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The Book of LifeThe Book of LifeThe writer of this book has been in this world some forty-two years. That may not seem long to some, but it is long enough to have made many painful mistakes, and to have learned much from them. Looking about him,...
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Letters From Rome on the CouncilLetters From Rome on the CouncilThese Letters of the Council originated in the following way. Three friends in Rome were in the habit of communicating to one another what they heard from persons intimately acquainted with the proceedings of the Council. Belonging as they...
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Islam, Her Moral And Spiritual Value: A Rational And Pyschological StudyIslam, Her Moral And Spiritual Value: A Rational And Pyschological Study I am glad to introduce this book with an expression of the pleasure and interest with which I have read Major Leonards admirable psychological study of a subject, the importance of which it...
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The GodsThe Gods - From 'The Gods and Other Lectures' EACH nation has created a god, and the god has always resembled his creators. He hated and loved what they hated and loved, and he was invariably found on the side of those in power....
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English Secularism: A Confession of BeliefEnglish Secularism: A Confession of Belief AMONG the representative freethinkers of the world Mr. George J. Holyoake takes a most prominent position. He is a leader of leaders, he is the brain of the Secularist party in England, he is a hero and a...
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Trial of C. B. Reynolds For Blasphemy, at Morristown, N. J., May 1887: DefenceTrial of C. B. Reynolds For Blasphemy, at Morristown, N. J., May 1887: Defence MR. C. B. REYNOLDS, the accused, is an accredited missionary of freethought and speech who, under the guarantees of the Constitution, went from town to town in New Jersey, lecturing...
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Critical Examination of the Life of St. PaulCritical Examination of the Life of St. Paul Sir, In our last conversation you appeared to me, very much smitten with St. Paul and his works; you recommended me to reperuse his writings; assuring me that I should there find arguments well calculated to...
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Ancient Faiths And ModernAncient Faiths And Modern - A Dissertation upon Worships, Legends and Divinities in Central and Western Asia, Europe, and Elsewhere, Before the Christian Era. Showing Their Relations to Religious Customs as They Now Exist. Some thirty years ago, after a period of laborious study,...
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Mistakes of MosesMistakes of Moses For many years I have regarded the Pentateuch simply as a record of a barbarous people, in which are found a great number of the ceremonies of savagery, many absurd and unjust laws, and thousands of ideas inconsistent with known and...
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IndividualityIndividuality - From 'The Gods and Other Lectures' ON every hand are the enemies of individuality and mental freedom. Custom meets us at the cradle and leaves us only at the tomb. Our first questions are answered by ignorance, and our last by superstition....
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HumboldtHumboldt - From 'The Gods and Other Lectures' GREAT men seem to be a part of the infinitebrothers of the mountains and the seas. Humboldt was one of these. He was one of those serene men, in some respects like our own Franklin, whose...
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Heretics And HeresiesHeretics And Heresies - From 'The Gods and Other Lectures' WHOEVER has an opinion of his own, and honestly expresses it, will be guilty of heresy. Heresy is what the minority believe; it is the name given by the powerful to the doctrine of...
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Letters To Eugenia Or, A Preservative Against Religious PrejudicesLetters To Eugenia; Or, A Preservative Against Religious Prejudices In 1819 an anonymous translation of the Letters to Eugenia was published in London by Richard Carlile. This translation in some of its parts was sufficiently complete and correct, but in others it was at...
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The Christian Religion: An EnquiryThe Christian Religion: An Enquiry ENGLAND is now for the first time offering to the toiling portion of its people a fair modicum of the education which was in old time the exclusive privilege of the rich. In doing so it has acted with...
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The Book of God : In the Light of the Higher CriticismThe Book of God : In the Light of the Higher Criticism - With Special Reference to Dean Farrar's New Apology During the fierce controversy between the divines of the Protestant Reformation and those of the Roman Catholic Church, the latter asserted that the...
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The Letters of William James, Vol. 2The Letters of William James, Vol. 2When James returned from Europe, he was fifty-two years old. If he had been another man, he might have settled down to the intensive cultivation of the field in which he had already achieved renown and influence. He...
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Fetichism in West AfricaFetichism in West Africa - Forty Years' Observations of Native Customs and SuperstitionsOn the 2d of July, 1861, I sailed from New York City on a little brig, the Ocean Eagle, with destination to the island of Corisco, near the equator, on the West...
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Chaitanya's Life And TeachingsChaitanya's Life And Teachings - From his contemporary Begali biography the Chaitanya-charit-amritaKrishna-das Kaviraj, the author of the Chaitanya-charit-amrita, was born in the Vaidya caste, at Jhmatpur, a village of the Ktw sub-division of the Burdwan district in Bengal, (1496 A.D.) Having lost his parents...
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Morals and the Evolution of ManMorals and the Evolution of Man the sunshine of my life in happy days, my brave comrade in the storms of the world-catastrophe, with love and gratitude I dedicate this book which helped both her and me to endure the dark years when we...
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The Ladies' Guide to True Politeness and Perfect MannersThe Ladies' Guide to True Politeness and Perfect Manners - or, Miss Leslie's Behaviour BookIt is said that soon after the publication of Nicholas Nickleby, not fewer than six Yorkshire schoolmasters (or rather six principals of Yorkshire institutes) took journeys to London, with the...
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