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Blackbeard Or, The Pirate of RoanokeBlackbeard; Or, The Pirate of Roanoke.The Island of Trinidad. Landing of the Earl of Derwentwater and his party upon the IsleIts Enchanted Scenery. Unnatural Sounds. Sudden appearance of the Notorious Pirate Blackbeard. Situated upon the broad bosom of the vast Atlantic Ocean, about two...
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Il ritratto del diavoloIl ritratto del diavoloROMA: Libreria Internazionale, Corso Umberto I, 174. NAPOLI: via Roma (gi Toledo), 34 TRIESTE: presso G. Schubart BOLOGNA: presso la Libr. Treves, di L. Beltrami, Angolo Via Farini. LIPSIA, BERLINO, VIENNA: presso F.A. Bruchhaus. Lettori gentili, siete mai stati ad Arezzo?...
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The Sport of the GodsThe Sport of the GodsFiction has said so much in regret of the old days when there were plantations and overseers and masters and slaves, that it was good to come upon such a household as Berry Hamilton's, if for no other reason than...
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Senz'AmoreSenz'AmoreIl proto, nel comporre questo libro, si meravigliava, di trovare tratto tratto della gente innamorata. Come mai, dacch il volume intolato Senz'Amore? E, da quel proto coscienzioso e prudente che , mi metteva nelle bozze di stampa un bel punto d'interrogazione in margine ad...
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La contessa di Karolystria: Storia tragicomicaLa contessa di Karolystria: Storia tragicomicaLa nostra amicizia, che dura da anni, e che mai Perch mi trema la mano nello scrivere? Donde avviene che dopo aver messe l, sulla carta, una diecina di schiette parole, mi vien meno il coraggio di arrotondare il...
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Ben BlairBen Blair - The Story of a PlainsmanEven in a community where unsavory reputations were the rule, Mick Kennedy's saloon was of evil repute. In a land new and wild, his establishment was the wildest, partook most of the unsubdued, unevolved character of its...
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Dead Man's RockDead Man's RockWhatever claims this story may have upon the notice of the world, they will rest on no niceties of style or aptness of illustration. It is a plain tale, plainly told: nor, as I conceive, does its native horror need any ingenious...
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The Old Flute-Player: A Romance of To-dayThe Old Flute-Player: A Romance of To-dayHerr Kreutzer was a mystery to his companions in the little London orchestra in which he played, and he kept his daughter, Anna, in such severe seclusion that they little more than knew that she existed and was...
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Beatrice Cenci: Storia del secolo XVIBeatrice Cenci: Storia del secolo XVI_Non potendo in altro modo sdebitarmi dell'amicizia, che malgrado l'asprezza della fortuna e la malignit degli uomini, tu, nobile veracemente, mi conservasti, questo mio libro intitolo al tuo nome, e desidero tu lo abbi caro.Sta sano. Io quando vidi...
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Une ville flottanteUne ville flottanteLe 18 mars 1867, j'arrivais Liverpool. Le Great Eastern devait partir quelques jours aprs pour New York, et je venais prendre passage son bord. Voyage d'amateur, rien de plus. Une traverse de l'Atlantique sur ce gigantesque bateau me tentait. Par occasion, je...
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La DébâcleLa Débâcle deux kilomtres de Mulhouse, vers le Rhin, au milieu de la plaine fertile, le camp tait dress. Sous le jour finissant de cette soire d'aot, au ciel trouble, travers de lourds nuages, les tentes-abris s'alignaient, les faisceaux luisaient, s'espaaient rgulirement sur le...
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L'amic FritzL'amic FritzQuan Zacaries Kobus, jutge de pau a Huneburg, fin en 1832, Fritz Kobus, son fill, veient-se al cap d'una bella casa de la plaa de les Accies, d'una bona hisenda a la vall de Meisenthal i d'un b de Du d'escuts collocats en...
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Vanhoista kätköistäVanhoista kätköistäOli tanssiaiset Forssassa muutamana pyhiltana heinkuun loppupuolella monta vuotta sitten. Nuorisoa, poikia ja tyttj, jotka palvelivat isolla pumpulitehtaalla, oli lukuisasti tullut saapuville; kuusimiehinen saksalainen torvisoittokunta, joka oli nille seuduille osunut, oli sekin omiansa tn iltana tilaisuuteen viekoittelemaan. Tavallisuudesta poiketen tanssittiin tll kertaa suuren...
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Belle-RoseBelle-Rose Par I. Le fils du fauconnier. II. Les premires larmes. III. Un pas dans la vie. IV. L'escarmouche. V. Un intrieur de caserne. VI. Les illusions perdues. VII. Les gouttes du calice. VIII. Une maison de la rue Cassette. IX. Un ami contre...
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Foes in AmbushFoes in AmbushThe sun was just going down, a hissing globe of fire and torment. Already the lower limb was in contact with the jagged backbone of the mountain chain that rimmed the desert with purple and gold. Out on the barren, hard-baked flat...
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Sous le burnousSous le burnous 1886 Plust Dieu que nous qui portons les armes prinsions cette coutume d'escrire ce que nous voyons et faisons; car il me semble que cela serait mieux accomod de notre main,j'entends du fait de la guerre,que non pas des gens de...
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Wych HazelWych Hazel"It may well be questioned whether the authors of the Wide, Wide World have added to their fame by this new novel. In the first place, the story it tells is one of no marked merit or originality, and the way in which...
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Milly DarrellMilly DarrellMary Elizabeth Braddon (4 October 1835 - 4 February 1915), Milly Darrel (serialised in Belgravia November 1870 - January 1871), here taken from Milly Darrel and other stories Asher's Collection Emile Galette Paris 1873 I was just nineteen years of age when I...
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L'île à héliceL'île à hélicePREMIRE PARTIE I Le Quatuor Concertant II Puissance d'une sonate cacophonique III Un loquace cicrone IV Le Quatuor Concertant dconcert V Standard-Island et Milliard-City VI Invits inviti VII Cap a l'ouest VIII Navigation IX L'archipel des Sandwich X Passage de la ligne...
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Le pays des fourruresLe pays des fourruresPREMIRE PARTIE I. Une soire au Fort-Reliance. II. Hudson's Bay Fur Company. III. Un savant dgel. IV. Une factorerie. V. Du Fort-Reliance au Fort-Entreprise. VI. Un duel de wapitis. VII. Le cercle polaire. VIII. Le lac du Grand-Ours. IX. Une tempte...
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