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The Lady and Sada SanThe Lady and Sada San - A Sequel to the Lady of the DecorationYou once told me, before you went to Italy, that after having been my intimate relative all these years, you had drawn a red line through the word surprise. Restore the...
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Mr. Scarborough's FamilyMr. Scarborough's Family It will be necessary, for the purpose of my story, that I shall go back more than once from the point at which it begins, so that I may explain with the least amount of awkwardness the things as they occurred,...
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Who Goes There?Who Goes There? - The Story of a Spy in the Civil WarFrom early childhood I had been subject to a peculiar malady. I say malady for want of a better and truer word, for my condition had never been one of physical or...
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We Girls: a Home StoryWe Girls: a Home Story It lies in the hollow, and stretches on till it runs against another hill, over opposite; up which it goes a little way before it can stop itself, just as it does on this side. It is no matter...
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Admiral PetersAdmiral Peters - Odd Craft, Part 14. Mr. George Burton, naval pensioner, sat at the door of his lodgings gazing in placid content at the sea. It was early summer, and the air was heavy with the scent of flowers; Mr. Burton's pipe was...
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Odd Craft, CompleteOdd Craft, CompleteSailormen are not good 'ands at saving money as a rule, said the night-watchman, as he wistfully toyed with a bad shilling on his watch-chain, though to 'ear 'em talk of saving when they're at sea and there isn't a pub within...
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Odd ChargesOdd Charges - Odd Craft, Part 13. Seated at his ease in the warm tap-room of the Cauliflower, the stranger had been eating and drinking for some time, apparently unconscious of the presence of the withered ancient who, huddled up in that corner of...
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The Third StringThe Third String - Odd Craft, Part 12. Love? said the night-watchman, as he watched in an abstracted fashion the efforts of a skipper to reach a brother skipper on a passing barge with a boathook. Don't talk to me about love, because I've...
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A Spirit of AvariceA Spirit of Avarice - Odd Craft, Part 11. Mr. John Blows stood listening to the foreman with an air of lofty disdain. He was a free-born Englishman, and yet he had been summarily paid off at eleven o'clock in the morning and told...
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Blundell's ImprovementBlundell's Improvement - Odd Craft, Part 3. Venia Turnbull in a quiet, unobtrusive fashion was enjoying herself. The cool living-room at Turnbull's farm was a delightful contrast to the hot sunshine without, and the drowsy humming of bees floating in at the open window...
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The Changing NumbersThe Changing Numbers - Odd Craft, Part 8. The tall clock in the corner of the small living-room had just struck eight as Mr. Samuel Gunnill came stealthily down the winding staircase and, opening the door at the foot, stepped with an appearance of...
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The CastawayThe Castaway - Odd Craft, Part 2. Mrs. John Boxer stood at the door of the shop with her hands clasped on her apron. The short day had drawn to a close, and the lamps in the narrow little thorough-fares of Shinglesea were already...
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Dixon's ReturnDixon's Return - Odd Craft, Part 10. Talking about eddication, said the night-watchman, thoughtfully, the finest eddication you can give a lad is to send 'im to sea. School is all right up to a certain p'int, but arter that comes the sea. I've...
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The Money BoxThe Money Box - Odd Craft, Part 1. Sailormen are not good 'ands at saving money as a rule, said the night-watchman, as he wistfully toyed with a bad shilling on his watch-chain, though to 'ear 'em talk of saving when they're at sea...
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Establishing RelationsEstablishing Relations - Odd Craft, Part 7. Mr. Richard Catesby, second officer of the ss. Wizard, emerged from the dock-gates in high good-humour to spend an evening ashore. The bustle of the day had departed, and the inhabitants of Wapping, in search of coolness...
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Lawyer QuinceLawyer Quince - Odd Craft, Part 5. Lawyer Quince, so called by his neighbours in Little Haven from his readiness at all times to place at their disposal the legal lore he had acquired from a few old books while following his useful occupation...
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The Persecution of Bob PrettyThe Persecution of Bob Pretty - Odd Craft, Part 9. The old man sat on his accustomed bench outside the Cauliflower. A generous measure of beer stood in a blue and white jug by his elbow, and little wisps of smoke curled slowly upward...
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The Chase of Saint-Castin and Other Stories of the French in the New WorldThe Chase of Saint-Castin and Other Stories of the French in the New WorldThe waiting April woods, sensitive in every leafless twig to spring, stood in silence and dim nightfall around a lodge. Wherever a human dwelling is set in the wilderness, it becomes,...
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Breaking a SpellBreaking a Spell - Odd Craft, Part 6. "Witchcraft?" said the old man, thoughtfully, as he scratched his scanty whiskers. No, I ain't heard o' none in these parts for a long time. There used to be a little of it about when I...
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Red Saunders: His Adventures West and EastRed Saunders: His Adventures West & EastWell, as I was saying, I'd met a lot of the boys up in town this day, and they threw as many as two drinks into me; I know that for certain, because when we took the parting...
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