Public Domain
Investigation of Communist Activities in Seattle, Wash., Area, Hearings, Part 1Investigation of Communist Activities in Seattle, Wash., Area, Hearings, Part 1(2) The Committee on Un-American Activities, as a whole or by subcommittee, is authorized to make from time to time investigations of (i) the extent, character, and objects of un-American propaganda activities in the...
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Die gerichtliche Arzneikunde in ihrem Verhältnisse zur Rechtspflege, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der österreichischen Gesetzgebung. Erster BandDie gerichtliche Arzneikunde in ihrem Verhältnisse zur Rechtspflege, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der österreichischen Gesetzgebung. Erster Band. - Zum Gebrauche für Ärzte, Wundärzte und Rechtskundige dargestellt und mit entscheidenden Thatsachen begründet obersten Justiz-Prsidenten, Herrn der Herrschaft Ellischau und der Gter Kolinetz, Auczin und Wlczkovitz in...
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Guy Harris, the RunawayGuy Harris, the Runaway WELL, Guy Harris, I have only one word to say to you. If you think you can play off on me in this way, you are very much mistaken. I will post you among the fellows as a boy who...
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Doctor Mead's Short discourse explain'dDoctor Mead's Short discourse explain'd - Being a clearer account of pestilential contagion, and preventing. Many and various are the Opinions about the Design, as well as about the Meaning and real and true Sense of the short Discourse lately writ by the Celebrated...
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Spain from WithinSpain from WithinWhile a good deal has been written of late years about Spain from the point of view put forward by the governing classes, little or nothing has been said about the peoplethe mass of the nationwho, unable, the immense majority of them,...
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Egy magyar nábob (2. rész)Egy magyar nábob (2. rész)Mind kvl, mind bell nagy vltozsokon ment t a Nbob; termete annyira megcsappant ez id alatt, hogy elbbi ltnyeit nem viselheti a nagy bsg miatt, arczrl elmult a lzas vrssg, szemei krl a mmoros pffeds; az emberekkel komolyan beszl, kzgyek,...
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Egy magyar nábob (1. rész)Egy magyar nábob (1. rész)Megklts: ez megint j sz. n csinltam. Azrt csinltam, mert eddig nem volt, s szksg volt r. Irkra nzve ez mszaki kifejezs. Meghatrozja annak az agymkdsnek, a mg az ir egy alapeszmbl, a mit trgyul elfogadott, egy egsz mvet megalkot....
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The AmericansThe AmericansIn the Preface to my American Traits, in which I defended German ideals and criticised some American tendencies, I said, some years ago: It has been often questioned whether I am right in fighting merely against American shortcomings from a German point of...
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Sir P.S.: His Astrophel and StellaSir P.S.: His Astrophel and Stella - Wherein the excellence of sweete poesie is concludedTranscribers Note: Variable spelling and hyphenation have been retained from the original printing. Some minor errors in punctuation and capitalisation have been corrected, and some changes to the text are...
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Œuvres complètes de Guy de Maupassant - volume 11Œuvres complètes de Guy de Maupassant - volume 11Le texte de ce volume est conforme celui de ldition originale: Toine, Paris, Marpon et Flammarion, diteurs, 1885 moins Rencontre, dj publi dans Les Surs Rondoli, et avec addition de: L Homme-Fille.La Moustache (Ollendorff, 1902), Le...
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The Flower of the Flock, Volume 3 (of 3)The Flower of the Flock, Volume 3 (of 3) When Mr. Grahame had locked the door, he flung the key upon the table, and motioned his daughter to a seat. She silently declined to accept it. He paced the library for a few minutes....
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The Flower of the Flock, Volume 2 (of 3)The Flower of the Flock, Volume 2 (of 3) It was, as we have seen, through, the remarkable and unexpected return of Colonel Mires to England, and the no less singular circumstance of the rencontre in the Queens Bench, that old Wilton was reinstated...
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Apotti Jérôme Coignardin ajatuksiaApotti Jérôme Coignardin ajatuksiaI. Valtiomiehet. II. Pyh Abraham. III. Valtiomiehet. (Jatko ja loppu). IV. Mississipin juttu. V. Psiismunat. VI. Uusi hallitus. VII. Uusi hallitus. (Jatko ja loppu). VIII. Neuvosmiehet. IX. Tiede. X. Armeija. XI. Armeija (jatkoa). XII. Armeija. (Jatko ja loppu). XIII. Akatemiat. XIV....
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Coward or Hero?Coward or Hero?Nothing, you say? Then why did you pull down the blind? Why did you hurry away from the window? And why, sir, has your nose turned white? What is there to be seen in the street to frighten you like that? My...
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Alhalla, or the Lord of Talladega: A Tale of the Creek WarAlhalla, or the Lord of Talladega: A Tale of the Creek War. - With Some Selected Miscellanies, Chiefly of Early Date.Sir:Whatever may be the particular estimate set upon the intellectual character of the American aborigines, or the decision had on the perplexing question of...
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Rund um den Kreuzturm: Roman aus den Dresdner Maitagen von 1849Rund um den Kreuzturm: Roman aus den Dresdner Maitagen von 1849Es war ein sonniger Oktobertag gewesen. Der Wind hatte die letzten Fden des Altweibersommers ber die buntbelaubten ste der Bume gehngt, und auf den Bnken der breiten Mittelallee hatten sich zahlreiche Spaziergnger ausgeruht und...
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Varastettu basilli ja muita kertomuksiaVarastettu basilli ja muita kertomuksiaHuomaamaton tyydytyksen ilme vilahti hetkeksi kalpean miehen kasvoilla. "Siin on teill kuolema hallussanne", hn sanoi, ahnaasti silmillen pikku putkea. Bakteriologi tarkkasi vieraansa kasvonpiirteill kuvastuvaa sairaalloista mielihyv. Tm mies, joka nyt ehtoopivll oli vanhan ystvn suosituskirjeell pssyt hnen vieraakseen, hertti hness...
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History of the TransformerHistory of the TransformerAs of late the employment of alternating current transformers has largely increased and become of great importance, indeed as they are called upon to play a striking part in electric lighting from central stations, the author has thought a short notice...
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The Flight of Georgiana: A Story of Love and Peril in England in 1746The Flight of Georgiana: A Story of Love and Peril in England in 1746A little before noon one gray day in September, 1746, a well-made young fellow, in appearance and fact a gentlemans servant, rode up the High Street of a town in the...
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