Old Is Gold
Tea Drinking in 18th-Century America: Its Etiquette and EquipageTea Drinking in 18th-Century America: Its Etiquette and Equipage - United States National Museum Bulletin 225, Contributions from the Museum of History and Technology Paper 14, pages 61-91, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, 1961 United States National Museum Bulletin 225, Contributions from the Museum of...
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Flower o' the Heather: A Story of the Killing TimesFlower o' the Heather: A Story of the Killing TimesFIRST EDITION ...... October, 1922 Reprinted .......... October, 1922 Reprinted .......... December, 1922 Reprinted .......... January, 1923 Reprinted .......... November, 1923 Reprinted .......... January, 1925 Reprinted, 3s. 6d. . May, 1925 Reprinted .......... July, 1926...
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A Night in the LuxembourgA Night in the LuxembourgA general, but necessarily inadequate, account of the personality and works of one of the finest intellects of his generation will be found in the Appendix. I am here concerned only with Une Nuit au Luxembourg, which, though it is...
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Hurskas kurjuus: Päättynyt suomalainen elämäkertaHurskas kurjuus: Päättynyt suomalainen elämäkertaToivolan Jussi, Juha, Janne kirkonkirjojen mukaan Johan Abraham Benjaminpoika oli vanha vastenmielisen nkinen ijnrahjus. Viimeisin vuosinaan hnell oli laajahko kalju, jota niskassa ja korvilla reunusti joskus maailmassa tasoitettu, lakin alta harittava hiuskiehkura. Kasvot olivat mys ruskean rakkimaisen takkukarvan peitossa, vain...
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5 Selected Short StoriesFive Selected Short Stories Dedication: I dedicate this translation to Lady Sahar ajami. : .. : ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product details Ebook Number: 46740 Author: Lawrence, D. H. (David Herbert) Release Date: Aug 31, 2014 Format: eBook Language: Farsi Contributors Translator: Malekei, Siaavash...
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La plebe, parte IVLa plebe, parte IV Secondo era inteso fra il marchese di Baldissero, Don Venanzio e Maurilio, quest'ultimo, la mattina dopo il colloquio che aveva avuto luogo fra i tre ora nominati personaggi, erasi recato al palazzo del marchese per fissarvi senz'altro la sua dimora...
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La plebe, parte IIILa plebe, parte III Il marchese di Baldissero, se vi ricorda, aveva recato seco il manoscritto di Maurilio che gli agenti di polizia avevano sequestrato nella perquisizione fatta in casa il pittore Vanardi. Le poche cose che ne aveva lette fugacemente, segnate colla matita...
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La plebe, parte IILa plebe, parte II Verso la strada, fiancheggiata dai viali di olmi che cingevano da ogni parte Torino, sorgeva la casa in cui abitavano la famiglia del principale ed alcuni dei primi capi-officina, de' quali due erano a parte, secondo una certa misura, nei...
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La plebe, parte ILa plebe, parte I Era mio pensiero dapprima scrivere una lunga prefazione, nella quale, con rinforzi di citazioni e di dottrina raccattata qua e col, manifestare al lettore qual significato io creda si debba oggid attribuire al vocabolo Plebe, e quale l'obbligo, cui verso...
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Judge ElbridgeJudge ElbridgeWhen John Elbridge retired from the bench, the newspapers said that he had been an honorable judge. He was not a pioneer, but had come to Chicago at a time which we now call an early day, when churches rang their bells where...
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A Visit to the Philippine IslandsA Visit to the Philippine IslandsThe Philippine Islands are but imperfectly known. Though my visit was a short one, I enjoyed many advantages, from immediate and constant intercourse with the various authorities and the most friendly reception by the natives of every class. The...
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Die Mumie von Rotterdam. Erster TheilDie Mumie von Rotterdam. Erster TheilDie Rechtschreibung und Zeichensetzung des Originals wurde weitgehend bernommen. Lediglich offensichtliche Druckfehler wurden korrigiert; Wrter, die in voneinander abweichenden Schreibweisen auftraten, wurden an die in berwiegender Mehrheit verwendete Schreibweise angeglichen. Eine Liste vorgenommener Korrekturen befindet sich am Ende des...
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Rakas isänmaani: Kosketuksia raskaitten vuosien varreltaRakas isänmaani: Kosketuksia raskaitten vuosien varreltaVuodet vierivt kunkin yksiln kohdalla. Yksi tapa viitata siihen perusilmin, jota sanotaan elmksi, on viitata vuosiin. Vaikka ajan-ksite ja elmn-ksite syvemmlt ottaen ovatkin toisilleen vieraat, niin voi osuva kosketus kuluneisiin ja edess oleviin vuosiin hetkellisesti hiukan auttaa itse elmn...
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Sheppard Lee, Written by Himself. Vol. 2 (of 2)Sheppard Lee, Written by Himself. Vol. 2 (of 2)It will scarcely be supposed that, with the passion of covetousness gnawing at my heart, I had space or convenience for any other feeling. But Abram Skinner had loved his children; and to this passion I...
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Sheppard Lee, Written by Himself. Vol. 1 (of 2)Sheppard Lee, Written by Himself. Vol. 1 (of 2)A natural mistake, which, although it procures the Author a rough reception at his own house, has yet the good, effect to teach him the propriety of adapting his manners to his condition. A natural mistake,...
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Santa CeciliaSanta Cecilia Vorrei poter scrivere il nome del mio migliore amico sulle mie pagine migliori. Ma, poich sono appena ai cominciamenti, accetta con lieto animo che io ti dedichi queste, sebbene modestissime, che sono le prime pagine della mia prosa. Di certo, la prima...
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Miehen kylkiluu: Kolminäytöksinen huvinäytelmäMiehen kylkiluu: Kolminäytöksinen huvinäytelmäKaunis, hyvinkalustettu arkihuone. Takana laajat ikkunat ja ovi lasiverannalle, jonka ikkunoista nkyy mets ja kauppalaa. Oikealla nurkassa pianiino, enemmn etualalla sohvaryhm. Huoneen keskell, hiukan vasemmalla ruokapyt tuoleineen. Vasemmalla kaksi ovea, joiden vliss kaappi. Oikealla ovi. Vasemmassa nurkassa telefooni. JUSSI: Saa, kerran...
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Kun on tunteet: NovellejaKun on tunteet: Novelleja"On ollut kosijoita, ei sen puolesta, ettei toista miest olisi saanut. On ollut varakkaita leski, jotka olisivat minusta lapsillensa hoitajaa tahtoneet, on ollut nuorempaa miest, nuorta kuin hein. Roteva oli yksikin ja kaunis kuin maalattu kuva. Ei viinan tippaa suuhunsa ottanut,...
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Thomas OtwayThomas Otway - The Best Plays of the Old DramatistsIt is now a commonplace of criticism that the epoch of Charles II. was an epoch of decline and degradation for the British drama. The complacent self-felicitations of Dryden in his early days on the...
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The Mystery of ChoiceThe Mystery of ChoiceCORRECTIONS ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product details Ebook Number: 46581 Author: Chambers, Robert W. (Robert William) Release Date: Aug 13, 2014 Format: eBook Language: English
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