Cows - or, The Guenon system simplified, explained, and practically appliedError is propagated with the rapidity of lightning; before it every obstacle disappears, and popular favor seems to welcome it. Truth, on the contrary, is received with indifference, often even with...
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Elbeszélések és tárcákElbeszélések és tárcákFrtelmes, vizes, hideg oktberi est volt s a zenl kisasszonyok elksve, fzva rkeztek a Palermo-kvhzba. Bresztler ur, az elhizott, de szigoru arcu tulajdonos, a pnztr mellett lt, egy hordban senyved, nagy beteg plma alatt (melynek szerepe volt a kvhznak Palermo-jelleget adni) s...
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La reina Calafia (novela)La reina Calafia (novela)En los primeros aos de su existencia matrimonial, haba vivido cerca de la Universidad. Luego, al crecer su hija nica, doa Amparo su esposa, que se arrogaba un poder sin lmites en todo lo referente la administracin y decoro de la...
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Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, No. 742, March 16, 1878Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, No. 742, March 16, 1878A passing sigh of regret has noted the recent demise, at the good old age of eighty-six, of one of the most remarkable men of our time. Seldom has it been our...
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United States. Department of Agriculture. Farmers' bulletin no. 2263Beef Slaughtering, Cutting, Preserving, and Cooking on the FarmThe Federal Meat Inspection Act requires that all meat which is to be sold or traded for human consumption must be slaughtered under inspection in an approved facility under the supervision of a State or USDA...
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Star Book No. 82Beautiful, Beautiful Afghansand the prettiest afghans are made of Dawn Wool. Our Design Studio has gathered a group of easy-to-make designs (so easy that some of them can even be made while watching television). We have included some old favorites such as the Granny...
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Circular (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) 60Take a Can of SalmonSalmon has been nourishing the human race and delighting the human palate since prehistoric times. Today, thanks to modern canning methods, it is becoming known more widely than ever as a cosmopolitan food fish. Its delicious flavor and the convenience...
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