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LavengroLavengro - The Scholar - The Gypsy - The Priest, Vol. 2 (of 2)The Armenian! I frequently saw this individual, availing myself of the permission which he had given me to call upon him. A truly singular personage was he, with his love of...
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LavengroLavengro - The Scholar - The Gypsy - The Priest, Vol. 1 (of 2)In the following pages I have endeavoured to describe a dream, partly of study, partly of adventure, in which will be found copious notices of books, and many descriptions of life...
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CircusCircusThe man shifted uneasily in his seat. He was silent, staring down at his plate. Not a strange-looking man, Morgan thought. Rather ordinary, in fact. A plain face, nose a little too long, fingers a little too dainty, a suit that doesn't quite seem...
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Meeting of the BoardMeeting of the BoardIt was going to be a bad day. As he pushed his way nervously through the crowds toward the Exit Strip, Walter Towne turned the dismal prospect over and over in his mind. The potential gloominess of this particular day had...
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The Beauty Of The VillageThe Beauty Of The Village Three years ago, Hannah Colson was, beyond all manner of dispute, the prettiest girl in Aberleigh. It was a rare union of face, form, complexion, and expression. Of that just height, which, although certainly tall, would yet hardly be...
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The Ground-AshThe Ground-Ash Amongst the many pleasant circumstances attendant on a love of flowersthat sort of love which leads us into the woods for the earliest primrose, or to the river side for the latest forget-me-not, and carries us to the parching heath or the...
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Miss Philly Firkin, The China-WomanMiss Philly Firkin, The China-Woman In Belford Regis, as in many of those provincial capitals of the south of England, whose growth and importance have kept pace with the increased affluence and population of the neighbourhood, the principal shops will be found clustered in...
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The Widow's DogThe Widow's Dog One of the most beautiful spots in the north of Hampshirea part of the country which, from its winding green lanes, with the trees meeting over head like a cradle, its winding roads between coppices, with wide turfy margents on either...
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Aunt DeborahAunt Deborah A crosser old woman than Mrs. Deborah Thornby was certainly not to be found in the whole village of Hilton. Worth, in country phrase, a power of money, and living (to borrow another rustic expression) upon her means, the exercise of her...
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Mr. Joseph Hanson, The HaberdasherMr. Joseph Hanson, The Haberdasher These are good days for great heroes; so far at least as regards the general spread and universal diffusion of celebrity. In the matter of fame, indeed, that grand bill upon posterity which is to be found written in...
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Honor O'CallaghanHonor O'Callaghan Times are altered since Gray spoke of the young Etonians as a set of dirty boys playing at cricket. There are no such things as boys to be met with now, either at Eton or elsewhere; they are all men from ten...
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Jesse CliffeJesse Cliffe Living as we do in the midst of rivers, water in all its forms, except indeed that of the trackless and mighty ocean, is familiar to our little inland county. The slow majestic Thames, the swift and wandering Kennett, the clear and...
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Town Versus CountryTown Versus Country Im desperately afeard, Sue, that that brother of thine will turn out a jackanapes, was the apostrophe of the good yeoman Michael Howe, to his pretty daughter Susan, as they were walking one fine afternoon in harvest through some narrow and...
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The London VisitorThe London Visitor Being in a state of utter mystification, (a very disagreeable state, by-the-bye,) I hold it advisable to lay my unhappy case, in strict confidence, in the lowest possible whisper, and quite in a corner, before my kind friend, patron, and protector,...
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Country LodgingsCountry Lodgings Between two and three years ago, the following pithy advertisement appeared in several of the London papers: Little did I think, whilst admiring in the broad page of the Morning Chronicle the compendious brevity of this announcement, that the pleasant village referred...
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The Lost DahliaThe Lost Dahlia If to have "had losses" be, as affirmed by Dogberry in one of Shakspeare's most charming plays, and corroborated by Sir Walter Scott in one of his most charming romances(those two names do well in juxtaposition, the great Englishman! the great...
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Patchwork: A Story of 'The Plain People'Patchwork: A Story of 'The Plain People'The gorgeous sunshine of a perfect June morning invited to the great outdoors. Exquisite perfume from myriad blossoms tempted lovers of nature to get away from cramped, man-made buildings, out under the blue roof of heaven, and revel...
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Ojamylläri ja hänen miniänsäOjamylläri ja hänen miniänsä - Jutelma, Vironkansan opiksi ja huviksiAlkulause I. Lukija oppii tuntemaan Ojamylly ja Myllymke II. Ers vieraissa-kynti III. Psiislauantai Ojamyllyll IV. Kaksi hyv ystvt pit yhten hyv neuvoa V. Mit mietteit sota toi Ojamyllylle, Mnnikn kyln ja Sutlepan perheesen VI. Kuinka...
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Der Wehrwolf: Eine BauernchronikDer Wehrwolf: Eine BauernchronikAm Ende des Buches befindet sich eine Liste mit Worterklrungen. Die erklrten Wrter wurden im Text blau unterstrichen gekennzeichnet. Die Erklrung erscheint beim berfahren mit der Maus, das Wort ist ausserdem mit der zugehrigen Erklrung verlinkt. Im Anfange war es wst...
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Elsie Marley, HoneyElsie Marley, Honey Mrs. Bennet, her travelling companion from San Francisco, having proved to be talkative and uninteresting, Elsie Marley was more than content to find herself alone after the change had been made and her train pulled out of Chicago. It was characteristic...
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