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The Boy Travellers in the Far East, Part ThirdThe Boy Travellers in the Far East, Part Third - Adventures of Two Youths in a Journey to Ceylon and India; With Descriptions of Borneo, the Philippine Islands and BurmahThis volume completes the series of "The Boy Travellers in the Far East." It attempts...
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Early TypographyEarly TypographyThe germ of the present work was a Lecture delivered by the writer before the Members of the Colombo Athenum, on the 24th February 1853. That Lecture was fully reported at the time in the Colombo Observer, and a few copies were subsequently...
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Germany's Dishonoured Army: Additional records of German atrocities in FranceGermany's Dishonoured Army: Additional records of German atrocities in FranceIn November, 1914, Professor Morgan was commissioned by the Secretary of State for Home Affairs to undertake the investigation in France into the alleged breaches of the laws of war by the German troops. His...
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When the movies were youngWhen the movies were youngJust off Union Square, New York City, there is a stately old brownstone house on which future generations some day may place a tablet to commemorate the place where David W. Griffith and Mary Pickford were first associated with moving...
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With the movie makersWith the movie makersMotion pictures are still changing so much, in their development from year to year, that any survey of this vast, chaotic new industry is in danger of being out-of-date long before its time. With this in mind, I have attempted to...
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Mirabilia descripta: The wonders of the EastMirabilia descripta: The wonders of the EastThe little work here presented was printed in the original Latin at Paris in 1839, under the editorship of M. Coquebert-Montbret, in the Recueil de Voyages et de Mmoires, publi par la Socit de Gographie, vol. iv. I...
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Folklore of Wells: Being a Study of Water-Worship in East and WestFolklore of Wells: Being a Study of Water-Worship in East and WestFor literary conceits and dreams of authorship there is no more powerful antidote than the tedium of official life. It radically cures all such morbid propensities. This little book, however, owes its inspiration...
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Coffee and Chicory:Coffee and Chicory: - Their culture, chemical composition, preparation for market, and consumption, with simple tests for detecting adulteration, and practical hints for the producer and consumerA practical essay on the culture and preparation of coffee for market in the various producing countries of...
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The Wild Elephant and the Method of Capturing and Taming it in CeylonThe Wild Elephant and the Method of Capturing and Taming it in CeylonIn this volume, the chapters descriptive of the structure and habits of the wild elephant are reprinted for the sixth time from a larger work,1 published originally in 1859. Since the appearance...
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The Steam Engine Familiarly Explained and IllustratedThe Steam Engine Familiarly Explained and Illustrated - With an historical sketch of its invention and progressive improvement; its applications to navigation and railways; with plain axioms for railway speculatorsThere are two classes of persons whose attention may be attracted by a treatise on...
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India Impressions, With some notes of Ceylon during a winter tour, 1906-7India Impressions, With some notes of Ceylon during a winter tour, 1906-7.Although many books descriptive of India and Indian life have recently appeared, even a short visit to that wonderful country presents so extraordinary a series of spectacles to the European, especially to one...
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Ocean SteamshipsOcean Steamships - A popular account of their construction, development, management and appliancesSlow Growth of the Idea of Steam PropulsionModels Shown at the Liverpool Exhibition in 1886Claims of Precedence in the Invention of SteamboatsWhat Fulton AccomplishedThe ClermontThe Voyage of the Savannah in 1819The First...
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The Gentle Art of FakingThe Gentle Art of Faking - A history of the methods of producing imitations & spurious works of art from the earliest times up to the present dayCollectomania may with some reason be looked upon as a comedy in which the leading parts are...
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Buddhist birth stories or, Jataka tales, Volume 1Buddhist birth stories; or, Jataka tales, Volume 1It is well known that amongst the Buddhist Scriptures there is one book in which a large number of old stories, fables, and fairy tales, lie enshrined in an edifying commentary; and have thus been preserved for...
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Sinhalese Folklore Notes, CeylonSinhalese Folklore Notes, CeylonThe Sinhalese beliefs, customs and stories in the present collection were contributed by the writer to the Indian Antiquary fourteen years ago in a series of articles under the title of Glimpses of Sinhalese Social Life; they are now offered, amplified...
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The Art of Bookbinding: A practical treatise, with plates and diagramsThe Art of Bookbinding: A practical treatise, with plates and diagramsBookbinding carries us back to the time when leaden tablets with inscribed hieroglyphics were fastened together with rings, which formed what to us would be the binding of the volumes. We might go even...
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Narrative of the Operations of a Detachment in an Expedition to Candy, in the Island of Ceylon, in the Year 1804Narrative of the Operations of a Detachment in an Expedition to Candy, in the Island of Ceylon, in the Year 1804 - With Some Observations on the Previous Campaign, and on the Nature of Candian Warfare, etc., etc., etc. As it appears generally incumbent...
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Castes and Tribes of Southern India. Vol. 5 of 7Castes and Tribes of Southern India. Vol. 5 of 7MARAKKYAR.The Marakkyars are described, in the Madras Census Report, 1901, as a Tamil-speaking Musalman tribe of mixed Hindu and Musalman origin, the people of which are usually traders. They seem to be distinct from the...
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Memoir of Hendrick Zwaardecroon, commandeur of Jaffnapatam (afterwards Governor-General of Nederlands India) 1697Memoir of Hendrick Zwaardecroon, commandeur of Jaffnapatam (afterwards Governor-General of Nederlands India) 1697. - For the guidance of the council of Jaffnapatam, during his absence at the coast of Malabar.This Memoir of Commandeur Zwaardecroon was, as stated, compiled and left by him in 1697...
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Curiosities of the American StageCuriosities of the American StageThis book, as its name implies, is a series of chapters from the annals of the American Theatre; and it considers Plays and Players more particularly in their less familiar aspects. It does not pretend to be critical; and the...
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