Health & Fitness
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Cholesterol CounterThis handy guide to cholesterol is unique, including listings of cholesterol counts for thousands of everyday food stuffs.Cholesterol Counter is the easy way to monitor your cholesterol. With a clear introductory section on what cholesterol actually is and how you can lower it, followed...
- HK$120.57
- HK$120.57
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Comida Vegetariana: Recetas Vegetales Saludables Y Rápidas Para Limpiar Tu CuerpoEl veganismo es un tipo de dieta que se puede adaptar a cualquier edad y género. Las investigaciones han demostrado que seguir una dieta vegana puede ayudar a reducir los niveles de colesterol. También ayuda a la persona que hace dieta a evitar ciertos...
- HK$501.12
- HK$501.12
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Sweetie: The Story of a Girl Diagnosed with Type One DiabetesSweetie was a typical child until she became sick and didn't know why. After being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, Sweetie learns how to manage the disease while continuing to enjoy all the things she has always loved. Sweetie's friends and family learn to...
- HK$225.75
- HK$225.75
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A Happier HourWhat if the very thing you believed to be your biggest flaw and weakness, actually turned out to be your biggest gift?When Rebecca Weller's pounding, dehydrated head woke her at 3am, yet again, she stared up at the ceiling, wondering why the hell she...
- HK$413.73
- HK$413.73
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Stay Sober and Save the World the Cave Woman WayFrantic to change her life, quit drinking, and save the world, Sil and her boyfriend leave their jobs and travel to Phoenix, where they'll await the green light for a new job in Haiti building eco-friendly homes.Once on the road, one regret clouds Sil's...
- HK$344.62
- HK$344.62
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2022 Ob/GYN Coding Manual: Components of Correct CodingThe 2022 OB/GYN Coding Manual: Components of Correct Coding is now available. Coding errors can delay payment, lead to increased denials, and even federal penalties. Ensure that your practice is coding accurately and getting reimbursed efficiently--purchase this essential resource today! ACOG's OB/GYN Coding Manual...
- HK$2,485.12
- HK$2,485.12
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It's Going to Be Ok: The Journey of a Mother's Five-Year Wait to Finally Have a ChildFor many women today, trying to become pregnant has meant much heart-ache, pain and emotional turmoil. Chumi Lakshmi and her husband were searching for answers. Four months after they got married, God promised them a son. But for five long years following their marriage,...
- HK$192.27
- HK$192.27
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Good Dog, Happy Baby: Preparing Your Dog for the Arrival of Your ChildFor years dog trainer Michael Wombacher has worked with expecting dog owners to prevent problems between dogs and children. He has also unfortunately witnessed too many families forced to surrender their beloved family companions because they failed to prepare the dog for the arrival...
- HK$203.12
- HK$203.12
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Ten Days with DadHave you ever learned more from someone in ten days than you did during their entire lifetime? What if that person was your father as he battled Alzheimer's during a global pandemic? Within four years of his Alzheimer's diagnosis, my dad could no longer...
- HK$388.04
- HK$388.04
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The Motherless New Mother's Pregnancy Journal: Prompts, Practices, and Affirmations to Guide the Mom Who is Missing Her OwnPregnancy is a deeply transformative time, and this is especially true for the new mom who is missing her own. The Motherless New Mother's Pregnancy Journal offers the best of a thoughtful pregnancy log while considering the unique journey of a motherless daughter. With...
- HK$285.81
- HK$285.81
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Crystals and Healing Stones: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide Including Experiential Knowledge, Intuitive Guidance and Practical TherapiesYour all-in-one guide to practical crystal healing therapies through intuitive pathways, easy for the complete beginner to comprehend.Do you and your loved ones suffer from common ailments, such as upset stomach and fatigue? Or maybe you are up against more profound medical diagnoses, like...
- HK$446.16
- HK$446.16
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La Curación por el Ayuno: Gana salud, energía y larga vida, potenciando los recursos naturales de tu organismo con el ayuno intermitente.El ayuno es la terapia natural por excelencia. No hay enfermedad que se le resista. Cuando dejamos de comer, se pone en marcha en nuestro organismo un inteligente y complejo sistema que nos permite recuperar la energía necesaria a partir de las grasas acumuladas....
- HK$193.87
- HK$193.87
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Insomnia Doc's Guide to Restful Sleep: Remedies for Insomnia and Good Sleep HealthKick Poor Sleep Hygiene Out of Bed!Dr. Kristen Casey, TikTok's "Insomnia Doc," brings her sleep solutions right to you, so you can get the restful sleep you deserve! We all have sleep issues and you're not alone. Whether you suffer from acute insomnia, sleep...
- HK$226.25
- HK$226.25
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Movemint Medicine: Your Journey to Peak Health'Becoming CEO of your body and mind' Dr Rajat Chauhan and Dr Darren Player have seen it all. They know what it is like to break real and imaginary obstacles when it comes to exercising, whether it's for a peak performance or getting back...
- HK$232.15
- HK$232.15
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Comparing and Contrasting the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic in the European UnionComparing and Contrasting the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the European Union challenges the use of uncontextualised comparisons of COVID-19 cases and deaths in member states during the period when Europe was the epicentre of the pandemic. This timely study looks behind the...
- HK$470.59
- HK$470.59
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Wandering the Wards: An Ethnography of Hospital Care and its Consequences for People Living with DementiaWandering the Wards provides a detailed and unflinching ethnographic examination of life within the contemporary hospital. It reveals the institutional and ward cultures that inform the organisation and delivery of everyday care for one of the largest populations within them: people living with dementia...
- HK$998.74
- HK$998.74
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Mothering the Crescent Moons: Our Journey with Sickle Cell AnemiaMothering the Crescent Moons is a testament to one woman's unyielding resilience. A heart-warming story, it details the author's challenges and triumphs of being a mother and a caregiver to a child with sickle cell anemia. Along the journey, Tyrene faced many ups and...
- HK$258.38
- HK$258.38
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The Witch's Apothecary -- Seasons of the Witch: Magical Potions for the Wheel of the YearRituals and recipes to help you embrace daily magic and sacred living through apothecary blending with herbs, oils, fragrances and crystals. Bestselling co-author of The Seasons of the Witch Oracle cards series, Lorriane Anderson, has created a practical guide for beginning and advanced witches...
- HK$296.80
- HK$296.80
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When Mom Mom and Pop Pop ForgetA young child tries to understand why her grandparents are becoming forgetful. She wants to know why her friends' aunt will be moving into an assisted living facility. She's determined to help her grandparents any way she can to keep them from moving into...
- HK$183.13
- HK$183.13
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Pediatric Collections: Social Determinants of Health: Part 3: Promoting Health EquityPediatric Collections offers what you need to know - original, focused research in a snapshot approach. Youths who are negatively affected by social determinants of health suffer adverse effects like increased risks of chronic health conditions and mental health issues. Part 3 of this...
- HK$785.63
- HK$785.63
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