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Contemporary ComposersContemporary ComposersLovers and critics of modern music who are at the same time interested students of the social changes which have preceded and accompanied its growth must often ask themselves whether there is any deep connection of cause and effect between the two sets...
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Az arany ember (2. rész)Az arany ember (2. rész) - RegényNem voltak-e e vadonban nevelt gyermeknek fogalmai arrl, hogy mi a vilgi illem, mi a j erklcs, a titoktart szemrem? mik a trsadalmi szablyok? a n s frfi viszonya egymshoz, miket llam s egyhz ers trvnyekkel rendeztek? sszetvesztette-e...
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Az arany ember (1. rész)Az arany ember (1. rész) - RegényA rnehezl vztmeg trte-e magnak e kaput, vagy a fldalatti tz repeszt ktfel a hegylnczot? Neptun alkotta-e ezt, vagy Volcn? vagy ketten egytt? A m Isten! Ahhoz hasonlt mg a mai istenutnz kor vaskez emberei sem birnak alkotni....
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ÁrnyképekÁrnyképekHa a szv mitsem rez, midn e szra gondol, ha a hazt csak akkor kell szeretni, midn ezt tenni lv s dicssg s akkor nem, midn a honszeretet neve keserv, ha a tvozni kszl nem hall lelkben semmi hangot, mely azt susogja: maradj, maradj!...
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The Countess of Lowndes Square, and Other StoriesThe Countess of Lowndes Square, and Other StoriesI have divided the stories that are here collected under one cover into various classes, so that such readers as want to compare their own experiments, let us say, in blackmailing or spiritualistic sances, with those of...
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Poems from the Inner LifePoems from the Inner LifeFOURTEENTH EDITION. BOSTON: COLBY & RICH, PUBLISHERS, 9 Montgomery Place. {ii} Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1863 by E L I Z A B E T H D O T E N, In the Clerks Office...
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXX, No. 6, June 1847Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXX, No. 6, June 1847It was a lovely autumnal morning. The air was fresh, with just enough of frost about it to give ruddiness to the cheek and brilliancy to the eye. The rays of the sun streamed brightly up the...
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXX, No. 5, May 1847Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXX, No. 5, May 1847The world-renowned city of Paris, always gay, was, perhaps, never more so than in the autumn of the year 1776. Most prominent among the exciting topics of its excitable populace, at that period, was the American war....
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXX, No. 4, April 1847Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXX, No. 4, April 1847In the Revolutionary war the plan of operations adopted by the British Ministry for the close of the year 1777 was as follows. General Howe, with a portion of the troops, was to occupy New York, and...
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Kidnapped (Illustrated)Kidnapped (Illustrated) - Being Memoirs of the Adventures of David Balfour in the Year 1751If you ever read this tale, you will likely ask yourself more questions than I should care to answer: as for instance how the Appin murder has come to fall...
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Lähtevien laivojen kaupunkiLähtevien laivojen kaupunki"Olimme kuudenkymmenen matruusin kanssa saapuneet muutamaan Vironmaan rantapitjn. Pitj, josta tulimme, oli ollut kapinan kaikkein pahimpia pespaikkoja, melkein kaikki aatelismoisiot olivat tuhkana; olimme senthden mekin puolestamme kyttneet kaikkea mahdollista ankaruutta. Olimme suoraan sanoen vsyneet nkemn verta, niin matruusit kuin ylipllikkmmekin, minusta puhumattakaan....
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXX, No. 3, March 1847Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXX, No. 3, March 1847Thomas Carlyle is a Scotchman, born about fifty years ago, at Ecclefechan, Annandale, according to one authority. His parents good farmer people, his father an elder in the Secession church there, and a man of strong native...
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXX, No. 2, February 1847Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXX, No. 2, February 1847It is inconvenient to have to bear with personal deficienciestroublesome and disheartening not to possess all the senses and the faculties which are demanded to enable man to compete with his fellows upon equal terms; and it...
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A Life of Walt WhitmanA Life of Walt WhitmanWHITMANS AMERICA The men of old declared that the lands of adventure lay in the West, for they were bold to follow the course of the sun; and to this day the bold do not look back to seek romance...
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Pyhiinvaeltaja: Kuvitelmia KarjalastaPyhiinvaeltaja: Kuvitelmia KarjalastaI. Lht luonnon ja alkuperisyyden maahan. II. Ontrei ja hnen hurskaat opetuksensa. III. Kaksi pyhiinvaeltaja-naista. IV. Outoja tapahtumia tshainajassa. V. Salaperinen vieras. VI. Jatkoa tapahtumiin tshainajassa. VII. Salaperinen vieras ja pyhiinvaeltaja-naiset. VIII. Pakoretkelle lht. IX. Ontrein tarina. X. Tulo Paadenen kyln. Runoilija-opettajan...
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXX, No. 1, January 1847Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXX, No. 1, January 1847Yes, sir, and the baggage and horses are ready, was the reply of a stalwart youth, whose dress betokened a condition removed from that of an ordinary menial, and partaking rather of that of a familiar, though...
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Délvirágok OceániaDélvirágok; OceániaMikor mg II. Constans uralkodott Sicilin, Krisztus utn hatszzhatvanhrom vvel, az egsz hromszg npe valami keverke volt keresztynnek s pognynak. A rgi pogny hitregk megmaradtak emlkben, s ha a vad Lstrygonok utda imdsgait mondta vdszentjhez, htt egy omladoz pogny templomnak vetve, eszbe jutottak...
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Œuvres complètes de Guy de Maupassant - volume 12Œuvres complètes de Guy de Maupassant - volume 12Une cohue agite grouillait sur le boulevard, cette foule des nuits dt qui remue, 4 boit, murmure et coule comme un fleuve, pleine de bien-tre et de joie. De place en place, un caf jetait une...
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Schiff vor Anker: ErzählungenSchiff vor Anker: ErzählungenLngst ist Gorch Focks Schiff vor Anker gegangen. Und wir haben seine Schtze davongetragen, die er in der Unendlichkeit des Meeres, in Ferne und Nhe, in Strmen und Stille in seine Seele gesammelt hatte. Und wir sind mit vollen, schweren Hnden...
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Les nécessités de la vie et les conséquences des rêves, précédé d'exemplesLes nécessités de la vie et les conséquences des rêves, précédé d'exemples DU MME AUTEUR LE DEVOIR ET L'INQUITUDE. Un volume in-16, avec un bois grav de Deslinires, A.-J. GONON, Paris, 1917. POMES POUR LA PAIX. Une feuille volante, 1918. LES ANIMAUX ET LEURS...
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