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The Secret VictoryThe Secret VictoryYou, who have read the three volumes of The Sensationalists in manuscript, place me under further obligation by allowing me to dedicate the third to you in commemoration of a friendship which has been long, intimate andto meunmatched. Though I acquit you...
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Syrjästäkatsojan tarinaSyrjästäkatsojan tarinaI. Bretton. II. Pauliina. III. Leikkitoverit. IV. Neiti Marchmont. V. Lehti kntyy. VI. Lontoo. VII. Villette. VIII. Madame Beck. IX. Isidore. X. Tohtori John. XI. Ovenvartijattaren komero. XII. Lipas. XIII. Aivastus sopimattomalla hetkell. XIV. Juhla. XV. Pitk loma. XVI. "Kauan kauan sitten". XVII....
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The King Behind the KingThe King Behind the KingFulk of the Forest had taken the way towards Witchs Cross, with the full moon shining like a silver buckler behind him, to find himself standing at gaze among the yews of the Black Gill. Straight before him stretched a...
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The Heir to Grand-PréThe Heir to Grand-PréOn this report, the bare head, which had been slightly raised while the interrogation was taking place, fell back into the hollow it had made for itself on an old sail which was both couch and pillow. A well-worn sporting coat...
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The Green GoddessThe Green GoddessThe Vicar was sufferingalmost as much as he had suffered the night that Helen, his wife, had diedand because he was suffering he dressed his fine cameo-like face in its sunniest smile. That was his waypart of his creed-of-daily-life, an intrinsic part...
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De BiezenstekkerDe BiezenstekkerEen der allerjongsten onder de beoefenaars der Nederlandsche proza, doch van heden af een der meest belovenden. Buysse behoort tot die kloeke, echt Vlaamsche familie der Lovelings, waaruit ook de gezusters R. en V. Loveling, des schrijvers tanten van moeders zijde, gesproten zijn....
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Back o' the Moon, and other storiesBack o' the Moon, and other storiesHalifax, Sunday, 26th August, 1778.Understanding there was great need of it, I preached on Render unto Csar the things that are Csars, and unto God the things that are Gods. I spoke with all plainness, and yet did...
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The Fall of a NationThe Fall of a Nation - A Sequel to the Birth of a Nation To The Reader Prologue Chapter I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX, XX, XXI, XXII, XXIII, XXIV, XXV,...
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Begegnisse eines jungen Thierquälers oder »Der Gerechte erbarmt sich auch seines Thieres.«Begegnisse eines jungen Thierquälers oder »Der Gerechte erbarmt sich auch seines Thieres.« - Eine neue Erzählung für die JugendDas Bild des Drachen, welches mit hellen Farben von Karl auf dem Papiere entworfen war, bot den Vorbergehenden vielen Stoff zum Lachen und zu allerlei schnurrigen...
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La Comédie humaine - Volume 04La Comédie humaine - Volume 04Dans la semaine suivante, aprs la messe de mariage qui, selon l'usage de quelques familles du faubourg Saint-Germain, fut clbre sept heures Saint-Thomas-d'Aquin, Calyste et Sabine montrent dans une jolie voiture de voyage, au milieu des embrassements, des flicitations...
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The White CatThe White CatI came to myself with a disturbing sense that something was wrong with me. My discomfort, increasing steadily, resolved itself into two distinct factorsa pain in my side at every breath and a throbbing ache in the top of my head. I...
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The Chariot of the FleshThe Chariot of the FleshIt is nearly eleven years since Alan Sydney left England, but I have only recently been released from my promise of secrecy. So sacred to me is the memory of our friendship, that, even now, I shrink from the task...
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CursedCursedSlashed across the copper bowl of sunset, the jagged silhouette of tawny-shouldered mountains, fringed with areca-palms in black fretwork against the swift-fading glow, divided the tropic sky. Above, day yet lingered. Below, nights dim shroud, here and there spangled with glow-lights still or moving,...
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Raha: RomaaniRaha: RomaaniPrssin kello oli juuri lynyt yksitoista, kun Saccard astui Champeaux'n ravintolan valkeaan ja kullalla koristettuun saliin, jonka molemmat korkeat akkunat antavat torille. Hnen katseensa kiintyi heti pihan pytien ress istuviin, vilkkaaseen keskusteluun vaipuneisiin vieraisiin, ja hn nytti hiukan hmmstyvn, kun ei nhnytkn etsimins...
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KirjekyyhkynenKirjekyyhkynenTodistan siis, ett aikomukseni oli antaa sinun maksaa elinkautisella vankeudella se palvelus, jonka sinulle tein: niin itseks on ihmissydn, ettei se osaa mitn hyv tehd vaatimatta palkkiota, useinpa kaksin verroin suurempaa kuin hnen tekonsa ansaitsee. Lhde siis, armas airut, lhde sinne, mist tulit, ja...
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Götiska rummen: Släktöden från sekelslutetGötiska rummen: Släktöden från sekelslutet Nej, svarade mlaren Selln, jag har icke varit hr p 15 r, d jag satt i Rda Rummet och filosoferade med Arvid Falk, Olle Montanus och de andra. Kan du, som arkitekt tomta ut vrt gamla rum? Nej, svarade...
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I HavsbandetI Havsbandet En sktka lg en majafton fr bidevind ute p Gsstensfjrden. Rkarna med sina i skrgrden knda tre pyramider brjade blna, och p den klara himmeln bildade sig moln, nr solen tog till att sjunka; det skvalpade redan utanfr uddarna, och obehagliga ryckningar...
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Kultaa ja kuntoa: Romaani KlondykestaKultaa ja kuntoa: Romaani KlondykestaAlussa hnen nimenn oli Christopher Bellew. Yliopistossa hnest tuli Chris Bellew. San Franciscon taiteilijapiireiss sanottiin hnt sittemmin Kit Bellewiksi. Ja lopuksi hnet tunnettiin ainoastaan Smoke Bellewin nimell. Tm hnen nimens kehityshistoria muodostaa hnen oman kehityshistoriansa. Nin ei olisi sattunut koskaan,...
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Old Broadbrim Into the Heart of AustraliaOld Broadbrim Into the Heart of Australia - or, A Strange Bargain and Its ConsequencesIssued Weekly. By Subscription $2.50 per year. Application has been made as Second Class Matter at the N. Y. Post Office, by Street & Smith, 238 William St., N. Y....
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Kaksi kaupunkiaKaksi kaupunkia1. Viiden vuoden kuluttua. 2. Muuan nytelm. 3. Pettymys. 4. Onnitteluja. 5. Shakaali. 6. Sadottain ihmisi. 7. Monseigneur kaupungissa. 8. Monseigneur maalla. 9. Gorgonin p. 10. Kaksi lupausta. 11. Toverukset. 12. Hienotunteinen mies. 13. Mies ilman hienotunteisuutta. 14. Kunniallinen asiamies. 15. Rouva Defarge...
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