Explore a wide selection of religion books, including the best books on Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and More
Wahre Schönheit durch Hingabe: Gottes Herz für Seine Töchter: A Love God Greatly German Bible Study Journal"Warum fühlt sich mein Leben gerade so hart an? Warum können die Dinge nicht einfacher sein? Ich dachte, wenn ich Christ werde, verschwinden all meine Probleme." "Warum ist mein Leben immer noch voller Leid und Ungewissheit, obwohl ich Jesus nachfolge?" Vielen von uns wurde...
- €24,72 EUR
- €24,72 EUR
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The Ease of BeingHenrik Fl renes is a spiritual master from Norway.He had his awakening to Being, after an out-of-body experience. And he became aware of this simplicity of Being and the flow of Ease...This led him to investigate this path... Through his growing faith, understanding and...
- €29,71 EUR
- €29,71 EUR
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The Gospels: Parallel Arrangement - Russian Synodal TranslationЕвангелие от Матфея, Марка, Луки и Иоанна - Благая Весть Нового Завета - описание земной жизни и служения нашего Господа Иисуса Христа. Одно Евангелие - четыре книги, четыре повествования, в которых много сходств, но немало и различий. Вдохновленный работой над составлением хронологического изложения Евангелий,...
- €122,68 EUR
- €122,68 EUR
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Holding on Loosely: Opening My Hands, Lightening My Load, and Seeing Something ElseWe are overly busy helicopter parents, control freaks, perfectionists, intolerants, over-consumers and social media junkies--who worry, fear, laugh less and always want more. In the midst of it, we wonder what it would feel like to open our hands and turn loose of all...
- €19,92 EUR
- €19,92 EUR
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The Qur'an - Saheeh International TranslationOne of the Best Holy Quran Translations Currently Available. This is a simpler, clearer and easier to read translation than many of the popular ones which proceeded it. Saheeh International has reviewed each verse in Arabic with reference to several works of Arabic tafseer...
- €63,05 EUR
- €63,05 EUR
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Stewardship in African American Churches: A New ParadigmAuthor: Melvin AmersonPublisher: Discipleship ResourcesPublished: 10/01/2015Pages: 136Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.36lbsSize: 8.50h x 5.50w x 0.29dISBN: 9780881777710
- €21,47 EUR
- €21,47 EUR
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Tpt the Book of Mark: 12-Lesson Study GuideThe book of Mark is an explosive account of Jesus' miraculous life. Mark highlights the many miracles of Jesus, illustrating the beautiful union of divine power and overwhelming mercy as he healed, taught, and saved the lost. This gospel reveals the Suffering Servant and...
- €20,11 EUR
- €20,11 EUR
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River of Being: A Parable for the Spiritual JourneyLike a salmon leaving the ocean and swimming upriver, we are on a journey in which we must learn how to fly, at least for brief intervals. As we navigate the rapids in life, we grow stronger and more skillful. If we don't make...
- €18,78 EUR
- €18,78 EUR
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#Gone Girl 31 Day Mask-Up DevotionalMask Up31 Day Devotional is a powerful anthology of testimonies by women of faith fromall walks of life. Compiled by Pastor Angela Johnson, this book shares the experiences ofwomen who have lost much; but, oh, through their stories we see how God has given...
- €46,01 EUR
- €46,01 EUR
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Saved from the Flood Washed by His BloodLife is very difficult as a teen girl, not to mention trying to live to glorify God on top of all the peer pressure that we encounter on a day-to-day basis. It is easy for us to oftentimes shy away or blend in with...
- €49,57 EUR
- €49,57 EUR
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Spiritual Slavery to Spiritual Sonship"Find Security, Freedom, and Acceptance by Resting in the Father s Love" People are always looking for identity and acceptance. Sadly, the search often leads to wrong places, wrong people, and wrong messages about who they are. These restless journeys ultimately lead us to...
- €55,88 EUR
- €55,88 EUR
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Dignas: Celebrando El Valor del La MujerQué dice la Biblia acerca del valor de las mujeres? Enseña la Biblia que las mujeres son tan valiosas como los hombres o las retrata como de alguna manera más defectuosas, más débiles y fácilmente engañadas? Comenzando desde Génesis y a través de la...
- €20,11 EUR
- €20,11 EUR
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Ethiopian Bible Society's Amharic Holy Bible DictionaryNEW PRINTED EDITION!!! AVAILABLE (Outside of Ethiopia)! The official "AMHARIC DICTIONARY OF THE HOLY BIBLE." Originally compiled as a study companion to the 1961-62' Authorized Revised Amharic Bible, during the times H.I.M. Haile Sellassie I of Ethiopia, sometimes referred to as the "Emperor's Bible."...
- €37,91 EUR
- €37,91 EUR
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She Deserves Better: Raising Girls to Resist Toxic Teachings on Sex, Self, and Speaking UpWhat if the goal of raising a Christian girl was about more than keeping her virginity intact? What if it was about raising a strong, independent young woman who knows who she is, uses her voice, and confidently steps into the life God has...
- €27,59 EUR
- €27,59 EUR
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Memoirs of a Jewish Prisoner of the GulagZvi Preigerzon wrote memoirs about his time in the Gulag in 1958, long before Solzhenitsyn and without any knowledge of the other publications on this subject. It was one of the first eyewitness accounts of the harsh reality of Soviet Gulags. Even after the...
- €337,49 EUR
- €337,49 EUR
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Sacred Smallness: Finding Kingdom Greatness in a Fruitful, Hidden Life'I asked God for a mic, and He gave me a broom!'Have you noticed Jesus' kingdom is upside down? To be first, you must be last. To find your life, you must lose it. To receive, you must give. And to lead, you must...
- €46,71 EUR
- €46,71 EUR
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Baptism: A Quest for TruthHave you ever wondered what the Bible says about baptism? Though one of Scripture's most controversial subjects, the truth about baptism is surprisingly clear. This book leads the reader on a journey examining the Scriptures, Church History, and Common Arguments on the subject. This...
- €16,02 EUR
- €16,02 EUR
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Fortune and ParadiseHow does a divorced, young mother go from broken, penniless, and desperate to Fortune and Paradise? You won't want to miss a minute of this story of the challenging situations she faced throughout her life and how God continued to lead her to victory!Shirley...
- €36,39 EUR
- €36,39 EUR
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The Independent Church of God of the Juda Tribe of Israel: The Black Jews /: The black Jews /2022 Reprint of the 1925 Edition. Exact facsimile of the original edition and not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. Many African Americans have rejected the Christianity they associate with slaveowners in favor of religions with more distinctively black identities. Beginning in the early nineteenth...
- €16,88 EUR
- €16,88 EUR
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Islamic Aqidah (Beliefs) For Children: What Every Muslim Must Believe About Allah!Aqida (Islamic beliefs) is the most important and essential knowledge for Muslims. It is the foundation of one's religion. Understanding the correct Islamic beliefs regarding Allah, His prophets, and the unseen world, is the duty of every Muslim.In this book we will be explaining,...
- €36,22 EUR
- €36,22 EUR
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