Public Domain
New England and the Bavarian IlluminatiNew England and the Bavarian IlluminatiFew if any periods in our national history have been marked by a greater variety of clashing interests than the closing decade of the eighteenth century. Owing in part to inexperience in grappling with the problems of government, in...
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Forward Pass: A Story of the "New Football"Forward Pass: A Story of the "New Football"There was a warning clang from the engine bell and a sudden return to darkness as the fireman slammed the furnace door and tossed the slicer-bar back onto the tender. The express messenger in the car behind...
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The great Galeoto; Folly or saintlinessThe great Galeoto; Folly or saintliness - two plays done from the verse of José Echegaray into English prose by Hannah LynchThe Spanish theatre has for so long been out of fashion that a revived interest in it would carry us into a sort...
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With Sack and Stock in AlaskaWith Sack and Stock in AlaskaThe publishing of these simple notes is due to the wishes of one who is now no more. But for this they would probably have never seen the light, and I feel therefore that less apology is needed for...
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Life and Confession of Sophia HamiltonLife and Confession of Sophia Hamilton - Who was Tried, Condemned and Sentenced to be Hung, at Montreal, L. C. on the 4th of August, 1845, for the Perpetration of the Most Shocking Murders and Daring Robberies Perhaps Recorded in the Annals of CrimeIt...
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A History of Troop A Cavalry, Connecticut National Guard and Its Service in the Great War as Co. D, 102d Machine Gun BattalionA History of Troop A Cavalry, Connecticut National Guard and Its Service in the Great War as Co. D, 102d Machine Gun BattalionIt is hoped that this book will serve as a reminder to all D Company men and their descendants of the serious...
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Flight: An Epic of the AirFlight: An Epic of the AirOn this particular chilly November afternoon, the famous Yale Bowl was packed to its upmost tier with seething humanity, there for the purpose of witnessing the classic football event of the season, between Old Eli and Harvard. Though the...
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The Trial of an Ox, for Killing a Man;The Trial of an Ox, for Killing a Man; - With the Examination of the Witnesses, Before Judge Lion, at Quadruped Court, near Beast Park.An Ox was seized by the Dogs, and brought to trial, for having gored his Driver in such a brutal...
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Voyager Encounters JupiterVoyager Encounters JupiterIn March 1979 Voyager 1 swept past Jupiter, photographing both the giant planet and five of its moons. Four months later, a companion spacecraft, Voyager 2, made a similar encounter. Now, with Jupiter receding behind them, both spacecraft are headed toward the...
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AnthropophagyAnthropophagyIn giving himself to general reading relating to the origin and history of the human family, the writer of the following pages was impressed with the frequent allusion to man-eating among many of the peoples of the world; and although in itself it is...
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Shinto: The ancient religion of JapanShinto: The ancient religion of JapanOrigins.The Japanese are in the main a continental race. Their language and physical characteristics show conclusively that they come from Northern Asia, and geographical considerations indicate that Korea must have been their point of embarkation. Indeed a desultory emigration...
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Pyhä hymy: Historiallinen kertomus Hemming piispan päiviltäPyhä hymy: Historiallinen kertomus Hemming piispan päiviltäOlivat jo kumaraisillaan ukon hartiat, ei suoraan kuulakkaa syystaivasta kohden, vaan eteenpin viittasi lakin pyre kupu hnen pssn. Mutta kettersti hn kyd tuiversi, niin ett heiskahtelivat vain tummahkon porvariskauhtanan liepeet ihonmukaisia housuja vasten, siin polvilumpion paikkeilla. Tiuhaan pistttivt...
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Photo-LithographyPhoto-LithographyThe theoretical principle of lithography is purely chemical, and is based principally on the repulsion of water and other substances by fatty bodies, and the alteration of these greasy bodies by acids. As the support for this chemical opposition a stone or zinc plate...
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The Panama CanalThe Panama CanalThe building of a canal across the American Isthmus has occupied the attention of the world for four hundred years. While yet the sailors who crossed the sea with Columbus were living in all the vigor of mature manhood, a Spanish engineer...
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The Quarterly of the Oregon Historical Society (Vol. I, No. 2)The Quarterly of the Oregon Historical Society (Vol. I, No. 2)Ascending the Columbia River to the junction of its two main branches, and each of these branches in turn to its source, a point is reached to the north well toward the fifty-fifth degree...
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A History of the British Army, Vol. 1A History of the British Army, Vol. 1 - First Part—to the Close of the Seven Years' WarThe civilian who attempts to write a military history is of necessity guilty of an act of presumption; and I am not blind to my own temerity...
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Felfordult világ Észak honából A debreczeni lunátikusFelfordult világ; Észak honából; A debreczeni lunátikusNhny vvel ezeltt, vizkeresztnapjn reggel, ngy szatmrmegyei fiatal ember sszeszlalkozott bizonyos nemes versenyzsre. A verseny feladata ebbl llott: farsang els napjn elkezdeni Szinyr-Vraljn a tnczot; abban kivilgos kivirradtig helytllani; akkor fellni a csngs sznra, thajtani Szamostelekre, ott is...
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In Taunton town : a story of the rebellion of James Duke of Monmouth in 1685In Taunton town : a story of the rebellion of James Duke of Monmouth in 1685 IN TAUNTON TOWN. A Story of the Days of the Rebellion of James, Duke of Monmouth, in 1685. SHUT IN. A Tale of the Wonderful Siege of Antwerp...
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Air MonsterAir Monster I. On Secret Duty II. The Air Monster III. Mystery Plane IV. Danger in the Air V. No Clues VI. The Night Alarm VII. Suspicions VIII. Mysterious Moves IX. On the East Side X. The Neptune Sails XI. In the Hangar XII....
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The Sapphire SignetThe Sapphire SignetIt was five o'clock and a very dull, dark afternoon in Charlton Street. One by one lights had twinkled out in all the little two-story-and-dormer-windowed houses on the block,in all but one. The parlor windows of this house were still unlit, but...
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