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StrainStrainThe essence of military success is teamworkthe essence of that is absolute reliability of every man, every unit of the team, under any strain that may be imposed. And the duty of a good general? It was unreasonable, he told himself, to feel no...
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Muck ManMuck ManThe girl with the Slider egg glittering in her hair watched the bailiff lead Asa Graybar out of the courtroom. He recognized her as old Hazeltyne's daughter Harriet, no doubt come to see justice done. She didn't have the hothouse-flower look Asa would...
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The Queen's Quair or, The 6 Years' TragedyThe Queen's Quair; or, The Six Years' TragedyIf one were in the vein for the colours and haunted mists of Romance; if the thing, perhaps, were not so serious, there might be composed, and by me, a Romance of Queens out of my acquaintance...
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JosuaJosuaNuorukainen, jota nin kskettiin, totteli mielelln; mutta hetkisen kuluttua huudahti hn: "Kaikkihan on turhaa; thden toisensa pern peitt synkk pilvi. Voi, ja valitushuuto kaupungista Se tulee kai meidnkin huoneestamme. Minua niin peloittaa, iso-is, koetas vain kuinka ptni polttaa! Tule alas, ehk tarvitsevat he apua."...
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The Governor of GlaveThe Governor of GlaveRetief turned back the gold-encrusted scarlet cuff of the mess jacket of a First Secretary and Consul, gathered in the three eight-sided black dice, shook them by his right ear and sent them rattling across the floor to rebound from the...
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Sketches of GothamSketches of GothamA great many years ago, when Tom Byrnes was the able and efficient chief of the detective force of New York, a certain class of women, very much in evidence around the hotels and resorts, were known, from the peculiar manner of...
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Persephone of Eleusis: A Romance of Ancient GreecePersephone of Eleusis: A Romance of Ancient GreeceIn this tale of Greece in the fifth century B. C., fact and fiction are so closely intervolved that a detailed explanation of their respective boundaries would be both tedious and superfluous. Suffice it to say that...
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Wrecked in Port: A NovelWrecked in Port: A Novel"Ah! so likely Dr. Osborne would tell that old beast! Why was its name throughout doctors are the silentest fellows in the world. My uncle Robert is a doctor, and I know all about it." Under the pressure of this...
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A House Divided Against Itself (Complete)A House Divided Against Itself (Complete)The day was warm, and there was no shade; out of the olive woods which they had left behind, and where all was soft coolness and freshness, they had emerged into a piece of road widened and perfected by...
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A House Divided Against Itself vol. 3 of 3A House Divided Against Itself; vol. 3 of 3Lady Markham received young Gaunt with the most gracious kindness: had his mother seen him seated in the drawing-room at Eaton Square, with Frances hovering about him full of pleasure and questions, and her mother insisting...
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A House Divided Against Itself vol. 2 of 3A House Divided Against Itself; vol. 2 of 3Yes, I hope you will come and see me often. Oh yes, I shall miss my sister; but then I shall have all the more of papa. Good night. Good night, Captain Gaunt. No; I dont...
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A House Divided Against Itself vol. 1 of 3A House Divided Against Itself; vol. 1 of 3The day was warm, and there was no shade; out of the olive woods which they had left behind, and where all was soft coolness and freshness, they had emerged into a piece of road widened...
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The Time of ColdThe Time of ColdCurt felt the airship going out of control as he passed over a rock spattered stretch of sand. Automatically he looked for a smooth place to land and steered the bucking ship for it. The jolt of the landing triggered the...
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Sónnica la cortesana: NovelaSónnica la cortesana: NovelaCuando la nave de Polyantho, piloto saguntino, lleg frente al puerto de su patria, ya los marineros y pescadores, con la vista aguzada por las distancias del mar, haban reconocido su vela teida de azafrn y la imagen de la Victoria,...
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Mightiest QornMightiest Qorn"They were a warlike race known in this sector back in Concordiat times, perhaps two hundred years ago. They vanished as suddenly as they had appeared. There was no record of where they went." He paused for effect. His Supreme Excellency The Qorn,...
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Manners and Customs of the ThridManners and Customs of the ThridThe real trouble was that Jorgenson saw things as a business man does. But also, and contradictorily, he saw them as right and just, or as wrong and intolerable. As a business man, he should have kept his mind...
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Joan and Peter: The story of an educationJoan and Peter: The story of an educationEarly one summer morning in England, in the year 1893 in the reignwhich seemed in those days to have been going on for ever and to be likely to go on for evermoreof Queen Victoria, there was...
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The Customs LoungeThe Customs LoungeThere were usually a few Customs Inspectors in the lounge, waiting to begin their shifts, hanging around trading news and incidents and drinking the bad, lukewarm kasser that was a standing joke in the Immigration-Customs Service. "... They had this small box...
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Little Classics, Volume 7 (of 18)Stories of RomanceI told you that I was perfectly sure, beforehand, we should find some pleasing girlish or womanly shape to fill the blank at our table and match the dark-haired youth at the upper corner. There she sits, at the very opposite corner,...
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Threlkeld's DaughterThrelkeld's DaughterNight was a diamond studded dream from where they sat. The moon was a maiden on wing suggesting amorous flight. Inside the stuffiness of the celluloid-like vehicle there was absolutely no hint of discomfort or absurd misfittingsdespite the fact that Threlkeld and his...
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