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Scottish Loch SceneryScottish Loch SceneryThe visitor to Scotland, entering from the south, has not far to travel before he reaches one of the loveliest lowland scenes the country possesses. The very ancient burgh of Lochmaben lies on a branch line a little distance from Lockerbie junction,...
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30 Days in Lithuania in 1919Thirty Days in Lithuania in 1919I hope the American people will be interested with the information I have just brought from my native country. I am writing the story of my trip to Lithuania and return at the suggestion of some of my fellow...
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The Life and Writings of Henry Fuseli, Volume 2 (of 3)The Life and Writings of Henry Fuseli, Volume 2 (of 3)It cannot be considered as superfluous or assuming to present the reader of the following lectures with a succinct characteristic sketch of the principal technic instruction, ancient and modern, which we possess: I say,...
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Alsace-LorraineAlsace-Lorraine - A Study of the Relations of the Two Provinces to France and to Germany and a Presentation of the Just Claims of Their PeopleThe problem of Alsace-Lorraine is in a very real sense an American problem. We entered this war to help...
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The Beginners of a NationThe Beginners of a Nation - A History of the Source and Rise of the Earliest English Settlements in America, with Special Reference to the Life and Character of the PeopleIn this work, brought to completion after many years of patient research, I have...
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Tableau historique et pittoresque de Paris depuis les Gaulois jusqu'à nos jours (Volume 1/8)Tableau historique et pittoresque de Paris depuis les Gaulois jusqu'à nos jours (Volume 1/8)Il y a plus de deux sicles qu'on crit sur Paris et sur ses antiquits. Ce sujet a fait natre une foule d'ouvrages o toutes les recherches semblent avoir t puises;...
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War's Brighter SideWar's Brighter Side - The Story of The Friend Newspaper Edited by the Correspondents with Lord Roberts's Forces, March-April, 1900Lord Roberts is the first General of whom I have heard who ever recognised and acknowledged the Value and Power of the Press by establishing...
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Histoire de France 1661-1690 (Volume 15/19)Histoire de France 1661-1690 (Volume 15/19)Je fais une histoire gnrale et non celle d'un rgne. Il m'a fallu resserrer en un volume la priode qui s'tend de 1661 1690, priode normment charge de faits et d'vnements, d'actes religieux et politiques, d'uvres littraires. Forc d'abrger...
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An Open Letter to the Right Honorable David Lloyd GeorgeAn Open Letter to the Right Honorable David Lloyd George - Prime Minister of Great BritainSir: I am an Indian who has, by the fear of your Government in India been forced to seek refuge in the United States, at least for the period...
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Histoire de France 1598-1628 (Volume 13/19)Histoire de France 1598-1628 (Volume 13/19)La chanson si populaire de Charmante Gabrielle, la plainte amoureuse du roi sur sa cruelle dpartie, ne fut pas, comme on l'a dit, faite au dpart pour la guerre, mais, au contraire, au retour, et quinze jours aprs la...
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The Three Perils of Man or, War, Women, and Witchcraft, Vol. 2 (of 3)The Three Perils of Man; or, War, Women, and Witchcraft, Vol. 2 (of 3)The distance from Melrose to the castle of Aikwood being only about nine English miles, our party came in view of it before sun-set. It was one of those dead calm...
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Terrestrial and Celestial Globes Volume 2Terrestrial and Celestial Globes Volume 2 - Their History and Construction Including a Consideration of their Value as Aids in the Study of Geography and AstronomyTranscribers note:Many foreign and English words in the text and in the references occur in joined, hyphenated and spaced...
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Terrestrial and Celestial Globes Volume 1Terrestrial and Celestial Globes Volume 1 - Their History and Construction Including a Consideration of their Value as Aids in the Study of Geography and AstronomyTranscribers note:Many foreign and English words in the text and in the references occur in joined, hyphenated and spaced...
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The Evolution of StatesThe Evolution of States[Pg vii]The following treatise is an expansion, under a new title, of one originally published (1900) under the name of An Introduction to English Politics. Several friendly reviewers of that work objected, not unjustly, that its title was something of a...
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English TraitsEnglish TraitsI have been twice in England. In 1833, on my return from a short tour in Sicily, Italy, and France, I crossed from Boulogne, and landed in London at the Tower stairs. It was a dark Sunday morning; there were few people in...
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The Lance of Kanana: A Story of ArabiaThe Lance of Kanana: A Story of ArabiaThe peculiar thing about Kanana was that he never held a lance in his hand but once; yet many a celebrated sheik and powerful chieftain of his day lies dead, buried, and forgotten long ago, while the...
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Gearr-sgeoil air Sir Seoras Uilleam RosGearr-sgeoil air Sir Seoras Uilleam RosIS toigh le sluagh la-an-diugh a bhith leughadh eachdraidh-beatha dhaoine ainmeil: tha e iomchuidh gu'm bitheadh na Gaidheil cuimhneachail air dilanaich an cinnidh fein, agus tha e 'na aobhar brin cho beag 's a chaidh chur a'n cl mu...
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India Through the Ages: A Popular and Picturesque History of HindustanIndia Through the Ages: A Popular and Picturesque History of HindustanA history, above all one which claims to hold no original research, but simply to be a compilation of the work of others, needs no introduction save the compiler's thanks to many who have...
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Early Illustrated BooksEarly Illustrated Books - A History of the Decoration and Illustration of Books in the 15th and 16th CenturiesThis little book was written nearly a quarter of a century ago in the enthusiasm of a first acquaintance with a fascinating subject, and with an...
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