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Gereformeerde dogmatiek. Eerste deel. Inleiding. PrincipiaGereformeerde dogmatiek. Eerste deel. Inleiding. Principia.Met een kort woord moge het standpunt dezer dogmatiek in het licht worden gesteld. Niet alleen de geloovige, ook de dogmaticus heeft beldenis te doen van de gemeenschap der heiligen. Alleen met alle de heiligen kan h begrpen, welke...
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Of Ghostes and Spirites, Walking by NightOf Ghostes and Spirites, Walking by Night - And of Straunge Noyses, Crackes, and Sundrie Forewarnings, Which Commonly Happen Before the Death of Men: Great Slaughters, and Alterations of KingdomsThe original book was printed in an Old English Black Letter type-face. The emphasized text...
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"About My Father's Business": Work Amidst the Sick, the Sad, and the Sorrowing"About My Father's Business": Work Amidst the Sick, the Sad, and the SorrowingWould it not be useful to ask ourselves the question whether we are forgetting the true meaning of "charity" in the constant endeavour to take advantage of organized benevolent institutions, about the...
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On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason, and On the Will in Nature: Two Essays (revised edition)On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason, and On the Will in Nature: Two Essays (revised edition)In venturing to lay the present translation[1] before the public, I am aware of the great difficulties of my task, and indeed can hardly hope...
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The Cities of the SunThe Cities of the Sun - Stories of Ancient America founded on historical incidents in the Book of MormonThe end justifies the means, so these stories are designed to increase interest in the Book of Mormon. Hundreds of books have been written founded on...
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KirkkopuheetKirkkopuheetTekemstnne pyynnst, jonka minulle, muistaakseni, viime lauantaina t.k. 26 p., esitti kaksi luonani kynytt virkailijaa, saan tten jtt Osastolle kirjallisen selostuksen tapahtumista tklisiss kirkoissa t.k. 6, 13 ja 20 pivin ja muutamista niden tapahtumain yhteydess olevista seikoista. * * * * * Tiedn, ettei...
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Evening IncenseEvening IncenseMay He with whom is "the residue of the Spirit," "cause His Angel to fly swiftly" and touch us in the time of our Evening Oblation; and may all that is amiss in thought and word be lost in the fragrant incense-cloud which...
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Das Abendmahl im Zusammenhang mit dem Leben Jesu und der Geschichte des UrchristentumsDas Abendmahl im Zusammenhang mit dem Leben Jesu und der Geschichte des Urchristentums - Zweites Heft. Das Messianitäts- und Leidensgeheimnis. Eine Skizze des Lebens JesuDer Versuch, ein Leben Jesu zu schreiben und dabei nicht am Anfang, sondern in der Mitte, mit dem Leidensgedanken zu...
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Mitä on jumalanpalvelus?Mitä on jumalanpalvelus?Tm kirjoitus on jatkoa v. 1898 ilmestyneeseen "Evankeliumin alku" nimiseen kirjoitukseen, mutta ei edellyt ehdottomasti tutustumista viimemainittuun. "Evankeliumin alku" sislt: 1) kriitillisen katsahduksen evankeliumissa tavattaviin kertomuksiin Jeesuksen syntymisest yliluonnollisella tavalla neitseest Mariasta, sek 2) esityksen Jeesuksen henkisest syntymisest Johanneksen saarnaa kuullessaan ja...
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St. Paul's Epistles to the Colossians and PhilemonSt. Paul's Epistles to the Colossians and Philemon - A revised text with introductions, notes and dissertationsOn the completion of another volume of my commentary, I wish again to renew my thanks for the assistance received from previous labourers in the same field. Such...
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Evankeliumin alku eli Jeesuksen syntyminen ihmisestä ja jumalastaEvankeliumin alku eli Jeesuksen syntyminen ihmisestä ja jumalastaLapsille se kysymys voi tosin olla vaan luonnollisen uteliaisuuden synnyttm, kun kaikki, mit he ymprillns nkevt, sen heiss hertt: elmn alituinen syttyminen ja sammuminen, kasvien elpyminen ja jlleen lakastuminen, idin kuolema, thdet, rettmyys. Tysikisille se muuttuu kytnnlliseksi...
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Patience Worth: A Psychic MysteryPatience Worth: A Psychic MysteryThe compiler of this book is not a spiritualist, nor a psychologist, nor a member of the Society for Psychical Research; nor has he ever had anything more than a transitory and skeptical interest in psychic phenomena of any character....
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Cours de philosophie positive. (6/6)Cours de philosophie positive. (6/6)Attendu que, dans cet Avis, M. Bachelier ne s'est pas born rcuser d'avance la solidarit des assertions de l'auteur, mais qu'il y a ajout des expressions inconvenantes envers M. Comte; que ledit avis n'a point t pralablement communiqu M. Comte,...
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Twenty Years' Experience as a Ghost HunterTwenty Years' Experience as a Ghost HunterIn presenting this volume of ghostly reminiscences to the Public I would lay stress on the fact that, in order to avoid the danger of incurring an action for slander or libel, I havesave where expressedly stated to...
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The Expositor's Bible: The Book of the Twelve Prophets, Vol. 2The Expositor's Bible: The Book of the Twelve Prophets, Vol. 2 - Commonly Called the Minor[Pg 439] ISRAEL AND THE GREEKS Apart from the author of the tenth chapter of Genesis, who defines Javan or Greece as the father of Elishah and Tarshish, of...
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Our Monthly DevotionsOur Monthly DevotionsThe Church, desirous of filling our minds with pious thoughts from the beginning to the end of the year, has encouraged, and in some cases designated, certain devotions to be practised, and sets aside a whole month in which the prevailing thought...
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Le cycle mythologique irlandais et la mythologie celtiqueLe cycle mythologique irlandais et la mythologie celtique - Cours de littérature celtique, tome IIUn des documents le plus souvent cits sur la religion celtique est un passage de Csar, De bello gallico, o le conqurant de la Gaule raconte quels sont, suivant lui,...
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De Tribus Impostoribus, A. D. 1230: The Three ImpostorsDe Tribus Impostoribus, A. D. 1230: The Three Impostors - Translated (with notes and comments) from a French manuscript of the work written in the year 1716, with a dissertation on the original treatise and a bibliography of the various editionsThis pamphlet in its...
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Chad Gadja: Das PessachbuchChad Gadja: Das PeßachbuchDer Ewige sprach zu Moses und Aaron im Lande Mizrajim: Dieser Monat sei euch der erste der Monate; an der Spitze der Monate des Jahres stehe er euch. Sprecht zu der ganzen Gemeinde Israel also: Am zehnten dieses Monates nehme jeder...
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Selected Letters of Saint Jane Frances de ChantalSelected Letters of Saint Jane Frances de ChantalThe letters here translated are, with a few mentioned exceptions, selected from "Sainte Jeanne-Franoise Frmyot de Chantal: Sa Vie et ses uvres," "First edition entirely conformable to the original manuscripts published under the supervision of the religious...
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