Public Domain
On building a theatreOn building a theatre - Stage construction and equipment for small theatres, schools and communityArchitectural ineptitudes are more likely to be perpetuated and in time condoned than those in any other art. Generally speaking, a bad painting is scrapped, poor music remains unpublished and...
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In the Cause of FreedomIn the Cause of FreedomI had hard work to prevent myself laughing at the man to his face; and it is no light matter to laugh at these self-satisfied, bullying officials in Russian Poland. Some of them have too much power. And what if...
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Wilderness HoneyWilderness HoneyAll three turned and looked at the weatherbeaten side of the frame building adjoining the housethe store that for half a century had been known as Harmans. It had been a great place in its day, had Harmans. Almost the first recollections of...
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The Story of a Siberian Exile Followed by a Narrative of Recent Events in PolandThe Story of a Siberian Exile; Followed by a Narrative of Recent Events in PolandIt has not been thought advisable to give these papers to the public without a few words of explanation to those readers who see them for the first time in...
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Scientific SpragueScientific SpragueProduced by: D A Alexander, with thanks to the University of Colorado, Boulder, for providing a scan of the cover, and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was made using scans of public domain works put online by Harvard University...
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You Ask AnybodyYou Ask AnybodyTumultuous Casey Ryan had driven horses since he could stand on his toes, and as one of Nevadas last stage-drivers speed was his middle name. Wherefore the ubiquitous Ford finally claimed him for its ownand so did The Widow at Lucky Lode...
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DionyzosDionyzosRozig, sprenkelend den dauw op de violette anemonen, die openden haar slaapdronken kelken, en gretig drinken wilden met bekertjes, rees de dadelijk zonnige morgen over de blad-dichte beemden van Nyza. Weg naar het Westen week er de paarse nacht en verdween. Reuzig de wilde...
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Yorktown: Climax of the RevolutionYorktown: Climax of the RevolutionThe story of the last great act in the drama of American independence has been told many times, but never more vividly than in the words of the actors themselves. This book is an attempt to portray the crowning campaign...
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The Silver Stallion: A Comedy of RedemptionThe Silver Stallion: A Comedy of RedemptionIn this volume the text of Blg has not been followed over-scrupulously: but it is hoped that, in a book intended for general circulation, none will deplore such excisions and euphemisms, nor even such slight additions, as seemed...
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L'Italia nel 1898 (Tumulti e reazione)L'Italia nel 1898 (Tumulti e reazione) Il quarantotto italiano, compiuto poi nel 60, non fu neppure politico, fu strettamente nazionale e meschinamente unitario e dinastico. LItalia attende ancora il suo quarantotto politico, che le dia le condizioni essenziali della vita moderna, e permetta di...
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The archæology of the cuneiform inscriptionsThe archæology of the cuneiform inscriptionsThe first six chapters which follow, embody the Rhind Lectures in Archology which I delivered at Edinburgh in October 1906. The seventh chapter appeared as an article in the Contemporary Review for August 1905, and is here reprinted by...
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L'Amoureuse InitiationL'Amoureuse Initiation On a dj pu connatre plus dune fois, en lisant le rcit sincre que je fais ici de mes aventures, combien peu il men cote, au dclin de ma vie, de reconnatre la mdiocrit du rle que jai jou en ce monde....
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The contemporary science series [13]The Evolution of Marriage and of the FamilyA few preliminary observations in regard to the aim and method of this work may be useful to the reader. He will do well to begin by persuading himself, with Montaigne, that the hinges of custom are...
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A New AristocracyA New AristocracyMr. Murchison was dead. The villagers announced the fact to each other with bated breath as they gazed with reverent awe at the crape on the door. Poor man, they sighed, vaguely sympathetic; its well enough with him now, but theres the...
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A száműzött leánya: RegényA száműzött leánya: RegényA mult szzad elejn egy Degre nev franczia meneklt telepedett meg Lippn s magyar kisasszonyt, Rcz Annt vett nl. Ebbl a hzassgbl szletett 1820-ban Degr Alajos vagyis inkbb Degr Lojzi, olyan magyar, a kinl pinglni sem lehet klnbet. Abbl a tz...
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The Chemical Constituents of Piper MethysticumThe Chemical Constituents of Piper Methysticum - Or, The Chemical Constituents of the Active Principle of the Ava RootThe Thesis, herewith, on The Chemical Constituents of the Active Principle of the Ava Root by Alice A. Ball, clearly demonstrates her ability to do original...
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The North Shore MysteryThe North Shore MysteryThe usual quiet of North Shore was this morning rudely dispelled by the alarming rumour p. 2that a crime of an unusual kind had been committed in the house of Mrs. Delfosse, Lavender Bay. Mrs. Delfosse, it may be stated, is...
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Landmarks Medical and SurgicalLandmarks Medical and SurgicalThese Landmarks have already appeared in Saint Bartholomews Hospital Reports. They are now republished, with some additions, in the hope that they may be useful to others besides those for whom they were originally intended. My object has been to collect...
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A Girton GirlA Girton GirlThe foundations of Newnham and of Girton may be deep, observed Gaston Arbuthnot, in his pleasant, level, semi-American voice. The foundations of the Gogmagog Hills are deeper! Girl wranglers may come, girl optimists may go. The heart of woman remains unchanged. And...
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