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The Forest of Swords: A Story of Paris and the MarneThe Forest of Swords: A Story of Paris and the Marne"The Forest of Swords," while an independent story, based upon the World War, continues the fortunes of John Scott, Philip Lannes, and their friends who have appeared already in "The Guns of Europe." As...
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Der Kalendermann vom Veitsberg: Eine Erzählung für das VolkDer Kalendermann vom Veitsberg: Eine Erzählung für das VolkSehet an, lieben Brder, euren Beruf. Nicht viel Weise nach dem Fleisch, nicht viel Gewaltige, nicht viel Edle sind berufen, sondern was thricht ist vor der Welt, das hat Gott erwhlet, da er die Weisen zu...
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Bunker BeanBunker BeanBunker Bean was wishing he could be different. This discontent with himself was suffered in a moment of idleness as he sat at a desk on a high floor of a very high office-building in "downtown" New York. The first correction he would...
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Married LifeMarried Life - The True Romance "I've been round all the sales," said Marie, "hunting and hunting. My feet are tired! But I've got a lovely lot of things. Look! All this washing ribbon, a penny a yard. And these capsaren't they the last...
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The Torch and Other TalesThe Torch and Other Tales "Santa Claus"; The Returned Native; John and Jane; The Old Soldier; When Fox Was Ferryman; Mother's Misfortune; Steadfast Samuel; The Hound's Pool; The Price of Milly Bassett; The Amber Heart; The Wise Woman of Walna; The Torch; "Spider"; The...
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Der Mann von vierzig JahrenDer Mann von vierzig JahrenMan wei von Sternen, die ohne ergrndbare Ursache ihr Licht verlieren, um entweder fr kurze Frist oder fr immer in die Finsternis des unendlichen Raums zu entschwinden; so gibt es auch Menschen, deren Schicksal von einem gewissen Zeitpunkt ab in...
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Grey RosesGrey RosesI woke up very gradually this morning, and it took me a little while to bethink myself where I had sleptthat it had not been in my own room in the Cromwell Road. I lay a-bed, with eyes half-closed, drowsily look looking forward...
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Aus Kroatien: Skizzen und ErzählungenAus Kroatien: Skizzen und ErzählungenEin Vierteljahrhundert hindurch hatte ich Kopf, Herz, Hand und Fe der Schilderung der Alpenwelt und ihrer Bewohner gewidmet mit dem erfreulichen Erfolg, da die deutsche Leserwelt es gewhnt geworden war, beim Anblick meines Namens auf Bchern sofort an die Alpen...
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The Indiscreet LetterThe Indiscreet LetterThe Railroad Journey was very long and slow. The Traveling Salesman was rather short and quick. And the Young Electrician who lolled across the car aisle was neither one length nor another, but most inordinately flexible, like a suit of chain armor....
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Doña PerfectaDoña PerfectaThis edition of one of the best known of modern Spanish novels has been prepared for the use of college classes in Spanish that have already mastered the elements of Spanish grammar, but have not yet had much practice in reading. The editor...
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The Hawk of EgyptThe Hawk of Egypt[Transcriber's note: A number of words in this book are Arabic, using characters that require Unicode to render properly. Refer to the transcriber's note at the end of this book for more information.] Across the golden glory of the sky floated...
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Frau BovaryFrau Bovary Es war Arbeitsstunde. Da trat der Rektor ein, ihm zur Seite ein Neuer, in gewhnlichem Anzuge. Der Pedell hinter den beiden, Schulstubengert in den Hnden. Alle Schler erhoben sich von ihren Pltzen, wobei man so tat, als sei man aus seinen Studien...
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Nicky-Nan, ReservistNicky-Nan, ReservistIndeed, for some days the children knew more about it than he, being tragically concerned in itpoor mites!though they took it gaily enough. For Polpier lives by the fishery, and of the fishermen a large numbersome scoreshad passed through the Navy and now...
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Far to SeekFar to Seek - A Romance of England and IndiaAs part of my book is set in Lahore, at the time of the outbreak, in April 1919, I wish to state clearly that, while the main events are true to fact, the characters concerned,...
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Friend of CaesarA Friend of Cæsar: A Tale of the Fall of the Roman Republic. Time, 50-47 B.C. If this book serves to show that Classical Life presented many phases akin to our own, it will not have been written in vain. After the book was...
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'Doc.' Gordon'Doc.' GordonIt was very early in the morning, it was scarcely dawn, when the young man started upon a walk of twenty-five miles to reach Alton, where he was to be assistant to the one physician in the place, Doctor Thomas Gordon, or as...
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Gascoyne, The Sandal-Wood Trader: A Tale of the PacificGascoyne, The Sandal-Wood Trader: A Tale of the PacificThe great Pacific is the scene of our story. On a beautiful morning, many years ago, a little schooner might have been seen floating, light and graceful as a seamew, on the breast of the slumbering...
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De Leeuw van VlaanderenDe Leeuw van Vlaanderen - Of de Slag der Gulden SporenIn 1837 had Hendrik Conscience zijn eerste roman, In 't Wonderjaer, gepubliceerd, en wel in het "Vlaemsch"wat toen zonder meer een politieke daad was. In datzelfde jaar verdiepte hij zich in een toen zeer...
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Tien ohesta tempomiaTien ohesta tempomiaKun sen virtojen vetrehet vedet hellien hyvilevt rantamaita, silloin kukkaset elpyvt eloon ja nurmen nukka vihannoi. Ei polta poroksi, ei tuota tuhoa mun mereni lauhkea lmp, se vain sulattaa jn ja haihduttaa hyisen hallan. Eloa ja voimaa se henkii, karuille kallioillekin se...
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