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Early Travels in PalestineEarly Travels in Palestine - Comprising the Narratives of Arculf, Willibald, Bernard, Sæwulf, Sigurd, Benjamin of Tudela, Sir John Maundeville, de la Brocquière, and MaundrellThe attentive reader of history cannot fail to remark how often, in the confusion of the middle ages, the very...
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The Vampire CatThe Vampire Cat - A Play in one act from the Japanese legend of the Nabeshima catHere is a practical hand-book, describing in detail all the accessories, properties, scenes and apparatus necessary for an amateur production. In addition to the descriptions in words, everything...
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Kuningas Henrik Kuudes IIKuningas Henrik Kuudes IIKuningas HENRIK KUUDES. HUMPHREY, GLOSTERin herttua, hnen setns. Kardinaali BEAUFORT, Winchesterin piispa. RICHARD PLANTAGENET, Yorkin herttua. EDWARD, | hnen poikansa. RICHARD, | SOMERSETin herttua, | SUFFOLKin herttua, | kuninkaan puoluetta. BUCKINGHAMin herttua, | Lord CLIFFORD ja hnen poikansa, | SALISBURYn kreivi,...
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The Flags of the World: Their History, Blazonry, and AssociationsThe Flags of the World: Their History, Blazonry, and AssociationsThe necessity of some special Sign to distinguish Individuals, Tribes, and Nationsthe Standards of AntiquityEgyptian, Assyrian, Persian, Greek, and Romanthe VexillumThe Labarum of ConstantineInvocation of Religionthe Flags of the EnemyEarly Flags of Religious CharacterFlags of...
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Anecdotes of King George IΤα ανέκδοτα του Βασιλέως Γεωργίου ΑNote: The tonic system has been changed from polytonic to monotonic. I have added five endnotes, marked by {}.// : . , {}. , . . '. , , ' . . ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product details Ebook...
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Guernsey Pictorial Directory and Stranger's GuideGuernsey Pictorial Directory and Stranger's Guide - Embellished with Numerous Wood-cutsThe Guides hitherto tendered the public, having in some measure fallen short of furnishing the Stranger with a just notion of the island and its interior beauty, from want of illustration and leisure for...
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The Solution of the Pyramid Problem; or, Pyramid DiscoveriesThe Solution of the Pyramid Problem; or, Pyramid Discoveries - With a New Theory as to their Ancient UseThis E text uses UTF-8 (unicode) file encoding. If the apostrophes, quotation marks and greek text [] in this paragraph appear as garbage, you may have...
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With the Doughboy in France: A Few Chapters of an American EffortWith the Doughboy in France: A Few Chapters of an American EffortSix months ago I finished writing the chapters of this book. At that time the American Red Cross still had a considerable force in Paristhroughout France for that matter. It was still functioning...
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The Thirty Years' War, 1618-1648The Thirty Years' War, 1618-1648If the present work should appear to be written for more advanced students than those for whom most if not all the other books of the series are designed, the nature of the subject must be pleaded in excuse. The...
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A Pictorial Booklet on Early Jamestown Commodities and IndustriesA Pictorial Booklet on Early Jamestown Commodities and Industries[Pg iii] In the pages which follow only a few of many goods and commodities made, collected, or grown at or near Jamestown during the seventeenth century will be discussed. No pretense is made to do...
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Atrocious Judges : Lives of Judges Infamous as Tools of Tyrants and Instruments of OppressionAtrocious Judges : Lives of Judges Infamous as Tools of Tyrants and Instruments of OppressionHume observes, in his History of England, that among a people who lived in so simple a manner as the Anglo-Saxons, the judicial power is always of greater importance than...
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Kuningas Henrik Kuudes IKuningas Henrik Kuudes IKuningas HENRIK KUUDES. GLOSTERin herttua, kuninkaan set ja protektori. BEDFORDin herttua, kuninkaan set ja Ranskan hallitsija. THOMAS BEAUFORT, Exeterin herttua, kuninkaan isn set. HENRIK BEAUFORT, Winchesterin piispa, sittemmin kardinaali. JUHANA BEAUFORT, Somersetin kreivi, sittemmin herttua. HENRIK PLANTAGENET, mestatun Cambridgen kreivin vanhin...
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Nooks and Corners of Old LondonNooks and Corners of Old LondonSaid the Italian sculptor Canova, "Gladly would I journey to London if only to see Somerset House, St. Paul's and St. Stephen's, Walbrook." Just behind the Mansion House, in the ancient by-way called Walbrook, stands hidden away the church...
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Páginas sevillanasPáginas sevillanas - Sucesos Históricos, Personajes Célebres, Monumentos Notables, Tradiciones Populares, Cuentos Viejos, Leyendas y Curiosidades.Terminada esta modesta obra, escrita enmedio de circunstancias harto difciles para llevarla cabo tan la perfeccin como mi deseo hubiera sido, me permito dedicarla V., pues quiero corresponder de...
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Anabasis, Volume 2Κύρου Ανάβασις Τόμος 2Note: The tonic system has been changed from polytonic to monotonic. A table of corrections has been taken into account. otherwise the spelling of the book has not been changed. I have inserted one note included in {}. Footnotes have been...
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Les guêpes — séries 1 & 2Les guêpes — séries 1 & 2En attendant que le bon sens ait adopt cette loi en un article, la proprit littraire est une proprit, lauteur, pour le principe, se rserve tous droits de reproduction et de traduction, sous quelque forme que ce soit....
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The Problem of Foreign PolicyThe Problem of Foreign Policy - A Consideration of Present Dangers and the Best Methods for Meeting ThemThe publication of this little book was interrupted by an incident which made me realize how easy it is for one who spends much time in trying...
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The Dispatch Carrier and Memoirs of Andersonville PrisonThe Dispatch Carrier and Memoirs of Andersonville PrisonBooks, as a general rule, have prefaces. I write a preface to this book, not because I think it necessary, but because it is customary. I did not keep a diary, and it may be that I...
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Histoire Anecdotique de l'Ancien Théâtre en France, Tome SecondHistoire Anecdotique de l'Ancien Théâtre en France, Tome Second - Théâtre-Français, Opéra, Opéra-Comique, Théâtre-Italien, Vaudeville, Théâtres forains, etc...Note sur la transcription: Les erreurs clairement introduites par le typographe ont t corriges. L'orthographe d'origine a t conserve et n'a pas t harmonise. Les numeros des...
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Fort Duquesne and Fort Pitt Early Names of Pittsburgh StreetsFort Duquesne and Fort Pitt; Early Names of Pittsburgh StreetsThis little sketch of Fort Duquesne and Fort Pitt is compiled from extracts taken mainly from Parkman's Histories; The Olden Time, by Neville B. Craig; Fort Pitt, by Mrs. Wm. Darlington; Pioneer History, by S....
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