Business & Economics
Explore the best business and economics books, including top entrepreneur reads, finance essentials, and foundational texts. Browse our online bookstore for bestsellers and highly recommended books in business and economics.
Mentale Stärke Im Beruf: Resilienz Und Leistungsfähigkeit MaximierenDas Buch zeigt, dass mentale Stärke im beruflichen Kontext ein entscheidender Faktor für Leistung und Erfolg von Einzelnen, Teams sowie Organisationen ist.Der Autor beantwortet kompakt und fundiert Fragen zu den Themen: Worin unterscheiden sich mentale Gesundheit, mentales Wohlbefinden, Resilienz und mentale Stärke? Welche Faktoren...
- €41,42 EUR
- €41,42 EUR
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Die Elektronische Wahl Des Deutschen Bundestages: Eine Analyse Der Voraussetzungen Für Die Wahl Vom Heimischen Computer Der Bürgerinnen Und BürgerDieses Buch befasst sich mit der elektronischen Stimmabgabe bei Bundestagswahlen und analysiert die rechtlichen sowie partizipatorischen Voraussetzungen dieser alternativen Form der Stimmabgabe. Insbesondere aus gesellschaftspolitischer Sicht ist diese Thematik von besonderer Bedeutung, da die Wahlbeteiligung in Deutschland bei Bundestagswahlen seit Jahren rückläufig ist. Mit...
- €149,67 EUR
- €149,67 EUR
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Marketing nas Redes SociaisSocial Media Marketing: O livro de marketing em linha que lhe mostra como utilizar o marketing bem sucedido das redes sociais para vender o seu negócio ou auto-emprego! Quer saber o que realmente faz um influenciador de sucesso? Neste livro irá aprender os conceitos...
- €22,49 EUR
- €22,49 EUR
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Nachhaltige Innovationen in Klein- Und Mittelständischen UnternehmenKleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU) stehen vor neuen und gro en Herausforderungen im Zusammenhang mit der laufenden Nachhaltigkeitstransformation. Obwohl sie als Innovationstreiber bekannt sind, verfügen sie oftmals nicht über die gleichen Kapazitäten wie gro e Unternehmen, um sich erfolgreich an Nachhaltigkeitsanforderungen anzupassen oder diese...
- €41,42 EUR
- €41,42 EUR
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Referability RoadmapDo you want to take control of your business?The Referability Roadmap is a simple and practical guide that will help transform your business and your life! Why you want to build a Referral Based Business Why success starts in your mind The Secret Sauce...
- €43,72 EUR
- €43,72 EUR
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Intentional Unicorn: Bring your authentic self to thrive in life and careerCREATE AND DRIVE YOUR OWN JOURNEY BY PUTTING A SPOTLIGHT ON YOUR UNIQUE SUPERPOWERS... BE PROUD OF BEING A UNICORN... AN INTENTIONAL UNICORN!The confidence that emerges from the realization of your super-powers fuels and accelerates an exciting growing journey. For many years, author Jennie...
- €59,80 EUR
- €59,80 EUR
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Workers Can Win: A Guide to Organising at WorkDrawing on more than 20 years of organizing experience, Allinson combines practical techniques with an analysis of the theory and politics of organizing and unions.The Covid, climate, and cost of living crises all hang heavy in the air. It's more obvious than ever that...
- €279,56 EUR
- €279,56 EUR
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Hidden Challenges: Human Dynamics in Organizational Change and RecoveryGoing far beyond a purely rational-structural way of looking at change in organizations, this book contributes well researched insights into often-overlooked organizational blind spots.The authors share their own experiences in clear and accessible language, exploring recovery from cumulative crises; nostalgia and postalgia; victimization of...
- €41,44 EUR
- €41,44 EUR
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Can You Outsmart an Economist?: 100+ Puzzles to Train Your Brain"Will delight and inform anyone who enjoys rigorous thinking and the unexpected conclusions it delivers." -- Jamie Whyte, author of Crimes Against Logic "This ingenious gallop through the mind of Steven Landsburg enables you to think like an economist without incurring a Keynesian headache...
- €30,43 EUR
- €30,43 EUR
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The Triumph of Injustice: How the Rich Dodge Taxes and How to Make Them PayEven as they became fabulously wealthy, the ultra-rich have had their taxes collapse to levels last seen in the 1920s. Meanwhile, working-class Americans have been asked to pay more. The Triumph of Injustice presents a forensic investigation into this dramatic transformation, written by two...
- €50,06 EUR
- €50,06 EUR
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Insightful Leadership: Surfing the Waves to Organizational ExcellenceThe chaos of the last three years has accelerated history into a world where disruption is the new normal. COVID-19 and digital innovation, combined with geopolitical and financial crises, have accelerated history into a world where disruption is the new normal. From now on,...
- €41,44 EUR
- €41,44 EUR
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Renewing U.S. Security Policy in the Middle EastBased on a changed security context in the Middle East, the authors argue for a new, proactive U.S. role in the region, rebalancing use of civilian and military tools. This approach accounts for a broad array of U.S. security interests and involves nonmilitary and...
- €53,48 EUR
- €53,48 EUR
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Beating The Force Of Average: Proven tips for beating the force of average, to achieve the success you desire, to live the life you really want to lAre You A Victim Of The Force Of Average?Have you ever felt stuck in life, unsure if you are truly living up to your full potential? Do you dread waking up each day because you are not living the life you want to live?...
- €24,18 EUR
- €24,18 EUR
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The Evolution of Finance: A New Vision for Entrepreneurial InnovationThe old ways of doing finance are simply not working for most of humanity.The inception of this book was not conceived from a place that most would imagine regarding a financial topic. It was conceived instead from a different lens, a different heart, and...
- €31,57 EUR
- €31,57 EUR
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Thriving Leaders: Learn the Skills to Lead ConfidentlyOften, leaders with solid experience and technical capabilities are promoted into leadership positions. They find themselves leading a team and facing a variety of situations they never encountered previously.In Thriving Leaders: Learn the Skills to Lead Confidently, you will learn to use your authentic...
- €33,75 EUR
- €33,75 EUR
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What the Hell Was I Thinking?: Reflections. Ruminations, and Revelations About Becoming a New Department ChairThis edited book shares stories written by department chairs. The stories are candid and diverse. This book will be helpful for new, inexperienced, and prospective department chairs. The book could be adopted in higher education leadership courses and doctoral courses on the professoriate. Accessibly...
- €73,66 EUR
- €73,66 EUR
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Hypothesis-Driven Development: A Guide to Smarter Product ManagementThere's a lot of waste in tech. Billions of dollars of it. Software gets written and digital products designed and shipped that no one wants. Some say it's "just a part of doing the business of innovation" in hot new markets.But waste is not...
- €54,03 EUR
- €54,03 EUR
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Anatomía de un esquema Ponzi: Estafas pasadas y presentesLa mayoría de los esquemas Ponzi más grandes de todos los tiempos se vinieron abajo durante la crisis financiera de 2008. Los mercados financieros actuales son incluso más volátiles, las condiciones exactas para constituir el detonante de una caída en picado de un esquema...
- €30,69 EUR
- €30,69 EUR
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Structuring and Raising Debt & Equity for Real EstateIt is not enough to buy a great deal at the right price. The investment's capital structure must be structured optimally to match the strategy and business plan for the deal and its investors. Structuring and Raising Debt & Equity for Real Estate sheds...
- €24,93 EUR
- €24,93 EUR
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The Secrets of Becoming a Boss Bitch with a Heart of Gold: How to Recover from Heartache, Trust in Your Superpowers, and Live the Life You Want Now!The Secrets of Becoming a Boss Bitch with a Heart of Gold is an empowering self-help novel about hitting rock bottom, picking your ass up and moving forward without sabotaging others. The self-help market is full of books that promote happiness as a state...
- €49,04 EUR
- €49,04 EUR
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