Body, Mind & Spirit
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Marblehead Myths, Legends and LoreFind stories of magic and witches, sailors, pirates and shipwrecks and more in this book filled with folks with great stories and interesting lives.Author and Marblehead Museum & Historical Society director Pam Peterson recounts the oral and written accounts that Marbleheaders have handed down...
- €36,01 EUR
- €36,01 EUR
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The Influence of the Zodiac Upon Human LifeThere have been many and various interpretations of the zodiac and its sway upon humanity, but rarely one so generous as this charming 1894 volume. Its complete and tolerant interpretations of the kinds of people to be found under each sign of the zodiac...
- €29,31 EUR
- €29,31 EUR
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Science and the Afterlife Experience: Evidence for the Immortality of ConsciousnessReveals the evidence of life beyond death - Examines 125 years of scientific research into reincarnation, apparitions, and communication with the dead showing these phenomena are real - Reveals the existence of higher planes of consciousness where the souls of the dead can choose...
- €34,14 EUR
- €34,14 EUR
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The Spiritual Gift of Madness: The Failure of Psychiatry and the Rise of the Mad Pride MovementA bold call for the "insane" to reclaim their rightful role as prophets of spiritual and cultural transformation - Explains how many of those diagnosed as schizophrenic, bipolar, and other forms of "madness" are not ill but experiencing a spiritual awakening - Explores the...
- €39,55 EUR
- €39,55 EUR
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Las Enseñanzas Secretas de Las Plantas: La Inteligencia del Corazón En La Percepción Directa de la NaturalezaRevela el uso de la percepci n directa en la comprensi n de la naturaleza, las plantas medicinales, y la sanaci n de las enfermedades humanas - Explora las t cnicas utilizadas por los pueblos abor genes y occidentales para aprender directamente de las...
- €34,14 EUR
- €34,14 EUR
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Rumi's Four Essential Practices: Ecstatic Body, Awakened SoulPoems and commentary that open the door for a new generation to experience the ecstatic and embodied spiritual truths contained in Rumi's poetry - Reveals how the four practices of eating lightly, breathing deeply, moving freely, and gazing intently can invoke the divinity within...
- €26,93 EUR
- €26,93 EUR
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Decoding the Human Body-Field: The New Science of Information as MedicineA revolutionary system that reestablishes the proper flow of information to the body's energetic fields to promote health - Presents a new integrative model of the energetic physiology of the human body (the human body-field) and its influence on health - Shows that a...
- €39,55 EUR
- €39,55 EUR
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The Golden Number: Pythagorean Rites and Rhythms in the Development of Western CivilizationThe first English translation of Ghyka's masterwork on sacred geometry - Reveals how the Golden Number Phi underlies the spiritual nature of beauty and the hidden harmonies that connect the whole of creation - Explains how the spiritual mysteries of the Golden Number were...
- €90,08 EUR
- €90,08 EUR
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Energy Balance Through the Tao: Exercises for Cultivating Yin EnergyAn introduction to the ancient Taoist exercise system of Tao Yin - Includes 45 fully illustrated exercises that promote flexibility, strength, and balance in one's physical, mental, and spiritual energy - Addresses the health needs of the musculoskeletal system and the unique physical stresses...
- €32,43 EUR
- €32,43 EUR
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Stowe's Bible Astrology (the Bible Founded on Astrology)The Old Testament and Astrology or Religion Keeps Pace with the Sun through the Great Zodiac; the Story of the Sun god and the Story of the Son of God are one and the Same; Man Made in the Image of His Creator, the...
- €56,11 EUR
- €56,11 EUR
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Sunset Tai Chi: Simplified Tai Chi for Relaxation and LongevityWhile the bestselling Sunrise Tai Chi offered a program to get energized in the morning, Sunset Tai Chi teaches you how to relax and calm down at the end of the day. Sunset Tai Chi is a comprehensive introduction to using Tai Chi for...
- €38,52 EUR
- €38,52 EUR
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Your Body Is Your Subconscious MindYour brain is not in charge. This revelation by Dr. Candace Pert challenges conventional science--and everyone interested in total wellness--to reconsider how our bodies think, feel, and heal. As the leading pioneer in a radical new science of life, this bestselling author and world-class...
- €52,22 EUR
- €52,22 EUR
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The Secret History of the Hell-Fire Clubs: From Rabelais and John Dee to Anton Lavey and Timothy LearyAn exploration of the origins, influences, and legacy of the scandalous Hell-Fire Clubs of the 18th century and beyond - Reveals the club's origins in the work of Rabelais and the magical practices of John Dee and how their motto, "Do What You Will,"...
- €34,21 EUR
- €34,21 EUR
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Military Encounters with Extraterrestrials: The Real War of the WorldsThe first, comprehensive military history of armed confrontations between humans and extraterrestrials - Includes documentation of incidents from World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, and the ongoing hostilities in the Middle East - Reveals the...
- €36,03 EUR
- €36,03 EUR
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The Nine Waves of Creation: Quantum Physics, Holographic Evolution, and the Destiny of HumanityA guide to aligning your life with the frequencies of the Nine Waves of Creation - Explains the quantum physics behind the Waves of the Mayan Calendar system and how their holograms shape the human mind - Shows how throughout history each revolution in...
- €36,03 EUR
- €36,03 EUR
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Esoteric Egypt: The Sacred Science of the Land of KhemA study of the 100,000-year-old spiritual science of ancient Egypt - Examines the metaphysical structure of our universe as seen by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Celts, showing that each is based on the same central concepts from time immemorial - Reveals that the...
- €45,05 EUR
- €45,05 EUR
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Breaking the Mirror of Heaven: The Conspiracy to Suppress the Voice of Ancient EgyptExposes the many cycles of monument destruction and cultural suppression in Egypt from antiquity to the present day - Details the vandalism of Egyptian antiquities and suppression of ancient knowledge under foreign rulers who sought to cleanse Egypt of its "pagan" past - Reveals...
- €36,03 EUR
- €36,03 EUR
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Mysteries of the Ancient Past: A Graham Hancock ReaderCutting-edge thinkers on the origins of civilization, the Giza pyramids, pre-Columbian and early America, and the power of human consciousness - With contributions by David Frawley, Geoff Stray, Joscelyn Godwin, Daniel Pinchbeck, Antoine Gigal, and others - Topics range from the origins of the...
- €32,43 EUR
- €32,43 EUR
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Confessions of a Rebel Angel: The Wisdom of the Watchers and the Destiny of Planet EarthA rebel angel's observations from her half-million years on Earth and her perspective on the spiritual journey of her human charge - Explains the hidden motivations behind Lucifer's angelic rebellion 203,000 years ago and watcher Georgia's participation in it - Explores the benevolent intentions...
- €39,63 EUR
- €39,63 EUR
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The Voice of Rolling Thunder: A Medicine Man's Wisdom for Walking the Red RoadRolling Thunder's life and wisdom in his own words and from interviews with those who knew him well - Contains never-before-released talks by Rolling Thunder preserved by the Grateful Dead's Mickey Hart as well as accounts of remarkable healings and weather magic from famous...
- €36,03 EUR
- €36,03 EUR
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