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My Little LadyMy Little LadyEleanor Frances Poynter is the author of My little lady (1871 novel), Ersilia (1876 novel), Among the hills (1881 novel), Madame de Presnel (1885 novel), The wooing of Catherine and other tales (1886), The failure of Elisabeth (1890 novel), An exquisite fool...
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The Heart of the Desert (Kut-Le of the Desert)The Heart of the Desert (Kut-Le of the Desert) She felt very small, very much alone. The infinite wastes of yellow desert danced in heat waves against the bronze-blue sky. The girl saw no sign of living thing save a buzzard that swept lazily...
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Jacqueline of Golden RiverJacqueline of Golden River As I sat on a bench in Madison Square after half past eleven in the evening, at the end of one of those mild days that sometimes occur in New York even at the beginning of December, a dog came...
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All on the Irish Shore: Irish SketchesAll on the Irish Shore: Irish Sketches Sounds followed that suggested the intemperate use of Mr. Freddy Alexanders pocket-handkerchief, but that were, in effect, produced by his struggle with a brand new hunting-horn. To this demonstration about as much attention was paid by the...
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CasteCasteEach one of the twenty-four priests as he came with a handful of marigolds laid them one by one at the feet of the four-armed hideous idol, repeating: "Om, Parvati! Om, Parvati!" the comprehensive, all-embracing "Om" that meant adoration and a clamour for favour....
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Kuusten juurella: RomaaniKuusten juurella: RomaaniKiveln Mikko ei koko pivn yrittnytkn ulkotille, kiskoskeli vain vasupreit ja teki vasuja talven tarpeiksi. Niit hn vain teki ja oli koko pivn vhpuheisempi kuin tavallisesti, juuri kuin paha ilma olisi hneen vaikuttanut ja painostanut. Kuitenkin teki hn titn tavallista roppelammin ja...
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Aventures merveilleuses mais authentiques du capitaine Corcoran, Première PartieAventures merveilleuses mais authentiques du capitaine Corcoran, Première PartieCe jour-l,le 29 septembre 1856,vers trois heures de l'aprs-midi, l'Acadmie des sciences de Lyon tait en sance et dormait unanimement. Il faut dire, pour l'excuse de messieurs les acadmiciens, qu'on leur lisait depuis midi le Rsum...
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Dan MerrithewDan Merrithew Thanks are due Mr. Arthur W. Little, president of the Pearson Publishing Company, for permission to use in this novel several incidents in the life of Dan Merrithew which originally appeared in "Pearson's Magazine." The big coastwise tug Hydrographer slid stern-ward into...
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Aunt Phillis's Cabin Or, Southern Life As It IsAunt Phillis's Cabin; Or, Southern Life As It IsA writer on Slavery has no difficulty in tracing back its origin. There is also the advantage of finding it, with its continued history, and the laws given by God to govern his own institution, in...
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MontlivetMontlivetI did not belong to Michillimackinac. I had come in only the day before with two canoes and four men, and I was bound for the beaver lands further west. A halt was necessary, for the trip had been severe, and remembering that it...
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Mike Fletcher: A NovelMike Fletcher: A NovelOaths, vociferations, and the slamming of cab-doors. The darkness was decorated by the pink of a silk skirt, the crimson of an opera-cloak vivid in the light of a carriage-lamp, with women's faces, necks, and hair. The women sprang gaily from...
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Four Weird TalesFour Weird TalesThese stories first appeared in Blackwood's story collections: "The Insanity of Jones" in The Listener and Other Stories (1907); "The Man Who Found Out" in The Wolves of God and Other Fey Stories (1921); "The Glamour of the Snow," and "Sand" in...
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Mooses ja hänen hevosensa: RomaaniMooses ja hänen hevosensa: Romaani Sen tuloa se is viime yn vartosikin, kun tuli ja meni. Pitp hakea sitten vehnst pikku hevosen tuliaisiksi, sanoi emntkin mielissn hymyillen ja kaatoi kirkkaasta pannustaan uutta kahvia isnnn kuppiin ja sen tytettyn lhti ulos. Mooses oli viel yjljeltn...
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Marzio's Crucifix, and ZoroasterMarzio's Crucifix, and Zoroaster "The whole of this modern fabric of existence is a living lie!" cried Marzio Pandolfi, striking his little hammer upon the heavy table with an impatient rap. Then he dropped it and turning on his stool rested one elbow upon...
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The Husbands of EdithThe Husbands of EdithBrock was breakfasting out-of-doors in the cheerful little garden of the Htel Chatham. The sun streamed warmly upon the concrete floor of the court just beyond the row of palms and oleanders that fringed the rail against which his Herald rested,...
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The Going of the White SwanThe Going of the White SwanThe father nodded, and then turned restlessly toward the door, as though expecting some one. The look was troubled, and the pipe he held was not alight, though he made a pretense of smoking. There was no reply yet,...
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Under Sealed OrdersUnder Sealed OrdersIt was evening and a late April wind was whipping down the valley. It swayed the tops of the tall pine and spruce trees as they shouldered up from the swift brook below. It tossed into driving spray the water of Break...
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Adventures in Southern Seas: A Tale of the 16th CenturyAdventures in Southern Seas: A Tale of the Sixteenth CenturyIn the year 1801 was found by the chief coxswain of the "Naturalist" (a ship commanded by Captain Hamelin on a voyage of discovery performed by order of the Emperor Napoleon I), at Shark's Bay,...
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A Comedy of Masks: A NovelA Comedy of Masks: A NovelIn that intricate and obscure locality, which stretches between the Tower and Poplar, a tarry region, scarcely suspected by the majority of Londoners, to whom the "Port of London" is an expression purely geographical, there is, or was not...
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Glen of the High NorthGlen of the High North "She had grown, in her unstained seclusion, bright and pure as a first opening lilac, when it spreads its clear leaves to the sweetest dawn of May." It all happened in less than two minutes, and yet in that...
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