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Famous Colonial HousesFamous Colonial HousesAs I read in Mr. Hollisters chapter on Mount Vernon of Washingtons long absence from the home he loved and of the eagerness with which he returned to it after the tumultuous years of the Revolutionary War, I was caught by the...
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Martin ValliantMartin ValliantBrother Geraint pulled his black cowl forward over his head, and stepped out into the porch. Some one thrust the door to behind him, and there was the sound of an oak bar being dropped into the slots. Somewhere down the valley a...
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The Truth about the TitanicThe Truth about the TitanicAS the sole survivor of all the men passengers of the Titanic stationed during the loading of six or more lifeboats with women and children on the port side of the ship, forward on the glass-sheltered Deck A, and later...
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War, 52 Carey CartoonsWar, 52 Carey CartoonsFROM time immemorial the human race has been interested in pictures of persons, scenes and things; and one of the most potent means of driving home ideas and lessons, and oftentimes of arousing human passions, is the cartoon. No longer venomous,...
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Peaks of ShalaPeaks of ShalaI would not have this book considered too seriously. It is not an attempt to untangle one thread in the Balkan snarl; it is not a study of primitive peoples; it is not a contribution to the worlds knowledge, and I hope...
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Our Village in War-timeOur Village in War-timeThe incidents in the following narrative are real, and have actually occurred in the present struggle for our national life, though not precisely in the order here indicated. Liberty has been taken in locating and arranging them, and names and places...
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The Origin of Property in LandThe Origin of Property in Land - With an introductory chapter on the English manor by W. J. AshleyThe Essay by the late M. Fustel de Coulanges, here translated, appeared in the Revue des Questions Historiques for April, 1889. It seemed especially suitable for...
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History of the war in the Peninsula and in the south of France from the year 1807 to the year 1814, vol. 2History of the war in the Peninsula and in the south of France from the year 1807 to the year 1814, vol. 2General Semels journal, referred to in this volume, is only an unattested copy; the rest of the manuscript authorities quoted or consulted...
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The History of the Manners and Customs of Ancient Greece, Volume 1 (of 3)The History of the Manners and Customs of Ancient Greece, Volume 1 (of 3)Many moral phenomena appear to baffle the sagacity of statesmen, because, confiding too implicitly in experience, they omit to widen the range of their contemplation so as to embrace the whole...
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[Memorials of the counties of England]Memorials of Old DevonshireThe object of the present volume is to present what may be termed a history of Devon in episode. A comprehensive and, at the same time, detailed record of the county, dealing more or less fully with the principal events of...
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Letters from AustraliaLetters from Australia The following Letters were most of them written in Australia in 1867, and were published in the Spectator in the course of that and the following year. Some are reprinted without alteration, others have been added to and altered, and others...
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The Confessions of the Celebrated Countess of Lichtenau, Late Mrs. RietzThe Confessions of the Celebrated Countess of Lichtenau, Late Mrs. Rietz - Now Confined in the Fortress of Gloglau as a State-prisonerI avail myself of the departure of an English gentleman, who intends to set out for your city in a few days, to...
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A Modern SlaveryA Modern SlaveryThe following chapters describe my journey in the Portuguese province of Angola (West Central Africa), and in the Portuguese islands of San Thom and Principe, during the years 1904, and 1905. The journey was undertaken at the suggestion of the editor of...
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Historia de la Conquista de Mexico, Volume 2 (of 3)Historia de la Conquista de Mexico, Volume 2 (of 3) - Poblacion y Progresos de la America Septentrional, Conocida por el Nombre de Nueva EspañaY en las de B. Dulau y Co. Soho-square; T. Boosey, Broad-street, Royal Exchange; White, Fleet-street; De Conchy, New Bond-street;...
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The Irish Nuns at Ypres: An Episode of the WarThe Irish Nuns at Ypres: An Episode of the WarI have been asked to write an introduction to this book, but I feel that I can add little to its intense dramatic interest. Ypres has been one of the chief centres of the terrible...
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Native races of the British Empire, book 3The Native Races of East AfricaA few years ago two dwarfs or Pygmies from the trackless forests of Uganda were bold enough to allow themselves to be brought to London, where they were exhibited and photographed. Unfortunately these little people had no one who...
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Africa and the American FlagAfrica and the American FlagCONTENTS.Preface.Introduction.Czarism: its historical origin.The Czar Nicholas.The Organization of the Government.The Army and Navy.The Nobility.The Clergy.The Bourgeoisie.The Cossacks.The Real People, the Peasantry.The Rights of Aliens and Strangers.The Commoner.Emancipation.Manifest Destiny.Appendix.The Amazons.The Fourteen Classes of the Russian Public Service; or, the Tschins.The Political...
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The old frontier: Te Awamutu, the story of the Waipa ValleyThe old frontier: Te Awamutu, the story of the Waipa Valley - The missionary, the soldier, the pioneer farmer, early colonization, the war in Waikato, life on the Maori border and later-day settlementThis sketch of the history of the Waipa district centreing in Te...
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University of Texas Bulletin, No. 2205: February 1, 1922The Negro in Tennessee, 1790-1865The introduction of slavery into Tennessee was a part of the westward movement of colonization. It had passed the experimental stage of its development in North Carolina before Tennessee acquired an independent political existence.[1] Its economic, social, and legal aspects...
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The Invention of TypographyThe Invention of Typography - A Brief Sketch of the Invention of Printing and How it Came AboutMany persons and many places have claimed the honor of the invention of typographic printing. That these conflicting claims should be made is the most natural thing...
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