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Le livre de MonelleLe livre de MonelleBonaparte le tueur, dix-huit ans, rencontra sous les portes de fer du Palais-Royal une petite prostitue. Elle avait le teint ple et elle grelottait de froid. Mais il fallait vivre, lui dit-elle. Ni toi, ni moi, nous ne savons le nom...
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Nietzsche and ArtNietzsche and ArtIn this book, which embodies a course of lectures delivered in a somewhat condensed and summarized form at University College, London, during November and December, 1910, I have done two things. I have propounded Nietzsche's general Art doctrine, and, with the view...
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The Day Before YesterdayThe Day Before YesterdayWhen elder brothers insisted on their rights with undue harshness, or when the grown-up people descended from Olympus with a tiresome tale of broken furniture and torn clothes, the groundlings of the schoolroom went into retreat. In summer-time this was an...
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Bell's English History Source BooksImperialism and Mr. Gladstone (1876-1887)This series of English History Source Books is intended for use with any ordinary textbook of English History. Experience has conclusively shown that such apparatus is a valuablenay, an indispensableadjunct to the history lesson. It is capable of two main...
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Ebony and Crystal: Poems in Verse and ProseEbony and Crystal: Poems in Verse and ProseWho of us care to be present at the accouchment of the immortal? I think that we so attend who are first to take this book in our hands. A bold assertion, truly, and one demonstrable only...
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Inferno: NovellejaInferno: Novelleja Yksi tunti en viimeinen tunti Nuori upseeri lausui nuo sanat kuin itsekseen, tuskin kuuluvasti. Mutta vastapt istuva nainen htkhti kuin syytetty kuullessaan kuolemantuomionsa; hnen nuorilla kasvoillaan kuvastui ht ja kauhu, kun hn vapisevin huulin kuiskasi: Mies unohti kaiken. Kirkkaana, lmmittvn auringonpaisteena tulvahti...
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Nimensä pilannut kaupunkiNimensä pilannut kaupunkiSiit on vuosia kulunut. Hadleyburg oli koko seutukunnan rehellisin ja nuhteettomin kaupunki. Kolmen sukupolven ajan oli se silyttnyt tuon maineensa tahrattomana ja ylpeili siit enemmn kuin mistn muusta omistamastansa. Niin ylpe se oli siit ja niin harras turvaamaan sen pysyvisyytt, ett lapsukaisille...
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A Fair JewessA Fair JewessOn a bright, snowy night in December, some years ago, Dr. Spenlove, having been employed all the afternoon and evening in paying farewell visits to his patients, walked briskly toward his home through the narrowest and most squalid thoroughfares in Portsmouth. The...
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The Restless SexThe Restless SexA fool proceeding, for the inherited mania for invention obsessed him and he began to invent gods. The only kind of gods that his imagination could conceive were various varieties of supermen, stronger, more cruel, craftier than he. And with these he...
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L'Incendiario col rapporto sulla vittoria futurista di TriesteL'Incendiario; col rapporto sulla vittoria futurista di Trieste Oh! rabbia di sentirci, noi, poeti futuristi, portatori d'idee esplosive, demolitori della vecchia Italia, imprigionati in uno scompartimento come aquile in una gabbia.... Ma le anime nostre s'avventano nel buio, precedendo la locomotiva che si sforza...
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Die grosse Stille: RomanDie große Stille: RomanKthe hatte ihren Posten auf der obersten Treppenstufe gleich gar nicht verlassen. Elli strmte mit lachender Neugier aus der Stube und bog sich so weit ber das Gelnder, da die ltere, bedchtigere Schwester sie leise schalt und zupfte, einmal, weil es...
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Lain varjolla: Romaani Perä-PohjolastaLain varjolla: Romaani Perä-PohjolastaViraniemen talo oli siin, miss ylimaan ermaista juokseva vuolas virta teki kyrn polven. Talon ylpuolella syksyi joki korkeiden vaarojen vlist, muodostuen korvapaikoissa vkevksi virraksi. Mutta alempana taloa se leveni korkearantaiseksi suvannoksi ja virtaili sitten, heinvien saarien vliin vuopioita tehden, haaraantuen ja...
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Murder at LargeMurder at LargeOrdway Belknap, ex-Judge of the Magistrates Courts, and for the present a detective of amateur standing, and a semi-professional criminologist, on call at the Homicide Department, leaned comfortably back in an arm-chair in the den of his spacious penthouse apartment on the...
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The Mystery of M. FelixThe Mystery of M. FelixThrough the whole of the night, chopping, shifting winds had been tearing through the streets of London, now from the north, now from the south, now from the east, now from the west, now from all points of the compass...
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Œuvres complètes de Guy de Maupassant - volume 09Œuvres complètes de Guy de Maupassant - volume 09NON, dit Pierre Jouvenet, je ne connais pas lItalie, et pourtant jai tent deux fois dy pntrer, mais je me suis trouv arrt la frontire de telle sorte quil ma toujours t impossible de mavancer plus...
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Gesichte: Essays und andere GeschichtenGesichte: Essays und andere Geschichten Soll Ihr Leib noch lnger mit seinen Sternen in der Hand Ihres Arztes liegen, und wie lange berlassen Sie ihm noch Ihren Verstand? Fragen Sie einmal so im Vorbergehen den Doktor, ob er von Ihrem Sternensystem eine Ahnung hat....
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Spitzweg, Reime und BilderSpitzweg, Reime und BilderMit dem Aufruf des Namens Carl Spitzweg tritt die menschlich empfindsamste, knstlerisch bedeutendste Erscheinung aus der nicht allzu groen Schar deutscher Maler vor uns, die als Nachzgler der mondumglnzten Romantiker schon den schlichten Vortrab des Realismus gebildet haben. Erst in einer...
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LeopardiLeopardi Il presente libriccino fu composto prima della ricorrenza del Centenario leopardiano e vide la luce durante quella memorabile celebrazione, cio mentre l'immensa miniera dello Zibaldone, per mezzo secolo rimasta ignorata o inaccessibile, si veniva appena schiudendo. Dopo che fu tutta aperta ed in...
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Momenti: LiricheMomenti: Liriche La ristampa delle opere di Sibilla Aleramo merita un cenno retrospettivo. Il successo del primo romanzo, edito nel 1906 e tradotto rapidamente in sette lingue assunse carattere di grande avvenimento letterario. Il gran numero dei giornali che ne parlarono immediatamente, i critici...
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