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The American Missionary — Volume 36, No. 7, July, 1882The American Missionary — Volume 36, No. 7, July, 1882relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretary; those relating to the collecting fields, to the District Secretaries; letters for the Editor of the American Missionary, to Rev. G.D....
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A Few Remarks on the Scripture History of Saul and the Witch of EndorA Few Remarks on the Scripture History of Saul and the Witch of EndorIt is your mercy the divine Spirit is the glorifier of Jesus; that he has set him forth in his word as the Christ of God; what he is, what he...
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The Speedy Appearance of Christ Desired by the ChurchThe Speedy Appearance of Christ Desired by the Church - Being the Substance of a Sermon, Preached on the Death of a Friend, August 27, 1815This divine Poem, is designed by the Holy Spirit, to exhibit the love of God our dear Saviour, to...
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The Morning of Spiritual Youth Improved, in the Prospect of Old Age and Its InfirmitiesThe Morning of Spiritual Youth Improved, in the Prospect of Old Age and Its Infirmities - Being a Literal and Spiritual Paraphrase on the Twelfth Chapter of Ecclesiastes. In a Series of Letters.CHRISTIAN READER, I need make no apology far publishing the following Letters,...
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The Nature of a Gospel ChurchThe Nature of a Gospel Church - A Confession of Evangelical Principles; and the Members' Covenant. Intended for the Use of the Church of Christ.To the congregational Churches of Jesus Christ, particularly that one over which the Holy Ghost hath made me an Overseer:...
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The Living Letter, Written with the Pen of TruthThe Living Letter, Written with the Pen of Truth - Being the Substance of a Sermon, Preached at the Obelisk Chapel, St. George's Fields, on Sunday Morning, Sept. 26, 1813.Grace and Peace be with you:I received your kind present of the Bundle of Pens,...
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A Feast for SerpentsA Feast for Serpents - Being the substance of a sermon, preached at the Obelisk Chapel, on Sunday evening, March 21, 1813To the Church of Jesus Christ, who are loved with an everlasting love, chosen in Christ before all worldsredeemed by the blood of...
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Hurrell Froude: Memoranda and CommentsHurrell Froude: Memoranda and CommentsTHE epistolary matter in the first section of this volume is drawn from material already in print: chiefly from Part I. of The Remains of the Reverend Richard Hurrell Froude, M.A., Fellow of Oriel, published by the Rivingtons in 1838,...
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The Glorious Law-Giver, and the Obedient SubjectThe Glorious Law-Giver, and the Obedient Subject - Being the Substance of a Sermon, on the Duty of All Believers to Commemorate the Death of the Redeemer, in the Lord's Supper. Intending to Set Forth the Authority of Christ; the Nature of the Ordinance;...
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Spiritual Victories Through the Light of SalvationSpiritual Victories Through the Light of SalvationTO those Friends who requested the Publication of this SermonI have only to say, I have endeavored to recollect a considerable part of it; many ideas I have omitted, and others I have introduced, as I had not...
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On Sameness and Identity: A Psychological StudyOn Sameness and Identity: A Psychological Study - Being a Contribution to the Foundations of a Theory of KnowledgeResearches are in progress on: Memory and the Least Noticeable Difference in Sensation; Measurement in the Diagnosis of Diseases of the Nervous System; The Rate at...
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The American Missionary — Volume 41, No. 4, April, 1887The American Missionary — Volume 41, No. 4, April, 1887Relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretaries; those relating to the collecting fields, to Rev. James Powell, D.D., or to the District Secretaries; letters for The American Missionary,...
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Ihmisen velvollisuudetIhmisen velvollisuudet"Pyh Allianssi", joka saatuaan tehtvkseen Euroopan olojen uudelleen jrjestmisen ryhtyi taas mrittelemn valtakuntien rajoja, ei tuntenutkaan ksitett "kansa". Se tunsi vain ksitteen "ruhtinas", tai ksitteen "valtio" ruhtinaan hallitseman maa-alueen muodossa, jonka rajojen sisll saattoi asua joko yksi tai useampia kansallisuuksia. Ja niin piirrettiin...
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The EmigrantThe EmigrantThe Emigrant (Emigranta), by L. F. Dostoieffskaya, a daughter of Dostoieffsky the novelist, was published in 1913, and obtained considerable success in Russia. It is a study of the life of a Russian girl (or should we say woman? for she is not...
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The Magic and Science of Jewels and StonesThe Magic and Science of Jewels and StonesIn these pages a sincere attempt is made to blend modern science with the ancient and occult philosophy of the precious, semi-precious and common stones of the earth. It will be shown that many of the seemingly...
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The American Missionary — Volume 36, No. 6, June, 1882The American Missionary — Volume 36, No. 6, June, 1882relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretary; those relating to the collecting fields, to the District Secretaries; letters for the Editor of the American Missionary, to Rev. G.D....
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Gleanings from the Works of George FoxGleanings from the Works of George Fox George Fox may be variously described. If we look at him from the standpoint of orthodox Catholicism we shall see a heretical genius, a man who tried to re-organise the church and succeeded in establishing a sectin...
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A Class Room LogicA Class Room Logic - Deductive and Inductive, with Special Application to the Science and Art of Teaching This treatise is an outgrowth of our class room work in logic. It has been published in the hope of removing some of the difficulties which...
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The American Missionary — Volume 36, No. 5, May, 1882The American Missionary — Volume 36, No. 5, May, 1882relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretary; those relating to the collecting fields, to the District Secretaries; letters for the Editor of the American Missionary, to Rev. G.D....
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