Health & Fitness
Discover the best fitness and health books, including top titles on wellbeing and physical fitness. Find the best workout books and best-selling health reads
A Slimmer You: A Natural Way to Lose WeightYou don't need to be stuck in a weight-loss rut, relying on supplements and fad diets to achieve your target weight. Larry Gompf knows that getting slim doesn't have to mean cutting all the "fun food" out of your diet or sacrificing all your...
- €33,66 EUR
- €33,66 EUR
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The Art of HealthBefore taking off in a plane, the flight attendant tells you what to do if the aircraft loses cabin pressure. They remind you that if you're traveling with a small child or someone needing assistance, you must secure your mask first before assisting others....
- €41,69 EUR
- €41,69 EUR
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Vegan 2022: SaĞlikli Ve Lezzetlİ Bİtkİsel TarİflerVeganlık her yaşa ve cinsiyete göre uyarlanabilen bir diyet türüdür. Araştırmalar vegan beslenmenin kolesterol seviyelerini düşürmeye yardımcı olabileceğini göstermiştir. Ayrıca diyet yapanın tip 2 diyabet, kalp hastalığı, hipertansiyon ve belirli kanser türleri gibi belirli hastalık türlerinden kaçınmasına yardımcı olur.Her zaman olduğu gibi, adım adım...
- €57,99 EUR
- €57,99 EUR
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Dash Kokbok 2022: Ansvarslösa Recept För Att Sänka BlodtryckVet du varför DASH-dieten utses till "Bästa dieten" år efter år?Det är enkelt: DASH-dieten är ett enkelt och hållbart verktyg för att skapa en hälsosam livsstil.Baserat på forskning av National Institutes of Health, och valt av U.S. News & World Report som sitt #1-val...
- €67,71 EUR
- €67,71 EUR
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Ayuno Intermitente para Mujeres: Guía completa para perder peso rápidamente, aumentar tu energía y vivir saludablementeBIENVENIDA AL MUNDO DEL AYUNO INTERMITENTE PARA MUJERESSi te dijera que hay una dieta que te permite quemar más grasa, ganar músculo y disfrutar de los beneficios de una vida más larga, saludable y más productiva, querrías saberlo? Si es así, entonces este es...
- €33,66 EUR
- €33,66 EUR
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Paleo Diett Oppskrifter 2022: Deilige Oppskrifter for Å Miste Vektnsker du å vite mange deilige oppskriftsideer for vekttap om morgenen, på formiddagen og om kvelden?Hvis ja, fortsett å lese.... Lavkarbodietten er nå en av de mest popul re diettformene. Selv innen utholdenhetsidrett er paleo-dietten et viktig tema. Men hva er den virkelige fordelen...
- €66,15 EUR
- €66,15 EUR
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Dieta Keto 2022: Multe Retete Deliciose Pentru ÎnceputVrei să faci o schimbare în viața ta? Vrei să devii o persoană mai sănătoasă, care se poate bucura de o viață nouă și îmbunătățită?Clienții tăi nu se opresc niciodată să folosească această carte minunată de bucateAtunci, cu siguranță ești în locul potrivit.Ești pe...
- €58,32 EUR
- €58,32 EUR
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Sustainable Development Calls for Effective Strategic Leadership for Efficient Health SystemsThis book on strategic leadership and management of health systems, aims to convey a critical understanding on the importance of proper leadership and management of health systems so that challenges are identified and solved in real time, and to eliminate steps or processes that...
- €53,85 EUR
- €53,85 EUR
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Pandemic - What Will Be the Next?: How to Protect your Family and Prevent a New Epidemic! 7 Ways to Prepare for the Next Pandemic! How to survive a paAVOID THE NEXT BIGGEST EPIDEMICAL THREAT! Have you already heard about the deaf rate and the massive adverse effects of pandemic virus?Do you know whether you have a high risk of being infected?Or maybe, you are an entrepreneur who wants to keep his or...
- €47,07 EUR
- €47,07 EUR
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Dash Recepty 2022: Chutné Recepty Na Znízenie Krvného Tlaku a Zlepsenie Vaseho ZdraviaDASH diéta je jednoduchý a udrzateľný nástroj na vytvorenie zdravého zivotného stýlu.Zdravé stravovanie neznamená, ze sa musíte pripraviť o svoje obľúbené jedlá, aj keď trpíte hypertenziou a vysokým krvným tlakom.Musíte len vedieť, ako miesať a spájať potraviny a mať správnu veľkosť porcií, aby ste...
- €66,01 EUR
- €66,01 EUR
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Influenza: Diagnosis, Prevention and ManagementThe infectious diseases caused by influenza viruses are termed as influenza. Symptoms of influenza generally begin after 1-4 days of exposure to the virus and last for 2-8 days. They include runny nose, sore throat, fever, headache, muscle pain, fatigue and coughing. In children,...
- €259,30 EUR
- €259,30 EUR
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Nutrition and Exercise: From Science to PracticeThe physiological and biochemical processes by which an organism makes use of food for sustenance are known as nutrition. It involves various processes such as absorption, ingestion, assimilation, excretion, catabolism and biosynthesis. Nutrients refer to all those substances which are used by organisms for...
- €256,15 EUR
- €256,15 EUR
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Colorectal Cancer: Diagnosis and Clinical ManagementThe development of cancer from the rectum or the colon is termed as colorectal cancer. It originates in the epithelial cells. It generally occurs due to factors related to lifestyle or old age. Its major symptoms are blood in the stool, fatigue, weight loss...
- €265,58 EUR
- €265,58 EUR
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God's Path to Mental HealthTake Back Your Life and Walk Peacefully and FreeIs your mind a playground for the devil? Are you harassed and held hostage by thoughts, fears, anxiety, and depression that won't let up? You're not alone. The number of people suffering from mental torment is...
- €57,55 EUR
- €57,55 EUR
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Autism in Kids: Parent's Guide to Autism Treatment and Support (Using Daily Activities to Help Kids Communicate Learn and Connect)The book will be of interest not only to parents of children with autism, but also teachers, social workers and other specialists working with autistic individuals - they will benefit from learning about the parents' experiences, problems and inspirations, and will benefit from the...
- €26,87 EUR
- €26,87 EUR
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Indian Masala Chutney and Pickle: The Real Flavor of Indian FoodMasale/spices are an integral part of Indian cooking. These spices have medicinal and therapeutic effects. They help in maintaining the normal functioning of the body. Spices contain flavonoids, a type of antioxidant that helps prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer....
- €83,12 EUR
- €83,12 EUR
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The Herb Book: The Stories, Science, and History of HerbsMore than 80 varieties of herbs are profiled in fascinating detail, with beautiful visuals and in-depth explorations of their science, history, uses, and cultural significance. Immerse yourself in stories and pictures of these useful plants, from herb gardens to remote wildernesses. Herbs have been...
- €53,88 EUR
- €53,88 EUR
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Bedtime Stories for Adults: Tales to Soothe the Tired SoulsDo you want something that helps you sleep at night?Do you want to recreate your childhood bedtime story time?Do you wish to have something light to read before going to sleep?Then keep reading!Bedtime tales are an excellent and well-proven method of relaxing and practicing...
- €26,93 EUR
- €26,93 EUR
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Dieta de Batidos del Dr. Sebi: 53 Batidos Alcalinos y Eléctricos Deliciosos y Fáciles de Hacer para Limpiar, Revitalizar y Sanar tu Cuerpo de Forma NBusca una forma más fácil y eficiente de limpiar, revitalizar y sanar su cuerpo?Con la dieta del Dr. Sebi Smoothie, obtendrá todos los beneficios de la lucha contra las enfermedades mientras toma un delicioso batido.Esta serie actualizada de la versión única del libro La...
- €13,78 EUR
- €13,78 EUR
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The Last Adventure: Living with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)In The Last Adventure, the third in a series, Marcel LaPerriere continues to address the multitude of mental and physical issues that affect someone living with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). And because LaPerriere lives in a small Alaskan town, he also faces some unique...
- €30,79 EUR
- €30,79 EUR
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