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What Have the Greeks Done for Modern Civilisation?What Have the Greeks Done for Modern Civilisation?THESE lectures, delivered in Boston at the invitation of the Curator of the Lowell Institute, in December and January, 1908-9, are now published owing to many requests both from those that heard them and from those that...
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The Early History of English Poor ReliefThe Early History of English Poor ReliefThe present account of the early history of English poor relief is chiefly derived from the municipal records of London and Norwich and from the reports of the justices of the peace which are included amongst the state...
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Jonker Willem van ArkelJonker Willem van ArkelHet was een vreemdsoortig huis, waarin de edelman Quannevan te Gorcum woonde. Het huis stond in de Krijtstraat (later de Revetsteeg) achter de Groote Kerk, en was, zooals de beschrijving ons meldt: van voren van trappen voorzien, om naar boven te...
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My Southern Home: Or, the South and Its PeopleMy Southern Home: Or, the South and Its PeopleNo attempt has been made to create heroes or heroines, or to appeal to the imagination or the heart. The earlier incidents were written out from the authors recollections. The later sketches here given, are the...
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Why is the Negro Lynched?Why is the Negro Lynched?We have felt that the most fitting tribute that we, of the Anti-Caste movement, can pay to the memory of this noble and faithful life is to issue broadcastas far as the means entrusted to us will allowhis last great...
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The Art of Music, Volume 10The DanceThe gods themselves danced, as the stars dance in the sky, is a saying of the ancient Mexicans. To dance is to take part in the cosmic control of the world, said the ancient Greek philosophers. What do you dance? asks the African...
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The White Road of Mystery: The Note-Book of an American AmbulancierThe White Road of Mystery: The Note-Book of an American AmbulancierTHE sweet, clear notes of a bugle come faintly up to me through the cool air of morning, and as the sound dies away I hear the great guns begin their bombardment, the rumbling...
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The Printer in Eighteenth-Century WilliamsburgThe Printer in Eighteenth-Century Williamsburg - An Account of His Life & Times, & of His CraftThe paragraphs on this Page and the next have been et in an eighteenth-century Manner. The Type ued is Calon, developed in the early Part of the eighteenth...
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The Eureka Springs StoryThe Eureka Springs StoryLegendary lore concerning the visitation of northern Indian tribes to what is now Eureka Springs, Arkansas is badly mixed and it is difficult to separate truth from fiction. It is difficult to prove the authenticity of a legend. The stories we...
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One Year at the Russian Court: 1904-1905One Year at the Russian Court: 1904-1905AT last, I was on the eve of my departure for Russia! The dream of my twenty summers! For that great Russia, the country of my devoted grandmother, Baroness de Nicolay, who, however, was born in London, her...
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The Great Sieges of HistoryThe Great Sieges of HistoryLate events have proved that, notwithstanding the dreams of visionary philosophers and the hopes of philanthropists, the Millennium is not yet arrived; the lamb cannot yet lie down in peace with the lion. Science has performed miracles to procure comforts...
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The Powers of Europe and Fall of SebastopolThe Powers of Europe and Fall of Sebastopol This work makes no pretensions to absolute originality being partially a compilation, with incidents in the life of the Author, who was an actor in many of the scenes narrated. He has striven to be judicious...
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Elf Jahre Gouverneur in Deutsch-SüdwestafrikaElf Jahre Gouverneur in Deutsch-SüdwestafrikaGehe hinaus in die Welt, mein Buch, du Ergebnis vieler Arbeitsstunden, aber auch die Freude meiner Muezeit. Du sollst meinen Mitbrgern einen Einblick in elf Jahre deutscher Kolonialpolitik geben, vielfach von Erfolgen gekrnt, aber auch von Rckschlgen begleitet sowie mit...
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Life and Travel in Lower Burmah: A RetrospectLife and Travel in Lower Burmah: A Retrospect When my friend asked me to read through these reminiscences in their original form, with a view to editing them, I had to tell him at the outset that the remoteness of the retrospect might probably...
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Geschichte der Belagerung, Eroberung und Zerstörung Magdeburg'sGeschichte der Belagerung, Eroberung und Zerstörung Magdeburg'sDie Abkrzung fr et cetera mit tironischer Note fr et wurde hier als etc. dargestellt. Umlaute in Grobuchstaben (, , ) wurden in der gedruckten Fassung als ihre Umschreibungen dargestellt (Ae, Oe, Ue); dies wurde so beibehalten. Funoten...
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The Life and Work of James A. Garfield, Twentieth President of the United StatesThe Life and Work of James A. Garfield, Twentieth President of the United States - Embracing an Account of the Scenes and Incidents of His Boyhood; the Struggles of His Youth; the Might of His Early Manhood; His Valor As a Soldier; His Career...
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Houston: The Feast Years. An Illustrated EssayHouston: The Feast Years. An Illustrated EssayHouston: one of The 12 Most Exciting Cities of North America, said Holiday in 1953one of the dozen, from Quebec in the north to Mexico City in the south, possessing that rare combination of qualities which has always...
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My American DiaryMy American DiaryThe publication of an American diary requires neither apology nor explanation, especially when it is more a record than a criticism. Besides, the best people seem to do it. I have upon my desk an old volume entitled: Travels in the United...
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My Two CountriesMy Two CountriesI KNOW that this welcome has nothing to do with me. Ever since I first entered the Mother of Parliaments I realised that I had ceased to be a person and had become a symbol. The safe thing about being a symbol...
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Tales of English Minsters: St. Paul'sTales of English Minsters: St. Paul'sI am sure that there is no one who goes to London for the first time, no matter how hurried he may be, who does not try to visit at least three placesthe Tower, Westminster Abbey, and St. Pauls...
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