Public Domain
The stories all children loveVinzi: A Story of the Swiss AlpsThe story of Vinzi is one of the freshest and most attractive to be found in modern literature, yielding not at all to the authors better-known Heidi. It is sure to delight all children and as many of...
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Rhymes of the Survey and FrontierRhymes of the Survey and Frontier TO MY FATHER F. B. FIELD AND MY FRIEND C. D. MACKINTOSH THE FORMER FOR HIS INTEREST IN HIS SON'S LIFE ABROAD AND THE LATTER FOR HIS KIND INDULGENCE AND SYMPATHY. "There is no more courageous body of...
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Harper's Round Table, November 17, 1896Harper's Round Table, November 17, 1896This is how the country people still tell the story of the Tragedy of the Youths, an incident of the time of James VI. of Scotland and I. of England, about forty years before the sailing of the Mayflower...
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The Whites and the BluesThe Whites and the BluesIn the preface of "The Companions of Jehu" I told why that romance had been written; and those who have read it cannot fail to have seen where I borrowed from Nodier in the description of the execution, of which...
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The Yellow PoppyThe Yellow PoppyAny reader familiar with the figure of the gallant and unfortunate Louis de Frott will realise why neither he nor the Normandy which he led so well play any part in these pagesnot indeed that he has served as prototype for any...
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Peter Jameson: A Modern RomancePeter Jameson: A Modern RomanceIf you take the Central London Tube to the Bank Station; fight for your place in the lift; climb the tortuous staircase to Lombard Street; pass along that narrow, money-glutted thoroughfare, where scarlet-vested, top-hatted bank-messengers take dignified way from the...
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PegeenPegeenJohn Archibald turned from his easel, eyed the intruder with amazement, faintly tinged with alarm, and thought of laughingbut did not laugh. She was such a mere wisp of a child and so profoundly serious. She was taking off her battered straw hat and...
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Looking BackLooking BackYour Majesty in so readily consenting to accept the dedication of this humble volume, has only added one more to the long list of gracious favours, that I have constantly received at the hands of Your Majesty, ever since the day on which...
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The Struggle for Imperial Unity: Recollections and ExperiencesThe Struggle for Imperial Unity: Recollections & ExperiencesSome fifteen years ago the late Dr. James Bain, Librarian of the Toronto Public Library, urged me to write my reminiscences. He knew that, as one of the founders of the Canada First party, as Chairman of...
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Canada Today and TomorrowCanada To-day and To-morrowFor those who mark the current of events, Canadas great destiny is written plain. Canada in a few decades must possess more people and more realised wealth than Great Britain. Whether the centre of Imperial control will then cross the Atlantic...
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The Love-Story of Aliette BruntonThe Love-Story of Aliette BruntonIn our heart of hearts--which we in England take almost as much pains to hide from ourselves as from our fellow-creatures--most of us realize that life without love is a weariness, a conflict bereft of hope, a struggle for no...
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Walled In: A True Story of Randall's IslandWalled In: A True Story of Randall's IslandWhen the world was made, a number of islands were loosely scattered around at the mouth of the Hudson River. To this day, the old river works steadily on, trying to change the saltness of the Atlantic...
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Life Stories for Young PeopleThe Youth of the Great ElectorThe story of Frederick William, The Great Elector, as he is known in history, begins with his birth and closes with his accession to power upon the death of his father. It is the story of his youth only,...
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The Kingdom of ManThe Kingdom of ManThis little volume is founded on three discourses which I have slightly modified for the present purpose, and have endeavoured to render interesting by the introduction of illustrative process blocks, which are described sufficiently fully to form a large extension of...
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Black Sheep: A NovelBlack Sheep: A Novel"Luggage! no! I should think not! party's without a overcoat, don't you see, Thomas?--without a overcoat, and it freezin' like mad! Poynings, indeed! What's he doin' there? He don't look much like one of the company! More like after the spoons,...
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Le blé en herbe: romanLe blé en herbe: romanD'un signe de tte hautain, la Pervenche Vinca aux yeux couleur de pluie printanire, rpondit qu'elle allait, en effet, la pche. Son chandail repris en tmoignait, et ses espadrilles racornies par le sel. On savait que sa jupe carreaux bleus...
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La pata de la raposa (Novela)La pata de la raposa (Novela)Dans le cas o personne ny prendrait garde, jaurai encore retir ce fruit de mes paroles, de mtre mieux guri moi-mme, et, comme le renard pris au pige, jaurai rong mon pied captif. Mais quand lunivers lcraserait, lhomme serait...
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The Arts in the Middle Ages and at the Period of the RenaissanceThe Arts in the Middle Ages and at the Period of the Renaissance ORE than twenty years ago we published, with the aid of our friend Ferdinand Sr, whose loss we regret, and with the co-operation of other learned men and of the most...
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Colorado OutingsColorado OutingsColoradofor thirty years no geographical name has been oftener written in connection with the phrases that express height, vastness, space, clearness and a colossal beauty that never wearies or changes or grows old. Hundreds of books, millions of words, have described its scenes....
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Stories of the Cave PeopleStories of the Cave PeopleNo man or woman can begin to intelligently interpret the causes of social phenomena and human progress to-day without a practical knowledge of sociology and a general understanding of the underlying causes of social evolution. Man has risen from a...
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