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The StrangerThe StrangerThey came down to rest their tubes on an unnamed planet of a little-known star in the Buckhorn Cluster. Because they were tired from weeks in space, they came in without looking. They circled the planet once and spiraled down to an open...
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The Lost DryadThe Lost DryadA dozen years ago, when every one was still reading Rudder Grange and The Merry Chanter, Frank R. Stockton asked Mrs. Frederick Gotthold which of his stories she liked best. Her choice of the fairy tale, Old Pipes and The Dryad, pleased...
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Final ExaminationFinal ExaminationI suppose it started some time back, even before the astronomers discovered it, and certainly long before I found out. How far back I have no idea; thousands of years, perhaps, or more. But the first I knew about it was one March...
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The Riders of Ramapo PassThe Riders of Ramapo PassThere was a time in the West when hard men lived hardand died hard! The mountains and ravines were pouring out their long-hoarded treasures with reckless prodigality, and the lure of gold, like a magnet, drew creatures of every description...
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The Fire FlowerThe Fire FlowerSheldon had plunged on into this new country rather recklessly, being in reckless mood. Now, five days northward of Belle Fortune, he knew that he had somewhere taken the wrong trail. The knowledge came upon him gradually. There was the suspicion before...
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La Reĝo de la MontojLa Reĝo de la MontojVi estas, sinjorino, kiu adis unua tiun novelon. Mi rakontis in al vi, anta tri monatoj, tuj post via edzinio, kiam mi mem ne ankora sciis in perfekte. Vole, nevole, vi memoros dum via tuta vivo rakonton, kies dato protektos...
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Beadle's pocket novels, no. 68Iron Hand, Chief of the Tory League; or, The Double FaceWhen the colonists had acquired a mastery over the savages of the wilderness, and assisted in breaking the French power on their frontier, they began to feel their manhood stirring within them, and they...
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Baboe DalimaBaboe DalimaIn den avond van den 4den Februari 1885, had de schrijver dezer bladzijden in eene buitengewone vergadering van de Indologische Vereeniging te Delft eene lezing gehouden over de opium in Ned. Indi.1 Bij terugkeer naar s-Gravenhage evenwel betuigde een der hoorders zijn leedwezen,...
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Bogoriana: Roman uit IndiëBogoriana: Roman uit IndiëOnmerkbaar beroert ze de toppen der waringins, waaronder de herten zich te slapen legden; zachtjes doorademt ze de kanarielaan, die dubbele rij van woudreuzen, verwonnen door de omarming der orchydeen; spelend heft ze de witte donsjes omhoog door de zwanen achtergelaten...
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Marching SandsMarching Sands I. The Lost People II. Legends III. Delabar Discourses IV. Warning V. Intruders VI. Mirai Khan VII. The Door Is Guarded VIII. Delabar Leaves IX. The Liu Sha X. The Mem-Sahib Speaks XI. Sir Lionel XII. A Message from the Centuries XIII....
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Pyhä kukka: Allan Quatermainin jännittävä seikkailu AfrikassaPyhä kukka: Allan Quatermainin jännittävä seikkailu AfrikassaI. Veli Johannes. II. Huutokauppahuone. III. Sir Alexander ja Stephen. IV. Mavovo ja Hans. V. Hassan. VI. Orjatie. VII. Orjain rynnkk. VIII. Taikapeili. IX. Kuningas Bausi. X. Tuomio. XI. Dogeetah saapuu. XII. Veli Johanneksen tarina. XIII. Rican kaupunki....
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Last Call for Doomsday!Last Call for Doomsday!A deep shudder shook Jay Wales. He wished now he hadn't had to come back here to Earth this last time. He wanted to remember the old world of man as it had been, not as it was now in its...
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Citadel of the Star LordsCitadel of the Star LordsHe kept the Beechcraft as high as he could. He was flying without lights, but with what they already had against him, that minor infraction wasn't important. He kept looking back, expecting every minute to see the red-and-green winglights of...
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The 'Phone Booth MysteryThe 'Phone Booth MysteryAlready Carlings sleek head was bent over the special dispatches which had just been delivered at the private residence of Sir Robert Rawson. There were two sets, written in different languages, but both referring to one subjectsecret intelligence concerning the strained...
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Christmas at Sagamore Hill with Theodore RooseveltChristmas at Sagamore Hill with Theodore RooseveltThe night was bitterly cold and a raw wind was blowing off the Bay, sending dry leaves scudding and whipping the naked boughs of the trees, when Theodore Roosevelt alighted from his carriage at Sagamore Hill. He got...
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Christmas for Tad: A Story of Mary and Abraham LincolnChristmas for Tad: A Story of Mary and Abraham LincolnThere was a heavy cord around it fastened with thick blobs of wax and Tad Lincoln, who had been christened Thomas, stood fidgeting while his father worked at it patiently, with the old horn-handled knife...
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Christmas at Monticello with Thomas JeffersonChristmas at Monticello with Thomas JeffersonSixty-six last April, and, though his sandy red hair had merely faded instead of turning gray, there were twinges in his knees that reminded him of too many miles in the saddle, in cold rain and sleet, too many...
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Helenan pienokaisetHelenan pienokaiset Helenan pienokaiset ynn vhinen katkelma heidn viattomista, ovelista rakastettavista, ilkeist, lumoavista ja vastenmielisist teoistaan kymmenen pivn kuluessa. Kertoi heidn viime uhrinsa. "Ihmisen tulee olla naulattu ja kytketty kiinni yhteiskuntaan, ennenkuin hn voi hyvin tyskennell sen menestymiseksi; eik ole mitn sellaisia nauloja ja...
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Sonen af söder och nord. Sednare delenSonen af söder och nord. Sednare delen - Romantisk skildring från revolutionen i Paris 1848 Det torde vara fverfldigt nmna, att Paris r en af verldens strsta, sknaste och rikaste stder. Paris r visserligen blott den andra i ordningen, hvad folkmngden betrffar, ehuru denna,...
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Sonen af söder och nord. Förra delenSonen af söder och nord. Förra delen - Romantisk skildring från revolutionen i Paris 1848 Det r klart, att en resande, som fr frsta gngen besker Paris och der uppehller sig ngra mnader, skall komma i erfarenhet af mycket som han frut icke knt...
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