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Consuelo, Tome 2 (1861)Consuelo, Tome 2 (1861)Cependant, en se voyant surveille par Wenceslawa comme elle ne l'avait jamais t, Consuelo craignit d'tre contrarie par un zle malentendu, et se composa un maintien plus froid, grce auquel il lui fut possible, dans la journes, d'chapper son attention, et...
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The Conqueror: Being the True and Romantic Story of Alexander HamiltonThe Conqueror: Being the True and Romantic Story of Alexander Hamilton "Je considre Napoleon, Fox, et Hamilton comme les trois plus grands hommes de notre poque, et si je devais me prononcer entre les trois, je donnerais sans hesiter la premire place Hamilton. Il...
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In the Palace of the King: A Love Story of Old MadridIn the Palace of the King: A Love Story of Old MadridTwo young girls sat in a high though very narrow room of the old Moorish palace to which King Philip the Second had brought his court when he finally made Madrid his capital....
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Don OrsinoDon OrsinoDon Orsino Saracinesca is of the younger age and lives in the younger Rome, with his father and mother, under the roof of the vast old palace which has sheltered so many hundreds of Saracinesca in peace and war, but which has rarely...
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Anna KareninaAnna KareninaGelukkige huisgezinnen zijn elkander gelijk; ieder ongelukkig gezin is daarentegen op bizondere wijze ongelukkig. In het huis der Oblonsky's liep alles in de war. De huisvrouw was er achter gekomen, dat haar man op te vertrouwelijken voet stond met de Fransche gouvernante, en...
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The Wild Olive: A NovelThe Wild Olive: A NovelFinding himself in the level wood-road, whose open aisle drew a long, straight streak across the sky, still luminous with the late-lingering Adirondack twilight, the tall young fugitive, hatless, coatless, and barefooted, paused a minute for reflection. As he paused,...
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El Comendador MendozaEl Comendador Mendoza - Obras Completas Tomo VIINunca, estimada seora y bondadosa amiga, so con ser escritor popular. No me explico la causa, pero es lo cierto que tengo y tendr siempre pocos lectores. Mi aficin escribir es, sin embargo, tan fuerte, que puede...
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The Second ViolinThe Second ViolinCrash! Bang! Bang! "The March of the Pilgrims" came to an abrupt end. John Lansing Birch laid down his viola and bow, whirled about, and flung out his arms in despair. "Oh, this crowd is hopeless!" he groaned. "Never mind any other...
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Les Pardaillan — Tome 01Les Pardaillan — Tome 01La maison tait basse, toute en rez-de-chausse, avec un humble visage. Prs d'une fentre ouverte, dans un fauteuil armori, un homme, un grand vieillard tte blanche; une de ces rudes physionomies comme en portaient les capitaines qui avaient survcu aux...
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The Cross of Berny Or, Irene's LoversThe Cross of Berny; Or, Irene's LoversThe Cross of Berny was, it will be remembered, a brilliant tourney, where Madame de Girardin (ne Delphine Gay), Thophile Gautier, Jules Sandeau and Mry, broke lances like valiant knights of old. We believe we respond to the...
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The Tracer of Lost PersonsThe Tracer of Lost PersonsHe was thirty-three, agreeable to look at, equipped with as much culture and intelligence as is tolerated east of Fifth Avenue and west of Madison. He had a couple of elaborate rooms at the Lenox Club, a larger income than...
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Broken to the PlowBroken to the Plow - A Novel * * * * * Toward four o'clock in the afternoon Fred Starratt remembered that he had been commissioned by his wife to bring home oyster cocktails for dinner. Of course, it went without saying that he...
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Tapani Löfvingin seikkailutTapani Löfvingin seikkailutNiinsanotuilla seikkailukertomuksillakin on epilemtt oma sijansa kunkin kansan kirjallisuudessa. Varsinkin poikavuosina ne ovat tavallisesti halutuinta luettavaa, ja lytp niist moni kypsyneemmllkin ill tyydyttv ajanvietett. Ett meillkin on seikkailukirjallisuudella oma eik suinkaan harvalukuisin lukijakuntansa, osoittaa se verraten runsas lukumr eriarvoisia seikkailukertomuksia, joita vuosien...
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Ved VejenVed VejenHan fik tndt en Cigarstump og gik ud paa Perronen. Naar han gik saadan op og ned, stram i Tjet, og Hnderne i begge Jakkelommerne, saa' man Ljtnanten endnu. Ogsaa paa Benene, de havde beholdt Rundingen fra Kavalleriet. Fem-seks Bnderkarle var kommet og...
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CoralieCoralie - Everyday Life Library No. 2"Eighty pounds a year!" My reader can imagine that this was no great fortune. I had little or nothing to spend in kid gloves or cigars; indeed, to speak plain, prosaic English, I went without a good dinner...
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Lost IllusionsLost Illusions In many references parts one and three are combined under the title Lost Illusions and A Distinguished Provincial at Paris is given its individual title. Following this trilogy is a sequel, Scenes from a Courtesan's Life, which is set directly following the...
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The Weapons of MysteryThe Weapons of Mystery * * * * * My story begins on the morning of December 18, 18, while sitting at breakfast. Let it be understood before we go further that I was a bachelor living in lodgings. I had been left an...
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Alamat ng Ilang-IlangAlamat ng Ilang-IlangNia'y buwn n~g Diciembre at ang malamg na simoy ay umanyaya sa tanng na sumangap n~g maligayang sandalng inialay n~g kaparan~gan, at bag man dito sa ati'y di kaugalian ang magaksay n~g panahn sa paglilibng, ay ilan kong m~ga kaibigan ang nakipagyari...
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The Firm of GirdlestoneThe Firm of Girdlestone The approach to the offices of Girdlestone and Co. was not a very dignified one, nor would the uninitiated who traversed it form any conception of the commercial prosperity of the firm in question. Close to the corner of a...
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