Public Domain
The Black Cat, Vol. I, No. 6, March 1896The Black Cat, Vol. I, No. 6, March 1896This popular dentifrice is always delightful and effective. Used every day, the powder twice a week, it insures better teeth, firmer gums and sweeter breath. SOZODONT is known the world over, having stood the test of...
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The Black Cat, Vol. I, No. 5, February 1896The Black Cat, Vol. I, No. 5, February 1896The Mason and Hamlin Pianos are the only pianos manufactured containing the patented Screw Stringer, by virtue of which they do not require one quarter as much tuning as any other piano made: thus reducing expense...
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Aspects of nature, in different lands and different climates (Vol. 2 of 2)Aspects of nature, in different lands and different climates (Vol. 2 of 2) - with scientific elucidationsWhen the active curiosity of man is engaged in interrogating Nature, or when his imagination dwells on the wide fields of organic creation, among the multifarious impressions which...
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Uj ZrinyiászUj ZrinyiászHogy mikp jut modern politikai rajzba Zrinyi ppen ez az, ami egy kis magyarzatra szorul. n a kzpkori szoksokat akarom szembelltani a mai modern felfogssal, mert az olvasnak gy szembetnbb, hogy a vilg mennyit vltozott, br alapjban a karakterek, bizonyos viszonyok kzt, mindig...
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The gray brotherhoodThe gray brotherhoodA gray taxi was threading the traffic of Fifth Avenue. Up through the wealthiest street in the world the driver flashed with all the aplomb of a professional bucker who knew the elastic limits of the automobile laws. Wheeling with a pucker...
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23 1/2 hours' leaveTwenty-three and a half hours’ leaveThe Headquarters Troop were preparing to leave camp and move towards the East, where at an Atlantic port they would take ship and the third step toward saving democracy. Now the Headquarters Troop are a cavalry organisation, their particular...
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The boys' book of buccaneersThe boys' book of buccaneersPirates and buccaneers. How the buccaneers originated. The first buccaneers. Settlement of Tortuga. How the buccaneers received their name. How the first prizes were taken. Originators of accident insurance. Pieces of eight and the origin of the dollar. Organization of...
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Särkynyt sävelSärkynyt sävelUllakkohuone. Seinill jljennksi, jotka esittvt Beethoovenin soittoa sek Mozartin kuolemaa, sveltjien kuvia, kitari, kantele, laakeriseppele, ryijyj, jaapanilaisia posliiniastioita. Taitteisen katon alla kiert ruukuista kaksi "elmnlankaa" perll, miss on iso ikkuna pienine monine viherine vivahtavine ruutuineen. Lasiovi perll osaksi viltill peitetty johtaa pienelle parvekkeelle....
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Das Protoplasma der Rhizopoden und der PflanzenzellenDas Protoplasma der Rhizopoden und der Pflanzenzellen - ein Beitrag zur Theorie der ZelleIn einem Aufsatze ber Muskelkrperchen und das, was man eine Zelle zu nennen habe, welcher in dem Archiv fr Anatomie, Physiologie etc. herausg. von Reichert und du Bois Reymond Jahrg. 1861...
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Pausanias' description of Greece, Volume IPausanias' description of Greece, Volume I.Of Pausanias personally we know very little, but that he lived during the Reign of the Antonines, and travelled all round Greece, and wrote his famous Tour round Greece, or Description of Greece, in 10 Books, describing what he...
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Pesti album: Krúdy Gyula feljegyzései és elbeszéléseiPesti album: Krúdy Gyula feljegyzései és elbeszéléseiBudapestrl az utazsi knyvek azt rjk, hogy gynyr ifj hajadon a vn Duna partjain s tavasszal ibolyaszaga van a vrosnak, mint a pesti korz hlgyeinek; szidben Buda adja meg a vros tnust, lehull vadgesztenyk kopognak a bstyastnyon, a...
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Lost on the Orinoco or, American boys in VenezuelaLost on the Orinoco; or, American boys in VenezuelaLost on the Orinoco is a complete tale in itself, but forms the first volume of the Pan-American Series, a line of books intended to embrace sight seeing and adventures in different portions of the three...
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The voice in the fogThe voice in the fogThe Seriphus was a ten thousand ton, straight bow ocean tanker, and her history was the common one of Clyde-built shipsa voyage here and a passage there, charters by strange oil companies, petrol for Brazil, crude petroleum that went to...
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Red stripesRed stripesFrom the moment he was made captive near the station on the Big Sandy, the Virginian began looking for an opportunity to escape. He was ferociously angry at himself for venturing outside the station against the advice of the small garrison. Recently arrived...
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The book of EvelynThe book of EvelynThe household gods that have lain four years in storage are grouped round me, showing familiar faces. Its nice of them not to have changed more, grown up as children do or got older like ones friends. They dont harmonize with...
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The Review, Vol. 1, No. 5, May 1911The Review, Vol. 1, No. 5, May 1911[Stenographic report of Dr. Gilmours address at the annual meeting of the New Jersey State Charities Aid and Prison Reform Association, April 1, 1911. Though The Review guards jealously its space, having but sixteen pages monthly, we...
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The women novelistsThe women novelistsAlthough women wrote novels before Defoe, the father of English fiction, or Richardson, the founder of the modern novel, we cannot detect any peculiarly feminine elements in their work, or profitably consider it apart from the general development of prose. In the...
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A campaign in MexicoA campaign in MexicoIn thus bringing myself before the public as an author, I offer no apology. I make no pretensions to literary merit. The following pages were written in the confusion and inconvenience of camp, with limited sources of information, and without any...
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Lord Lister No. 0372: Een Bolsjewistisch avontuurLord Lister No. 0372: Een Bolsjewistisch avontuurHet was dan ook niet verwonderlijk, dat alle reizigers, die zich naar een of andere havenstad moesten begeven, aan de kust van de Zwarte Zee gelegen, hetzij die tot Roemeni, Rusland, Bulgarije, Turkije of Klein Azi behoorde, zich...
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The mate of the VancouverThe mate of the Vancouver I am going to write, not the history of my life, which, on the whole, has been as quiet as most men's, but simply the story of about a year of it, which, I think, will be almost as...
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