Public Domain
Miljoonan dollarin timanttiMiljoonan dollarin timanttiMr Daniel Vandamarke tuli golf-kerhomme Marton Hillin kentt kyttvn jseneksi aikaisin syksyll vuonna 1919. Hnet esitteli kaksi Cityn miest. Nm nkyivt tietvn hnest vhn. Eik kukaan muu jsen tiennyt sen enemp. Hnest vain huhuiltiin yht ja toista. Hn oli miljoonamies. Oli skettin...
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A Woman Ventures: A NovelA Woman Ventures: A NovelFor twenty-one years he had been an assistant secretary in the Department of State at Washingtona rather conspicuous position, with a salary of four thousand a year. Influential relatives representing Massachusetts in the House or in the Senate, and often...
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Petit bréviaire de la GourmandisePetit bréviaire de la GourmandiseDans Le crime de Sylvestre Bonnard, lun des premiers et le meilleur peut-tre de ses contes, ravivant la mmoire du sieur Antoine Carme, ce Napolon de la cuisine qui mourut tout jeune encore (1784-33), brl par la flamme du gnie...
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Black Hawk's WarpathBlack Hawk's WarpathHEY, TOM! theres a big hubbub amongst the Injuns! exclaimed Ben Gordon to his twin brother, as he rushed into an unpainted, frame shanty in the frontier hamlet of Chicago. The two schoolboys had arrived from the east only the day before,...
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The Origin, Tendencies and Principles of GovernmentThe Origin, Tendencies and Principles of Government - A review of the rise and fall of nations from early historic time to the present; with special considerations regarding the future of the United States as the representative government of the world and the form...
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El caballero encantado (cuento real... inverosímil)El caballero encantado (cuento real... inverosímil)El hroe (por fuerza) de esta fbula verdadera y mentirosa, don Carlos de Tarsis y Surez de Almondar, Marqus de Mudarra, Conde de Zorita de los Canes, era un seorito muy galn y de hacienda copiosa, criado con mimo...
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Kjeld: Katumaalarin tarinaKjeld: Katumaalarin tarinaPitk jono vaunuja oli pyshtynyt Neitsyt Maarian torille. Kirkko oli loistavasti valaistu, ja alttarikehykselle oli asetettu kukkivia kasveja. Kansa oli jo ikviin asti istunut kirkonpenkeiss, ahmien katseillaan komeita pukimia, kunnes silmi ihan hiksi. Tuo tavallinen kpenhaminalainen uteliaisuus ilmeni, nyt niinkuin aina, pisteliiss...
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Father ThamesFather ThamesEngland is not a country of great rivers. No mighty Nile winds lazily across desert and fertile plains in its three and a half thousand miles course to the sea; no rushing Brahmaputra plunges headlong down its slopes, falling two or three miles...
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ShowboatShow BoatShow Boat is neither history nor biography, but fiction. This statement is made in the hope that it will forestall such protest as may be registered by demon statisticians against certain liberties taken with characters, places, and events. In the Chicago portion of...
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In the Year 10000In the Year Ten ThousandA. D. 10,000. An old man, more than six hundred years of age, was walking with a boy through a great museum. The people who were moving around them had beautiful forms, and faces which were indescribably refined and spiritual....
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Polaris and the Goddess GlorianPolaris and the Goddess GlorianIn the antarctic wilds far below Ross Sea, Polaris Janess (Polarisof the Snows), was born, of a mother he never knew, and grew to manhood's years knowing one human face only, that of his father. When that father died, the...
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Contes ChrétiensContes ChrétiensLa Lgende dore du Bienheureux Jacques de Voragine, traduite du latin sur les plus anciens manuscrits, avec une introduction, des notes et un index alphabtique, par Teodor de Wyzewa. 1 fort vol. in-8o 5 fr. A la grande joie de ses cabaretiers, le...
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Manuel du Valet de ChambreManuel du Valet de Chambre - Contenant des indications sur la tenue, le langage, le service de table et des appartements, le soin des parquets, de l'argenterie, des cuivres, etc., la manière de recevoir et de répondre à la porte, etc., etc.CONTENANT DES INDICATIONS...
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Playing Safe in PiperockPlaying Safe in PiperockYouve got to admit that she rhymes, says Magpie Simpkins, spitting out a mouthful of dust and lifting his canteen to his lips. I done figured em all out of my own head, Ike. You better leave off taking things out...
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History of IridotomyHistory of Iridotomy - Knife-Needle vs. Scissors—Description of Author's V-Shaped MethodThe text of this e-book has mostly been preserved in its original form, including some archaic spellings. A composite illustration on page 25 showing surgical knives lined up vertically side by side has been...
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Translations of Christian literature. Series I. Greek textsPhilosophumena; or, The refutation of all heresies, Volume II6. Now such opinions as belong to those who have taken their principles from the serpent[1] and, when the time arrived, of their own accord brought their doctrines into light, we have set forth in the...
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Their ChildTheir ChildMR. ROBERT HERRICK, the author of The Gospel of Freedom, The Web of Life, and The Real World, was born in Cambridge, Mass., April 26, 1868. His father was a lawyer, practising in Boston. His people on both sides were of New England...
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Massage & Exercises CombinedMassage & Exercises Combined - A permanent physical culture course for men, women and children; health-giving, vitalizing, prophylactic, beautifying; a new system of the characteristic essentials of gymnastic and Indian Yogis concentration exercises combined with scientific massage movements; with 86 illustrations and deep breathing...
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- €6,14 EUR
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Die Brüder SchellenbergDie Brüder Schellenberg Das Tor des Krankenhauses fiel hinter Georg Weidenbach ins Schlo. Er hstelte, als er die rauhe Straenluft einatmete, und stlpte den Mantelkragen in die Hhe. Und schon schlug er, fast automatisch, jenen Weg ein, den er in tausend Trumen und Phantasien...
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