Explore our collection of education books and early education books at our online bookstore, including top titles for teachers and Pearson Education textbooks. Discover must-read and best-selling educational reads that provide valuable insights and resources for teaching and learning.
Cars Coloring Book: Cars Coloring Books for Kids"Cars Coloring Book" is a great car book for kids that love their cars. It is not only a great way to get them to learn about all the various shapes and sizes of cars that exist but it also inspires them and gets...
- €9,66 EUR
- €9,66 EUR
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Your Udl Lesson Planner: The Step-By-Step Guide for Teaching All LearnersMany teacher resources explore the fundamentals of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). This one takes UDL to the next level for educators who understand the basics--and can't wait to start using UDL in their lesson plans and classrooms. In this practical, accessible guidebook, UDL...
- €82,80 EUR
- €82,80 EUR
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Success on the Upper Level SSATSuccess on the Upper Level SSAT: A Complete Course is a complete course to prepare for the Upper Level SSAT. This book provides the comprehensive test-taking strategies and content that students need to ace the test. It has been revised for 2017-18 to include...
- €46,55 EUR
- €46,55 EUR
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German Short Stories for Beginners + Audio Download: Improve your reading, pronunication and listening skills in German. Learn German with StoriesReading and listening to native-spoken short stories can prove to be a great way of learning too - almost as good as traveling to Germany.German short stories for beginners is a fun and immersive way to learn the language. It is written in simple...
- €61,98 EUR
- €61,98 EUR
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The Origin of Christian BeliefsIn this composition, the origin of more than forty essential Christian beliefs are explained in order to provide answers for all Christians to such questions as "Where did God come from?" No longer will any Christian who has read this book need to avoid...
- €27,56 EUR
- €27,56 EUR
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The Theory of Evolution is a Result of Erroneous ExtrapolationAtheism is all over the world. One of the key reasons is the universal acceptance of the theory of evolution. Evolution implies that life on earth is a product of chance, i.e., a random process. This is the opposite of what the Bible teaches...
- €16,50 EUR
- €16,50 EUR
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Handwriting Brain Body DisConnect: Adaptive teaching techniques to unlock a child's dysgraphia for the classroom and at homeHandwriting Brain-Body DisConnect helps child development professionals better understand their students who struggle with handwriting.This groundbreaking book helps them understand how many students suffer every day because they struggle with handwriting.From Response to Intervention to the Individualized Education Program, this book provides strategies readers...
- €34,47 EUR
- €34,47 EUR
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Hair StylingHair styling is an important industry that is concerned with the cutting and styling of hair. Exceptional hair care and styling requires correct methods in the washing, drying and combing of hair as well as the right treatment of chemicals. Different styles require different...
- €196,66 EUR
- €196,66 EUR
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Pect Prek-4 Secrets Study Guide: Pect Test Review for the Pennsylvania Educator Certification TestsMometrix Test Preparation's PECT PreK-4 Secrets Study Guide is the ideal prep solution for anyone who wants to pass their Pennsylvania Educator Certification Tests. The exam is extremely challenging, and thorough test preparation is essential for success. Our study guide includes: Practice test questions...
- €117,66 EUR
- €117,66 EUR
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ISEE Lower Level Test Prep: Study Guide & Practice Test Questions for the Independent School Entrance ExamTest Prep Book's ISEE Lower Level Test Prep: Study Guide & Practice Test Questions for the Independent School Entrance Exam Developed by Test Prep Books for test takers trying to achieve a passing score on the ISEE Lower Level exam, this comprehensive study guide...
- €73,66 EUR
- €73,66 EUR
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Water Distribution, Grades 3 & 4AWWA�s Water System Operations (WSO) series is the leading operator certification training, aligned with current Association of Boards of Certification (ABC) Need-to-Know criteria and offering training based on experience and certification level. WSO Water Distribution, Grades 3 & 4, is organized into 13 chapters...
- €260,35 EUR
- €260,35 EUR
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Educating about Social Issues in the 20th and 21st Centuries: Critical Pedagogues and Their Pedagogical Theories. Volume 4A volume in Research in Curriculum and Instruction Series Editor: O. L. Davis, Jr. The University of Texas at Austin This volume is the fourth, and last, volume in the series entitled Educating About Social Issues in the 20th and 21st Centuries: An Annotated...
- €158,85 EUR
- €158,85 EUR
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Teaching Trauma-Sensitive Yoga: A Practical GuideA practical, hands-on, experienced-based guide from a military veteran turned yoga teacher Brendon Abram combines his first-hand experience with PTSD in the field and years of teaching to offer this practical guide to bringing trauma-sensitive yoga to both clinical and studio settings. Drawing on...
- €28,93 EUR
- €28,93 EUR
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Views from the PulpitDid you ever wonder what your pastor has learned over the years? This book is about people, events, experiences, biblical application and church strategy to further God's Kingdom, from a pastor's point of view. Dr. John W. Krueger grew up in small town and...
- €24,86 EUR
- €24,86 EUR
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Principles of Food SciencePrinciples of Food Science demonstrates how the laws of science are at work in the preparation of food, both at home and in industry. By studying nutrients and other food components, students learn basic chemistry concepts, including the structure of atoms, different forms of...
- €253,78 EUR
- €253,78 EUR
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Modern Curriculum for Gifted and Advanced Academic StudentsModern Curriculum for Gifted and Advanced Academic Students addresses the need for advanced curriculum design in an age of national standards and 21st-century learning innovations. The text and its authors work from the assumption that the most advanced learners need a qualitatively different design...
- €138,17 EUR
- €138,17 EUR
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Teach Like Socrates: Guiding Socratic Dialogues and Discussions in the Classroom (Grades 7-12)What is the Socratic Method? How can we bring the Socratic Method into the middle school and high school classroom? How does a teacher lead a Socratic discussion and develop the discussion skills of students? Using passages from the works of Plato and Xenophon,...
- €54,59 EUR
- €54,59 EUR
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Lost in My Mind: Recovering From Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)Lost in My Mind is a stunning memoir describing Kelly Bouldin Darmofal's journey from adolescent girl to special education teacher, wife and mother -- despite severe Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Spanning three decades, Kelly's journey is unique in its focus on TBI education in...
- €27,56 EUR
- €27,56 EUR
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Discover Your Sweet Spot: The 7 Steps to Create a Life of Success and SignificanceTo create an effective space, landscapers must design, build, and maintain that space. To create an effective life, we must design, build, and maintain that space too. Discover Your Sweet Spot equips you to create the life you want. Using a landscaping metaphor and...
- €23,41 EUR
- €23,41 EUR
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Why Is It?: A Language Learning Book for Wonderful Kids with AutismPraise for "Why Is It?" and PEC Books' Question Series "Children with language delays find questions confusing and difficult to answer. Through an easy format that incorporates much needed repetition, these books provide children with the words that will help them to respond. The...
- €21,60 EUR
- €21,60 EUR
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